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Jubail International School Kingdom of Saudi Arabia iEARN Projects- Global Issues: Environment Jubail International School (JIS) is located in the Eastern.

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2 Jubail International School Kingdom of Saudi Arabia iEARN Projects- Global Issues: Environment Jubail International School (JIS) is located in the Eastern Province of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. JIS joined iEARN in January 2016 and collaborated with students of different schools from USA, Moldova and Pakistan. We are proud to have Grade 7 teams, from both Boys’ and Girls’ Sections, representing JIS in iEARN forum for Global Issues: Environment Learning Circle 1. Grade 7 (girls) were collaborating on a project “Weather changes around us “. The goal of this project was to highlight the climate change around us and show how it effects on our routine and habits. Another goal was to show how to develop different ways of adapting within our surroundings, in order to maintain a healthy life style. Whereas Grade 7 (boys) were collaborating on a project “Causes of Marine Pollution and its effects on Marine life and human beings”. The goals of this project were to understand the factors which lead to Marine Pollution hence affecting sea food, to understand how far poor drainage and industrial waste adversely affect sea water and also drinking water for local population, and what effects do we observe when we have deforestation for building roads and industries. Our students and teachers both enjoyed working on these projects. Mrs. Alyaa Al-Hakeem facilitator of Girls section said, “it was an awe-inspiring experience being part of this community and seeing students endeavor to present their views and interpretation. We all cherished our collaboration together and we are genuinely enthusiastic about exhibiting our final projects”. Mr. Habib ur Rahman Asad facilitator of Boys section said, “it was really a nice experience to work in collaboration with other learning partners. This has provided a great opportunity to the students to think beyond boundaries and explore new aspects of world around them”. We the Jubail International School are thankful to Participant Schools, Dr. Barry, Mr. Mark Cullen and the iEARN for giving us this great opportunity to be part of such a great learning and exposure. We would wish to join more project in the coming year. Regards, Mrs. Mehreen Qasim- Head of Girls Section Mr. Muhammad Zakariya Babur- Head of Boys Section Mr. Ismail Alaqra- School Head

3  To highlight the climate changes around us.  To access the impact of these changes on our routine life.  To develop different ways of adapting within our surrounding

4 The following educational institutes participated in this project :  Jubail International School (Girls), Saudi Arabia.  Jubail International School (Boys), Saudi Arabia.  Motthall Bronx High School- New York- United States  University Preparatory, Seattle – United States  Mihai Eminescu High School, Floreti- Moldova

5 SUMMER CITYSUMMER JUBAIL Most of the year it is hot weather and the peak temperature touches 50 deg C. August is the peak month with humidity of 90%. Summer starts in April & ends in October. Summer season brings the sand storms also. SEATLE Seatle has a pleasant summer and peak temperature touches 32 deg C. NEW YORK NY has a pleasant summer and peak temperature touches 25 deg C. July is the hottest month in NY. FLORETI Summers are very hot and long.

6 AUTUMN CITYAUTUMN JUBAIL Does not have spring season. SEATLE Autumn in Seatle indicates the start of colder season. The leaves start falling and the sun starts setting earlier. NEW YORK Autumn in NY indicates the start of colder season. The leaves start falling and the sun starts setting earlier. FLORETI Does not have spring season.

7 WINTER CITYWINTER JUBAIL Winter in Jubail is quite cold and touches minimum of 10 deg C. The peak winter month is January. SEATLE Winter in Seatle is very cold. It often rains with occasional hails and snow. NEW YORK Winter in NY is very cold and touches minimum of -2 deg C. It snows an average of 11.5 days of snow & 25.1 inches of snow in a year. FLORETI Winter in Moldova is relatively mild and short.

8 SPRING CITYSPRING JUBAIL Does not have spring season. SEATLE Spring season in Seatle is extremely beautiful which is full of rains, trees/flowers start to bloom. NEW YORK Spring season in NY is extremely beautiful which is full of rains, trees/flowers start to bloom. FLORETI Does not have spring season.

9 CITYOUTDOOR ACTIVITIES JUBAIL Swimming in summers. Football, basket ball, Volley ball, Going to beaches, desert biking in Winters. SEATLE Boating, swimming, tennis, soccer in Summers. Basket ball, Tennis, soccer in Autumn. In winters, Snow flake lane is very popular event in greater Seatle area of Bellevue, where people come & take over the streets for about 2 weeks to celebrate the holidays & winter. Soccer, tennis, base ball, karate, going to gardens in Springs. NEW YORK Swimming, basket ball, travelling, soft ball in Summers. Football, soccer, soft ball in Autumn. Ice-skating, snow ball fights, watching movies in Winters. Volley ball, soccer, base ball, playing in gardens in Springs. FLORETI Swimming in summers. Outing to enjoy the leaves falling in Autumns. Built snow man in Winters. Soccer, football in Springs.

10 CITYPOLLUTION JUBAIL Jubail is an industrial area which is the main reason for air pollution which impacts the health of all habitants. Common health issues are Asthma, respiratory diseases, etc. SEATLE Air pollution is prominent due to increase in traffic which causes health issues such as Asthma. NEW YORK Air pollution is prominent due to increase in traffic which causes health issues such as Ashma. FLORETI Moldova has a air pollution due to availability of factories.

11 CITYCONCLUSION JUBAIL Jubail is a beautiful place to live in and many initiatives has been taken by Royal Commission (the administering authority) to control the industrial pollution, which will make better environment for living. SEATLE Seatle is a beautiful place to live and has already initiated the project “GO GREEN”. Seatle has built “The Bullitt Center” which is the greenest commercial building in the world. NEW YORK NY is a good place to live as it has pretty summers with blue skies, vast green plains and cold winters to enjoy the snow falls. FLORETI Moldova is a good place to live.

12 * Thank you

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