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650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1 Project X Beta = 0.9, 650 MHz Cavity and Cryomodule Status Tom Peterson.

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Presentation on theme: "650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1 Project X Beta = 0.9, 650 MHz Cavity and Cryomodule Status Tom Peterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 1 Project X Beta = 0.9, 650 MHz Cavity and Cryomodule Status Tom Peterson (Fermilab) for the cavity and cryomodule design team

2 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 2 Project X Reference Design Cryomodules for CW linac

3 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 3 SectionFreqEnergy (MeV)Cav/mag/CMType HWR (  G =0.1) 162.52.1-108/8/1HWR, solenoid SSR1 (  G =0.22) 32510-4216/8/ 2SSR, solenoid SSR2 (  G =0.47) 32542-16036/20/4SSR, solenoid LB 650 (  G =0.61) 650160-46042 /14/75-cell elliptical, doublet HB 650 (  G =0.9) 650460-3000152/19/195-cell elliptical, doublet ILC 1.3 (  G =1.0) 13003000-8000224 /28 /289-cell elliptical, quad Page 3  =0.11  =0.22  =0.4  =0.61  =0.9 325 MHz 10-160 MeV  =1.0 1.3 GHz 3-8 GeV 650 MHz 0.16-3 GeV CW Pulsed 162.5 MHz 2.1-10 MeV SRF Linac Technology Map

4 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 4 Design approach CW cavities and cryomodules with as much as 25 W per cavity at 2 K and tight constraints on cavity frequency present some different problems from TESLA/ILC cryomodules –Over 200 W at 2 K per cryomodule (Project X beta=0.9) as opposed to about 12 W at 2 K per cryomodule (ILC estimate) We have (draft) requirements documents and fundamental cryomodule parameter lists Analyses, modeling, and reviews of various concepts based on existing designs Estimated heat per cryomodule 2 K –Static: 9 W –Dynamic: 200 W 5 K –Static: 15 W –Dynamic: 11 W 70 K –Static: 177 W –Dynamic: 80 W

5 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 5 Cavity requirements (from 650 MHz Superconducting Cavity Functional Requirement Specification)

6 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 6 Cavity status in the U.S. 650 MHz, beta = 0.9, cavity preliminary design –Six single-cell cavities have been fabricated at AES –Four 5-cell cavities on order from AES –Also have an order for single cells at RI –Cavity design with stiffening rings is still being optimized for minimal df/dP with tunability (present version very low df/dP but perhaps too stiff) Helium vessel conceptual design –First design using blade tuner concept –Considering also end lever tuner options –Considering also flanged joint to 2-phase pipe

7 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 7 650 MHz, beta = 0.9, cavity fabrication in the U.S. Six single cell 650 MHz Nb cavities have just been received from AES –Photo of one at left with 1.3 GHz 9-cell cavities

8 8 650 MHz β=0.9 SCRF Cavities in India 8 650 MHz (  =0.9) Single cell cavity Design for manufacturing has been completed. Design & development of fixture and tooling is in progress. Initial development of Forming tool & half cell forming is on going 650 MHz  =0.9 single cell cavity 3-D Models 650 MHz  =0.9 single cell cavity 2-D Drawing RRCAT Indore Slide from Avinash Puntambekar

9 99 1st Prototype Die- Punch Set Prototype forming dies for 650 MHz,  = 0.9 SRF cavity RRCAT Indore Beginning of forming trials in copper Half cell inner side view Half cell outer side view Die-Punch setHalf cell inner side view Slide from Avinash Puntambekar

10 10 2 nd Die-Punch set Based on the forming trails from the first Die-punch set, a second set of Die-Punch is under machining. More forming trials will be taken using 2 nd Die-punch set. These half cells will be trimmed at work-shop. This will be followed by CMM measurements. Based on the report forming on Niobium will be taken in next one month. RRCAT Indore Slide from Avinash Puntambekar

11 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 11 Helium vessel concepts Very large helium vessel and large 2-phase pipe result in overly large assembly, difficult to handle and test –Helium vessel shown with demountable 2-phase helium pipe via proven diamond seal and flange (which seals SF helium to cavity vacuum in vertical tests). Also shown with scaled-up slim blade tuner Large diameter helium vessel results in large forces on blade tuner –Developing end lever tuner conceptual designs

12 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 12 Cryomodule style and segmentation Very high heat flux (over 200 W per CM) and relatively short linac (not large quantities nor multi-km long strings) ==> –Need separated liquid management over one or a few cryomodules –Prefer small heat exchangers, distributed with cryomodules –Prefer stand-alone cryomodules, allowing warm magnets and instrumentation between cryomodules like at SNS Stand-alone CM ==> –“300 mm” pipe is unnecessary for helium flow –“300 mm” pipe or equivalent may, however, be beneficial as vapor buffer to help pressure stability –May combine “300 m” pipe function and 2-phase pipe function Not need 300 mm pipe for helium flow ==> –Empty 300 mm pipe may serve as support “backbone” or –Different support structure (posts, tension rods, space frame)

