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ILIAS open University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 1 Organization and Communication for Large Institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "ILIAS open University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 1 Organization and Communication for Large Institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 1 Organization and Communication for Large Institutions with ILIAS Presented at: L'E-Learning per la Comunicazione ed il Marketing Bologna – November 22, 2007 by Matthias Kunkel ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne

2 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 2 History of ILIAS LMS development started in 1997 at University of Cologne Open source software since 2000 – General Public Licence – International user and developer network Development of ILIAS 3 since 2003 – Re-design of entire software according to new technical and didactical requirements First SCORM 1.2 compliant open source LMS in July 2004 Over 1.000 ILIAS installations worldwide Project value estimated by Ohloh network: over $10.000.000

3 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 3 Basic Concept Learning Communication Content Management Assessment Administration Evaluation Personal Desktop

4 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 4 Main Features One environment for all e-learning activities: Personal Desktop as an individual workspace in the system Integrated search engine incl. metadata support Repository with all kinds of learning materials and services Powerful course management for blended and distance learning – Learning objectives and learning planning support Several communication channels – forum, internal mail system – chat, webfeeds Extensive test tool for online assessment

5 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 5 Main Features (2) Extensive test tool for online assessment Integrated authoring tool for learning modules and glossaries Import of standard content – SCORM-, AICC-, HTML-, XML-modules – PDF-, DOC- and other files Integrated survey tool for evaluation and data collection Flexible role-based access control for granting permissions Interface for all adminstration activities SOAP-interface for connecting ILIAS to other applications

6 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 6 Field of Application Due to its flexibility and scalability ILIAS is used in different areas for realising e-learning scenarios, like schools Académie de Bordeaux universities Universities of Cologne, Stuttgart, ETH Zurich, Bergamo public administration Federal and regional universities for public administration in Germany, public administration of Alto Adige, NATO enterprises Skyguide, Zumtobel, Bayer Healthcare, Gerling, SACMI

7 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 7 Example: Skyguide

8 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 8 Example: Skyguide Skyguide is Switzerland's air traffic service provider Since 2006 ILIAS is used for training of – Pilots – Air traffic controllers – Skyguide employees Integration of ILIAS in Microsoft Sharepoint technology Integrated use of web-based ILIAS trainings with “classic“ CBT ILIAS is the core application for all e-learning purposes today

9 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 9 Example: Zumtobel

10 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 10 Example: Zumtobel Zumtobel is an international supplier of “high-end“ lighting solutions from Austria Decision for ILIAS as platform for all departments and countries after an intense evaluation process Started 2007 after successful pilot project ILIAS is used for – training consultants for lighting solutions – in a blended learning scenario – at different locations Zumtobel is using external created content and in-house content

11 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 11 Example: Bayer Healthcare

12 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 12 Example: Bayer Healthcare Bayer Healthcare is the pharma branch of Bayer enterprise ILIAS is used for training of – sales and distribution teams – field staff ILIAS repository does not only offer learning content but also information resources and community building elements At Bayer Healthcare ILIAS helps to improve communication and knowledge exchange between the „inside“ departments and the „outside“ field staff

13 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 13 Example: Gerling

14 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 14 Example: Gerling Gerling is a big german insurance company (> 6.000 emp.) ILIAS is used since 2005 for blended learning Main task: – Improvement of professional knowledge of all employees ILIAS often used in combination with virtual classroom for distance learning scenarios – realisation of simultaneous online meetings with VC software – preparation and follow-up of online meetings with ILIAS Use of ILIAS guarantees quick up-date of knowledge without attending „classroom trainings“ at Bayer HQ

15 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 15 Advantages of ILIAS Open source software reduces costs – no licences Entire community has profit of improvements by single users High flexibility of software allows to realise the appropriate scenario - „ILIAS is always used different“ Big variety of features and options Easy customising of features and layout ( accord. to CI ) High scalability (no problems with 50.000 users or more) Active development community – easy to get in contact with Easy to integrate in IT infrastructure of a company thanks to standard interfaces

16 ILIAS open source @ University of Cologne Organization and Communication with ILIAS 16 Thank you very much for your attention! For more information:

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