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DIVISION IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THE REFORMATION. HERESY IN THE RENAISSANCE John Wyclif: English Believed that papal authority was corrupt Claimed Bible.

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Presentation on theme: "DIVISION IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THE REFORMATION. HERESY IN THE RENAISSANCE John Wyclif: English Believed that papal authority was corrupt Claimed Bible."— Presentation transcript:


2 HERESY IN THE RENAISSANCE John Wyclif: English Believed that papal authority was corrupt Claimed Bible as sole authority Translated the Bible into the vernacular Creation of the Lollards John Hus: Czech Attacked worldliness of the papacy Council of Constance in 1415 burned at the stake even though he promised safety

3 CATHOLICISM IN THE RENAISSANCE Sacrosancta: a general council of the church had authority Frequens: The general council would meet regularly Popes ignored council and claimed sole leadership Julius II :Warrior Pope Nepotism: Calling family lines into the papacy “worldly” helped fuel the renaissance movement Led to distrust of the church along with Great Schism

4 MARTIN LUTHER HISTORY Lightning storm converts Luther Practice of Indulgences leads to 95 Theses Johann Tetzel “as soon as the coin in the coffer rings the soul from purgatory springs” Diet of Worms called by Charles V Quote 379

5 MARTIN LUTHER HISTORY CONT. Luther goes into hiding with the help of some nobles Translates the Bible into the vernacular which spreads thanks to Guttenberg Press Peasants war: Peasants revolt during the confusion of the Reformation but Luther says “smite, slay and stab” the peasants Needed support of the nobles

6 MARTIN LUTHER DOCTRINE Justification of Faith De-emphasis on works (sacraments/ordinances) Baptism kept Lords Supper altered Authority of the Church found through the Bible Denounces clerical celibacy Priesthood of all believers Mass with song (any preach)

7 ZWINGLIAN REFORM Swiss: Ulrich Zwingli cut up, burned, spread around State supervises the church Whitewashed the churches and made plain No images (veneration of saints) Mass replaced with scripture reading and prayer No music Lords supper simply symbolic of sacrifice

8 ANABAPTISTS DOCTRINE Adult baptism so that individuals can choose Strict democracy of leadership (voted on a minister) Resort to simple Christian life Separation of church and state Lords Supper in remembrance Did not participate in politics/army Different groups In northern Germany John Leiden makes militant millenarians Mennonites after Menno more traditional like Amish

9 KING HENRY VIII HISTORY King married to Catherine of Aragon Needs a male heir Girlfriend Ann Boleyn Sends Cardinal Wolsey to Pope Clement VII but denied annulment Charles V (nephew of Catherine) controlled the papacy as king of Spain and Holy Roman empire Solution make a church

10 ANGLICAN DOCTRINE King declares himself “defender of the faith” (Act of Supremacy) Boleyn has a baby girl (Elizabeth) Treason Act: Have to be Anglican Book of common prayer Similar to Catholicism for most part

11 CALVINISM DOCTRINE Intellectual reformer Salvation through Grace Predestination Elects Last Supper like Luther Baptism as a symbol Created Geneva The Consistory kept people in check Inspired John Knox in Scotland (Presbyterian)

12 NORTHERN HUMANISTS Desiderious Erasmus: Use Christianity as a “guiding philosophy for daily life rather than the system of dogmatic beliefs”... ? Inner-piety and de-emphasis on works Praise and Folly doc. Education of Christian doc could restore society Thomas More: Writes the Utopia and the origins of socialism

13 CATHOLICS STRIKE BACK Ignatius Loyola: Saved from a deadly battle wound devotes life to Catholic Church Creates the “Society of Jesus” Jesuit missionaries purpose 1) Study 2)Spread gospel 3)fight Protestantism Council of Trent 1542 Officially begins the Counter Reformation Council of the papacy to Accept Jesuit order Prove Catholicism Disprove Protestantism

14 POLITICS DURING THE REFORMATION France: Valois kings (Francis I) gains assistance by Pope but is sacked by Charles V Ottoman empire: under Suleiman the Magnificent takes Balkans, North Africa and Constantinople

15 CHARLES V TRIES TO UNITE Charles V: One of the Habsburg heirs. Controlled HRE, Spain, Italy and repulsed the Ottomans Constantly trying to do too much Schmalkaldic League (Lutherans) Habsburg-Valois Wars Peace of Augsburg 1555 and retires Claims that Protestants and Catholics held equal legal standing and ruler of HRE could determine the religion of the state

16 PROBLEMS IN FRANCE Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre: pic 400 Supposed to have a wedding between Navarre and Valois King Charles IX Henry of Guise tells King to take out Huguenots 3 days 3000 huguenots killed but Henry Navarre survives Henry of Guise gets Spain to help him take throne “Holy League” forms to assist a “true” Catholic

17 THREE HENRYS AND NANTES Henry III (king), Henry duke of Guise (super Catholic), and Henry of Navarre (Flip flopper) all duke it out in the Battle of Three Henries in 1588-89 Henry III assassinates Henry of Guise and gets help from Henry of Navarre to crush “Holy Catholic League” Angered Monk kills Henry III for using a protestant Henry of Navarre made new king but flips to Catholicism as a polotique Edict of Nantes: Grants freedom of religion in France 1598

18 PHILIP II REPLACES CHARLES V Philip “the most Catholic King” Tried to do too much... Like his dad “if God used the Escorial to deliver my death sentence I would be immortal” Constantly at war which crushed his economy Muslims in Mediterranean, Dutch “sea beggars”, William of Orange and Union of Utrecht form Dutch Republic, Queen Elizabeth Involvement in Americas and gain of Silver/Gold causes inflation

19 QUEEN ELIZABETH AND RELIGION After Bloody Mary dies in 1558 Elizabeth is made queen A politique, she keeps England protestant but mild and more accepting Act of Supremacy

20 ELIZABETH AND HER ENEMIES Mary Queen of Scotts (catholic cousin) tries to kill Elizabeth a few times so is beheaded Puritans: Calvinist Anglicans... Eventually leave for America Spain: Sir Francis Drake of England plundered Spanish ships. Aids the Netherlands so Philip steps in Spanish Armada crushed by England

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