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GMAT Verbal a success recipe.

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Presentation on theme: "GMAT Verbal a success recipe."— Presentation transcript:

1 GMAT Verbal a success recipe

2 GMAT Verbal Essay writing Sentence correction Reading comprehension
Critical reasoning

3 Overview of the GMAT Cat
Analytical writing Analysis of an issue Analysis of an argument Optional break Quantitative section Problem solving Data sufficiency Verbal section Critical reasoning Sentence correction Reading comprehension 60 min 30 min 1 topic 30 min 1 topic 5 min 75 min 37 Q (27 scored, 10 unscored) 23-24 13-14 75 min 41 Q (30 Scored, 11 unscored) 14-15 14-15 12-14

4 The test examines your ability to
Read accurately determine the relationship among the various parts of the passage draw inferences from the information presented in the passages

5 Passages are about Scientific discovery Business related topics
Social issues Historical events

6 Types of Reading Questions
Main idea Purpose Inference Interpretation Detail Style and tone Function of specific information Extrapolation

7 Main Idea Which of the following best expresses the main idea
Which of the following titles most accurately describes the passage

8 Purpose Question The primary purpose of the passage is
The author’s intention The author’s prime objective in the passage is to Among the following characterizations, the passage is best viewed as

9 Tone and Style The tone of the passage suggests that the author believes which of the following The author uses sarcasm to convey that The author’s attitude towards the issue addressed in the passage is best described as

10 Extrapolation Question
What will the nest paragraph be about? In order to complete his argument, the author will likely discuss which of the following topics next? Assuming the information in the passage is true, which of the following is most likely to happen?

11 Inference Questions The author implies that
It can be inferred from the passage that In saying X, the author means that The passage suggests which of the following

12 Detail Questions The passage provides information to answer all of the following except According to the passage, X&Y agree on which of the following point? Which of the following statements is least supported by the passage?

13 Function and Specific: information Question
The author quotes X to support which of the following points? The author discusses the effect of X on Y to show that In line X, the author uses the word X to convey that

14 Reading Tips Skim Scan Read the first question Identify question type
Locate information in the passage

15 Reading Tips Read the section that addresses the question
Predict the answer Read all the possible answers Eliminate Identify the correct answer

16 More on techniques for reading
Locate information Understand the main idea\theme\subject\main point Analyze topic sentences Understand supporting ideas Deal with detail intelligently Create a logical connection between the paragraphs Figure out the tone of the passage

17 More and more on reading
Find out the purpose of the passage Learn about the author’s attitude Guess the meaning of words through the context Deal with inference questions intelligently Apply information from the passage to other situations

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