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CHAPTER 8 THE ASIAN WORLD. SECTION 4 The Decline of Buddhism Buddhism remained popular among Indian people. People began to interpret his teachings in.

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3 The Decline of Buddhism Buddhism remained popular among Indian people. People began to interpret his teachings in different ways. Resulted in a split. Theravada (“teachings of the elders”) Following the original teachings of Buddha. It was a way of life, not religion. Believed that nirvana was a release from the “wheel of life” and could be achieved through an understanding of one’s self. Mahayana was a religion, not a philosophy. Believed Buddha was divine, not just a wise man. Nirvana was not just a release from the “wheel of life”, but a true heaven. You could achieve it through devotion to Buddha. Buddhism declined & Hinduism and Islam became more popular. Buddhism became popular in China, Korea, SE Asia, and Japan

4 The Eastward Expansion of Islam Islam becomes popular in North Western India. India is mostly Hindu, but Pakistan & Bangladesh is Islamic. Arabs reached India in the 8 th century. Expansion began again in 10 th century and founded Ghazni (Afghanistan). Rajputs (Hindu warriors) resisted but were not match. By 1200, Muslims conquered the entire plain of northern India and created a new Muslim state known as Sultanate of Delhi.

5 The Impact of Timur Lenk Late 14 th century, Sultanate of Delhi declined. Timur Lenk (Tamerlane) raided the capital of Delhi and killed 100,000 Hindu prisoners. During the 1380s, he conquered the entire region east of the Caspian Sea and then occupied Mesopotamia. Died in 1405 during a military campaign.

6 Islam and Indian Society Muslims kept a strict separation between themselves and the Hindu population. Realized that they couldn’t convert them all, so they tolerated the Hindu’s religion. They did impose many Islamic customs on Hindu society. Their relationship was marked by suspicion and dislike.

7 Economy and Daily Life Between 500-1500, most Indians lived on the land & farmed their own tiny plots. They paid a share of their harvest to the landlord, who sent part of it to the ruler. Wealthy lived in the city. Agriculture was a source of wealth. Fighting among states caused trade within India to decline. Foreign trade remained high because of India’s location.

8 The Wonder of Indian Culture Between 500-1500, architecture & literature flourished. 8 th century on- built monumental Hindu temples. Of the 80 built, 20 are still standing today. Prose literature developed in 6 th & 7 th centuries. Dandin wrote “The Ten Princes”. He created a fantastic world, combining history & fiction.


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