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ГС 12-14 Т 11-15 ОП 11-14. 1)How many letters are there in the English ABC? 1.33 2.27 3.26 4.31 2)You must go to school in Great Britain... 1.from the.

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Presentation on theme: "ГС 12-14 Т 11-15 ОП 11-14. 1)How many letters are there in the English ABC? 1.33 2.27 3.26 4.31 2)You must go to school in Great Britain... 1.from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ГС 12-14 Т 11-15 ОП 11-14

2 1)How many letters are there in the English ABC? 1.33 2.27 3.26 4.31 2)You must go to school in Great Britain... 1.from the age of 5 until you are 16 2.from the age of 6 until you are 17 3.from the age of 7 until you are 18 4.from the age of 3 until you are 14 3) What is the oldest university of Great Britain? 1.Oxford 2.Cambridge 3.Exeter 4.Governor Past 1

3 4)Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square? 1.Admiral Nelson 2.General Washington 3.Former prime minister Winston Churchill 4.Abraham Lincoln 5) What title does Prince Charles, the oldest son of the British Queen, have? 1.Prince of Northern Ireland 2.Prince of England 3.Prince of Scotland 4.Prince of Wales 6)What kind of state is the United Kingdom? 1.republic 2.monarchy 3.democratic party 4.parliamentary monarchy

4 7)What is the national symbol of England? 1.The shamrock 2.The rose 3.The daffodil 4.The tulip 8)Which is the Great Britain capital? 1.New York City 2.Bonn 3.London 4.Moscow 9)What are these: The Guardian, The News of the world, The Independent? 1.TV programs 2.newspapers 3.towns 4.radios

5 10)Queen Elisabeth II has got... 1.4 children 2.3 children 3.2 children 4.1 child 11)Name the English city: 1.Odessa 2.Madrid 3.Nice 4.Manchester 12)What is the town where William Shakespeare was born? 1.Sheffield 2.Coventry 3.London 4.Stratford-on Avon

6 13)What is the nickname of London's Underground? 1.Metro 2.Subway 3.The Tube 4.Underground 14) Translate into English: Век живи - век учись. 1.Better late than never. 2.Two heads are better than one. 3.First think, than speak. 4.Live and learn. 15)Who is the architect of the famous ST. Paul's Cathedral? 1.Michelangelo 2.Sir Christopher Wren 3.Rastrelly 4.Admiral Nelson

7 Past 2 1.”The Jungle Book”a) Daniel Defoe 2.”Alice”s Adventures in Wonderland” b) Jonathan Swift 3.”Gulliver’s Travels”c) Lewis Carroll 4.”Treasure Island”d) Alan Milne 5.”Robinson Crusoe”e) Beatrix Potter 6.”Winni-the-Pooth”f) Robert Louis Stevenson 7.”Peter Pan”g) J.M. Barrie 8.“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”h) Rudyard Kipling

8 Past 3 1)What is official name of the country which we call Great Britain. 2)Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 3)Name the national emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 4)What are the main colours of the Union Flag? 5)Who lived in Sherwood Forest? 6)It is a place where the queen lives when she is in London. 7)It is a famous bridge across the Thames. 8)It is the central square of London. 9)It is a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. The English can hear it every hour. 10) Where can you see ravens in London? 11)It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British kings and queens took place there. A lot of famous people are buried there. 12) What is the favoutite hot drink in Britain? 13) Who was called “ An Iron Lady”? 14)What is the famous airport in London? 15)It is a place where the British Government sits.

9 Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World

10 Captains' contest- Questions to the first captain(HI12-14) 1. What is the nickname of the British flag? 2. What colours are London taxies? 3. What is the name of the national Scottish costume? 4. How many pence are there in one pound? 5. What is the other name for the Houses of Parliament?

11 Questions to the second captain(Т 12-14) 1. Who can you see on the top of the column in Trafalgar Square in London? 2. What colours are London double-deckers? 3. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? 4. What is the emblem of Wales? 5. What is the other name for English football?

12 Questions to the third captain (C 11-14) 1. What person in London has the address 10, Downing Street? 2. What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbors' door on Halloween. 3. Where can you see ravens in London? 4. What is the national Scottish musical instrument? 5.What is the nickname of the first guest on New Year's morning?

13 London Eye Piccadilly Circus Westminster Abbey The Globe Theatre Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament The Tower of London Tower Bridge 1. ……………………………………… The official home of the British royal family in London, containing almost 600 rooms. 2. …………………………………………… A theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. Destroyed in the 17 th century, rebuilt in 1996. 3. …………………………………………… It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. 4. ……………………………………………. It is a famous road junction, built in 1819. It is situated close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the heart of the West End. 5. ………………………………………… A fortress, built in the 11 th century. Early in its history it was a royal residence and prison, now it’s a museum. 6. …………………………………………… A bridge which crosses the River Thames, just to the east of the Tower of London. Often used as a symbol of London. 7. …………………………………………… A very large gothic church in Westminster. Almost all British kings and queens have been crowned there. 8. ……………………………………………. The building in which the members of the British parliament meet.

14 A double ducker Beefeaters The Gherkin A phone box A mailbox The British Museum Madame Tussaud’s Hyde Park 9. ………………………………………… A large park in central London, which includes a speaker’s corner, a place where ordinary people can make speeches. 10. …………………………………………. One of the most distinctive buildings in the City of London. It’s the blue colored, glass office tower. 11. ………………………………………… A museum that contains models of famous people, both living and dead, made of wax. It was started in 1802. 12. …………………………………………… A famous building which contains a large and important collection of ancient art, writings, coins, drawings. 13. ………………………………………… Guards at the Tower of London, who wear a traditional old- fashioned red uniforms and guard the crown jewels. 14. …………………………………………. A typical British bus with two levels. Some of them specialize in short sight-seeing tours for tourists. 15. ………………………………………… A small building containing a telephone for use by the public. 16. …………………………………………… An official metal box in a public place, into which people can put letters to be collected and sent by post.


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