13 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 13 Summary from cryomodule requirements document 1.1 The baseline design concept includes cryomodules closed at each end, individual insulating vacuums, with warm beam pipe and magnets in between cryomodules such that individual cryomodules can be warmed up and removed while adjacent cryomodules are cold. 1.2 Provide the required insulating and beam vacuum reliably 1.3 Minimize cavity vibration and coupling of external sources to cavities 1.4 Provide good cavity alignment (<0.5 mm) 1.5 Allow removal of up to 250 W at 2 K per cryomodule (We have chosen to limit cryomodules to no more than 250 W average total power to 2 K.) 1.6 Protect the helium and vacuum spaces including the RF cavity from exceeding allowable pressures. 1.7 Intercept significant heat loads at intermediate temperatures above 2.0 K to the extent possible in full CW operation 1.8 Provide high reliability in all aspects of the cryomodule (vacuum, alignment stability, mechanics, instrumentation) including after thermal cycles 1.9 Provide excellent magnetic shielding for high Q0 1.10 Minimize cost (construction and operational)

14 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 14 Cryomodule requirements -- major components Eight (8) dressed RF cavities Eight RF power input couplers One intermediate temperature thermal shield Cryogenic valves –2.0 K liquid level control valve –Cool-down/warm-up valve –5 K thermal intercept flow control valve Pipe and cavity support structure Instrumentation -- RF, pressure, temperature, etc. Heat exchanger for 4.5 K to 2.2 K precooling of the liquid supply flow Bayonet connections for helium supply and return Nominally 5 K to 8 K thermal intercept helium circuit Nominally 40 K to 80 K thermal radiation shield and intercepts

15 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 15 Slot lengths 650 MHz cavities at 2 K Warm magnets and instrumentation 11.3 meters

16 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 16 Design considerations Updated heat load estimates Cooling arrangement for integration into cryogenic system –Selection of operational temperatures and pressures Pipe sizes for steady-state and emergency venting –Low steady-state vapor velocities –Venting within maximum allowable working pressures Pressure stability factors –Liquid volume, vapor volume, liquid-vapor surface area as buffers via evaporation or condensation for pressure change –Valve and pipe positioning to avoid oscillations Thermal intercept arrangements and optimal flow strategy Alignment and support stability Thermal contraction and fixed points with closed ends Etc.

17 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 17 Cryomodule cooling scheme

18 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 18 Cavity assembly concept (Yuriy Orlov) In this concept, 300 mm pipe serves as the 2-phase helium pipe, also providing a large vapor buffer volume.

19 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 19 Cryomodule concept -- end view

20 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 20 Cryomodule concept -- cryo connections and valves

21 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 21 Cryomodule concept -- access port side

22 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 22 Cryomodule concept -- coupler side

23 23 Cavities : Eight Cavities of 650MHz Diameter : 1.067 meters Length : 12 meters Weight : 7-8 Tons Cavities : Eight Cavities of 650MHz Diameter : 1.067 meters Length : 12 meters Weight : 7-8 Tons 3-D Model: 650MHz cryomodule Developed at RRCAT Status of 650 MHz Cryomodule and HTS-2 Development Efforts under IIFC Slide from Prashant Khare Extensive work at RRCAT on Thermal shield analyses Support structure analyses and mechanical modeling Vacuum vessel design

24 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 24 Summary We have prototype beta = 0.9, 650 MHz niobium cavities at Fermilab (single cell) and in fabrication (5 cell) –Cavity design still being optimized for stiffness, df/dP and tunability Also a significant effort and good progress for single cell production at RRCAT in Indore, India Helium vessel details depend on some remaining design decisions –Tuner style (end or blade tuner) –Verification of RF power input coupler –Integration into cryomodule, connection to 2-phase pipe Requirements imply (in our opinion) stand-alone cryomodules –Separated insulating vacuum –2 K cooling of the cavities with heat exchanger at the cryomodule –Single temperature level of thermal radiation shield, two temperature levels of thermal intercepts –Warm magnets between cryomodules

25 650 MHz, Beta = 0.9, 11 April 2012Page 25 Priorities, plans 650 MHz cavity development will continue –Nb cavity design for df/dP, tuning, vertical tests of prototypes –650 MHz input coupler design and prototyping –Tuner conceptual design work and prototyping –Helium vessel conceptual design work and prototyping 650 MHz cryomodule development is a low priority relative to 650 MHz cavities and our SRF work at other frequencies –325 MHz cryomodule for PXIE and associated development work will come first –1.3 GHz program to assemble, install and operate ILC-type cryomodules CM-2 (type 3+), CM-3 and CM-4 (both type 4) with electron beam will continue –650 MHz cryomodule will remain in a conceptual design stage for a few years –Cryomodule design will combine ideas from among the collaborating laboratories

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