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Glenknoll. Ontiveros Do you know that the property Glenknoll is on was once part of a large ranch belonging to Bernardo Yorba? This is a picture of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Glenknoll. Ontiveros Do you know that the property Glenknoll is on was once part of a large ranch belonging to Bernardo Yorba? This is a picture of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glenknoll

2 Ontiveros Do you know that the property Glenknoll is on was once part of a large ranch belonging to Bernardo Yorba? This is a picture of the Yorba Adobe before it was destroyed.

3 New Tract Down the hill from Glenkoll on Orangethorpe Ave. is an Historical Landmark showing where Bernardo Yorba’s home was located. Bernardo later divided his ranch. He gave some of it to his children.

4 New Tract He sold some to smaller ranchers and farmers. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, these ranchers and farmers sold their property to developers. The developers replaced the orange groves and crop fields with housing tracts.

5 Soon the land was annexed into the city of Yorba Linda. Even though your school is in Yorba Linda, it is part of the Placentia/Yorba Linda Unified School District. New Schools Yorba Linda City Hall

6 Overcrowding An architect was hired to design Glenview. This school would have walls that could move so that classroom sizes and shapes could be changed.

7 The district has a policy for naming all elementary schools after the street that runs in front of them. School Named

8 Other Schools In 1968 Glenknoll opened its doors.

9 Other Schools Following the district’s policy. Glenknoll was named after the street that runs in front of it.

10 What do you want to learn about now? Click on one of the buttons to learn more. Other Schools Your Community

11 An architect is person who designs buildings. The design is called a blueprint and builders use the blueprint as a guide for constructing the building.

12 After the land grants were dissolved the land became part of the county. As cities grew, the people living on the land decided whether they wanted to become part of a city in order to take advantage of the city’s goods and services such as parks, police protection, and fire protection. Challenge Question: What other facilities can a city offer to make people want to become part of the city? Annexed means to take possession of piece of property.

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