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MISS TEXAS Lone Star Angels. A Dream is a Wish that every little girl’s heart makes. Some dreams never become a reality for those girls that have a disability.

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Presentation on theme: "MISS TEXAS Lone Star Angels. A Dream is a Wish that every little girl’s heart makes. Some dreams never become a reality for those girls that have a disability."— Presentation transcript:

1 MISS TEXAS Lone Star Angels

2 A Dream is a Wish that every little girl’s heart makes. Some dreams never become a reality for those girls that have a disability. What girl doesn’t dream of someday wearing a beautiful gown on a stage? What girl doesn’t dream of having her hair and makeup done to present her beauty to an audience of adoring fans? What girl doesn’t dream of becoming Miss America??? The fact is…they all do. The only difference is ability vs disability.

3 I have been told many times, “My goodness, you have your hands full!” I will take full over empty any day. I believe that we are more than an organization; we are a family. My name is Darla Bergeron, the Executive Director for Miss Katy and Miss Fort Bend County. I am nothing I am no one just the Mom of an Angel~

4 And this is my daughter, Brooklyn Bergeron Miss Katy’s Lone Star Princess She is 12 years old and has a platform to share with the world, one that she lives with every single day. She has Cerebral Palsy and society has told her that she will NEVER walk the Miss Texas Stage. I think otherwise.

5 My vision is to create a moment for all of the Angels out there that share the same dream as every other girl. To let them have the opportunity to be beautiful. To place a titleholder in the position of being a role model and mentor to those girls that live with the word NO engraved in their heart. To set the precedence to the world that THEY are the stories that the Children’s Miracle Network was created by. See…they are the miracles that we support in our efforts. They too, dream of one day attending college. They too, want to feel accepted. They too, deserve the chance to be beautiful. And I can think of no better stage to turn dreams into a reality…Miss Texas.

6 Goals 1. Angels- To offer one of a kind scholarship opportunities to further their education. 2. Directors- To encourage titleholders to become a mentor to a Lone Star Angel. To seek and offer in kind donations at the local pageant level to include those that are “differently abled” the chance to wear a crown. 3. Parents-To give the opportunity to a mom and dad to see their daughter have a once in a lifetime opportunity to smile like they never have before. 4. Donors- To offer a special scholarship to the titleholder that makes the effort to seek out the CMN story that can be visualized by the girl it was created for, on stage and in person! 5. To allow abled members of the Wounded Warrior Project to escort the Angels on stage to be presented with their crown. 6. MTO- For the Miss Texas Pageant, Inc. to Bless and Be Blessed while setting a precedent to the world that the 4 points of the crown truly represent Success, Style, Scholarship and Success in a remarkable manner. 7. Titleholders- To allow the current Miss Texas and Miss Texas Outstanding Teen place a crown on the head of a young girl that may not have the opportunity otherwise by making the dream of her heart come TRUE. 8. Community- To be able to give back to those in your community that are differently abled.






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