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1 PREPARING AND SERVING DIET DISHES COMPETENCE : ART, HANDICRAFT & TOURISM STUDY PROGRAM : CULINARY SKILL COMPETENCE : COOKERY STANDARD COMPETENCE : Making daily planning for dishes in order to gain the healthy life BASIC COMPETENCE : Explaining the regulation of Meal or Diet

2 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata PREPARING AND SERVING DIET DISHES A. Background B. Diet For Many Kinds of Disease C. Kinds of food for diet’ D. Evaluation

3 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata A. Background Independent zone Needs of food getting increased Choosing healthy food

4 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 4 Factors which are influenced someone healthy: 1) Behavior of health and life style (51%). 2) Heredity (19%). 3) Environment (20%). 4) Quality of health service Provided (10%)‏

5 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata  Soft Food  Needs high calorie,  Need protein 1½ times than the normal one,  Food is given in small portion but often, it is 5-6 times a day. 2) Diet for Measles

6 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata It is given for those who sufferer from rheumatism. Gout/ Rheumatism is a kind of illness which is connecting with the level of purin in their body. The level of purin in their daily life by changing meat with: Fermented soybean, egg, milk and cheese. Low purin diet: Enough calorie, protein, mineral and vitamin. Lot of drinks could help to reduce the level of purin in the body. 3) Low Purin Diet

7 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata  Objective served food could be digested well by body.  Things should be considered amount of calorie suitable with the mass of body, body height, gender, activity, metabolic deviation, and body temperature. Do not consume pure sugar and amount of carbohydrate should be adjusted. 4) Diabetis Mellitus (DM)‏ Diet

8 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisatawhis  Objective To stimulate intestines peristaltic to be normal. The meal produced for those who are suffered from obtivasi and verticular disease.  Conditions the diet needs adequate calorie, vitamins and lots of liquid. (2-2½ liter of calorie).  Kinds of foodstuff suggested rice, black sticky rice, beans, fresh vegetables and fruits which are eaten with it’s skin. 5) High Fiber Diet

9 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata The objective of the diet is to reduce the body mass. The condition of the diet is by reducing to consume the calorie about 500-1000 calories under the normal needs. Reducing to consume carbohydrate and fat. how about the protein? 6) Low Calorie Diet

10 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata The objective of this diet to give meal as much as needed in order not to make the heart works hard. Prevent accumulation of salt and water. Main requirements: low calorie, protein and medium fat Sufficient vitamins dan mineral Low salt. 7) Diet for Heart Sufferer

11 Objective Giving enough rest to the Gall stone Reduce and relief painless, Keep the normal body mass Balanceness of liquid in the body Requirements Fat which is given should be easy to absorb, Sufficient calorie, protein and carbohydrate, High vitamin which can be dissolve in fat (A, D, E, K), Enough mineral, lots of water and non-stimulating seasoning. Small portion but often. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 8) Diet for Gall Stone Sufferer

12 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Objective Healing the malfunction of liver. Condition High carbohydrate, fat and protein adjusted with the body condition, Enough mineral and vitamin. Avoid to consume any food contains gasal (Cassava, sticky rice, sweet potato and taro) and any kinds of food contains stimulate seasoning. 9) Diet For liver with low salt

13 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Tabel 18. 1 : Type of Diet Therapeutic Abnormal ConditionTreatment MalnutritionHigh energy, high protein with a balance nutrition. DehydrationLow fiber, semi liquid, lots of drink, give 2% solution of glucose and 0,3% of salt. ObeseLow energi, protein sedang with a balance nutrition Liver Malfunction Low energy for obese, less sodium, and low animal fat.

14 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata DiabetesLess sugar, low carbohydrate, enough protein and fat. Treatment with insulin. Gall illness: a) Nephritis b) Nephritic syndrome c) Kidney stones and gout a) Low protein and enough energy. b) Protein and less sodium. c) Low purin. Gut disorder: a) Indigestion, stomach ulcer b) Colitis, large intestine colon inflammation c) Constipation very a) Soft, meal, low dietary fiber, energy and protein. b) High protein, low dietary fibber, increased vitamin B group intake. c) High dietary fiber. LiverVery low fat, high carbohydrate.

15 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Picture 18.1 High Fiber Foodstuff

16 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 1) Ordinary Meal Diet Arrangement of meal based on balance menu pattern and number. Conditions of ordinary meal diet are: (1) Appropriate energy (2) 10-15% Protein from the energy needed (3) 10-25% Fat from the total energy; (4) 60-75% Carbohydrate from the total energy; (5) Sufficient mineral, vitamin and fiber; (6) various daily meals. C. Kinds of Dietary Foodstuff

17 2) Soft meal dietary Meal which has a soft texture, easy to be swollen, and dicerna rather than the daily meal. Objective Giving easy-swollen meal based on the nutrition needs and condition of the body health and illness. Conditions: (1) Sufficient Energy, protein, and other nutrition, (2) Condition of the illness and patient’s ability to ingest meal, (3) Giving meal in secukupnya portion, (4) Easy-dicerna meal, low fiber and does not contain seasoning yang tajam. Soft meal is given to a patient after he got certain surgery, patient who suffer from infection with medium heat body temperature, patient who has problem with chew and swallow, it is movement from strained meal to the daily meal.

18 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Semi solid food that is has texture softer than the soft food, so it is easy to be swollen and digested. Based on the conditions of the illness, strained meal is a removal from liquid thick meal to a soft meal. The objective giving semi solid meal as much as needed to fulfill the nutrition. The conditions: (1) This diet just only give for a short period, it is about 1-3 days. (2) Low fiber, it is given after we strain or blend it. (3) It is given in small portion and often, 6 – 8 times a day. (4) It is given for a patient who has taken certain surgery, for those who have problem to chew and swallow or a removal from liquid thick meal to a soft meal. 3). Strained meal Dietary

19 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Food which contains liquid until thick consistency. Patient who has problem with chewing, swallow, and digesting food. Based on the food consistency, liquid food divided into 3 kinds, they are: 1. Pure liquid food 2. Complete liquid food 3. Thick liquid food 4. Objective : (1) completing the body needs for liquid (2) Prevent dehydration. 4). Liquid Food Diet

20 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Conditions of Diet (1) Food is given in pure liquid meal. (2) The foodstuff consist of source carbohydrate only. (3) Do not stimulate the channel of colon and easy to be absorb. (4) Very low residue (5) Given just only for 1-2 days; (6) Small portion and often. Liquid food given to patient before and after they have surgery, queasy condition, vomit and as the first step of meal after the colon channel bleeding. It has a very low nutrition because the meals made from carbohydrate only. Another foodstuffs that can be given to the patients are: tea, fruit essence, stock, water sugar, and other liquid food. Food also can be added with high energy supplement and low residue.

21 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Picture 18.2 Liquid food

22 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 1. What things that we should consider in arranging dietary menu for special dishes? 2. What is the differenciate between ordinary meal diet with diet for certain illness? 3. Explain the steps of arranging menu for diet? D. Evaluation

23 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata THANK YOU


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