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 Some Americans wanted to use violence to eliminate Indians, others supported the reservation policy, whiles others supported assimilation  Assimilation-

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2  Some Americans wanted to use violence to eliminate Indians, others supported the reservation policy, whiles others supported assimilation  Assimilation- get rid of Indian culture and teach Indians how to participate in white society

3  Indian boarding school in Pennsylvania founded in 1879 by Captain Richard Pratt  The goal was to help assimilate Native American and teach them important skills



6  Frontier- the border between settled and unsettled land  Frederick Jackson Turner argued that the growth and development of the United States is dependent on the existence of a frontier  The end of the frontier will hurt American democracy, development, success

7  Objective- to stimulate the assimilation of Native Americans  Indians would receive 160 acres of land  Could become citizens in 25 years  Land ownership was seen as critical to assimilation  Breaks apart tribal lands, divides Indians

8  1867- Indian Peace Commission creates plan to put all Plains Indians into 2 large reservations (Oklahoma and The Dakotas)  The Bureau of Indian Affairs is corrupt and not very well trained  The slaughter of the buffalo and fighting on the frontier makes it difficult to enforce the policy

9  Small group of Nez Perce Indians were being forced to reservation and some Nez Perce kill 4 white settler  Chief Joseph leads Indians on 1,321 mile escape to Canada in 75 days before they surrender

10  Tell General Howard I know his heart. What he told me before, I have it in my heart. I am tired of fighting. Our Chiefs are killed; Looking Glass is dead, Ta Hool Hool Shute is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led on the young men is dead. It is cold, and we have no blankets; the little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are — perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my Chiefs! I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the Sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.General HowardLooking Glass

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