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Peru: Parched and Perishing By: Ahmed Elmostehi, Sydney Eisenberg, Kyle Mani, Anna Carandang, and Amrita Suresh.

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Presentation on theme: "Peru: Parched and Perishing By: Ahmed Elmostehi, Sydney Eisenberg, Kyle Mani, Anna Carandang, and Amrita Suresh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peru: Parched and Perishing By: Ahmed Elmostehi, Sydney Eisenberg, Kyle Mani, Anna Carandang, and Amrita Suresh

2 Problem 11.2% of people in Peru are undernourished, starving and/or diseased. Photo Credit:

3 What is causing hunger in Peru? greed ineffective farming poverty GREED l V GREED l V

4 Pictures Photo Credit Photo Credit ation2?df_id=16481&16481.donation =form1 ation2?df_id=16481&16481.donation =form1 Children are starving

5 Pictures Courtesy of Erik Kain While we complain, even with food in our stomachs and a roof over our heads, people are starving. It's time to make a change.

6 What Do We Think is Stopping the Peruvians From Achieving This Goal? Lack of initiative Lack of a plan Photo Credit: Peru has already created programs and projects to target the issue of poverty and hunger, but the question is: are those enough?

7 Why is Malnutrition Problematic to Peru? Malnutrition affects people, who are the deciding factor of the economy, education and working. It also inhibits children's growth, which puts the next generation in danger. Photo Credit:

8 Effects of Poverty There are 10 million people living in Peru, 36.2% of which are under the poverty line. There are also three million people, or 12.6% of the population, that are living in extreme poverty. 18% of Peruvian children under five suffer from Chronic Undernutrition.

9 How is Hunger Hurting Peru's Development and How Does it Hurt the People of Peru? It is causing people to do desperate things for money, such as thievery, and looting People are not able to work on an empty stomach, so it is also hurting the economy It is causing people, children even, to die everyday from lack of sufficient food

10 Why Did We Choose This Issue and Not Another One? Peru has many problems such as: child labor, human rights, and technology and government issues. Many of the above problems are a result of poverty and hunger. Combating hunger will, therefore, help solve these issues too. Photo Credit:

11 How does solving the issue of hunger help solve other issues throughout Peru? If you're not hungry, you can: Work & earn money Go to school and get an education Become less vulnerable to disease Support other great causes...and live a much happier life

12 Our Solution All we need is a budget of $15 million... Our idea is the Peruvian Food System Improvement Association (PFSIA), which will: Improve farming technology to increase produce by using genetically modified crops Encourage use of water and other resources in Peru Lobby for funding increase in charities and other social service programs (JUNTOS, CRECER, etc) Pinpoint the poorest areas of Peru and arrange transportation to ship food there from donations. Provide vitamins and nutrients for the starving. Teach people how to produce food of their own (if necessary)

13 Water Maps ed=102 This is Peru's water resources. In this map, the map of water usage, Peru uses so little water that you can barely see it on this map.

14 Peru's Water As you can see Peru has a lot of water compared to other countries. Peruvians are not properly distributing it. Our solutions will not only help distribute the water, but to the right places- the poorest places of Peru.

15 Think Poverty Isn't a Problem? Watch this. Video Credit:

16 Works Cited Investor's Guide to Peru. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 June 2013.. Oracle: Think Quest. Oracle, n.d. Web. 11 June 2013. < 09jan-oracle-n-001/00576/page_469532437.html>. Peruvian Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June 2013. < average-salaries-increase-13-3-percent-in-4q11/14714/>. U.N Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 June 2013. < uu22we0f.htm>. World Poverty. Youtube. Youtube, n.d. Web. 12 June 2013. < watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EWXVICEB_zY>.

17 Please support our cause and our budget! Thank you

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