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Research and Development of Thai e-Government utilization through Community Telecenters Rewat Sangsuriyong Sociology Department, Faculty of Humanities.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Development of Thai e-Government utilization through Community Telecenters Rewat Sangsuriyong Sociology Department, Faculty of Humanities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Development of Thai e-Government utilization through Community Telecenters Rewat Sangsuriyong Sociology Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Burapha University, THAILAND

2 Agenda ›Overview ›Research framework ›ICT Community Learning Centers (ICT-CLC) ›Context of Ban Hua Krok Village ›e-Government readiness ›e-Government services user’s guide ›Discussion ›Conclusion

3 Overview ›Thailand ICT Policy: o To set up a telecenter in every subdistrict by 2006 o The telecenter is ICT Community Learning Centers (ICT- CLC) o To promote people in each community to use ICT learning working access e-government services ›Ban Hua Krok o Ban Hua Krok is a village o It’s located in Nong Ree Subdistrict, Muang District, Chonburi Province o It is rural in Chonburi city

4 What is my framework? OBJECTIVES AND GOALS ›Explore the context and social structure of Ban Hua Krok community ›Explore the e-government services that people want to use ›Explore the e-services of government organizations that serve the public ›Study the process of using e-services of government organizations ›Create an experimental model using e- services of government organizations ›Develop the e-government services user’s guide for the community CONCEPTUAL

5 How did I make the research? Multi- method ological Observa tion Intervie w Survey Google Map Docum ents Analyti c

6 What is telecenter in Thailand? SizeNumber 101 1510 171 203 531 S (5+1)38 M (10+1)232 L (15+1)1,371 XL (20+1) 321 Total1,979 o Computer Desktop + Headphone o Multifunction Printer o Projector + Screen o Internet Source: ICT Community Learning Centers (ICT-CLC)

7 Where is my site study? Thailand Country Eastern Region A village in Chonburi Provinc

8 Ban Hua Krok

9 What are the environment contexts? Urbanization Rural Industrialization

10 What are the socio- economic contexts? Population Traditional New Generation Newcomers Nonregistered Society Homogeneity (traditional population) Heterogeneity (difference regions, occupations) Administration Headman Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO) Economics Agriculture (vegetable, coconut, mango, and guava) Real Estate (housing development and room for rent) Industrial (hydraulics, steel and machine)

11 ICT Readiness: Are they ready? DEMAND SIDE Have ICT Traditional devices PC devices Post-pc devices Prefer Contact By face- to-face By phone Don’t know GCC Call center e-Mail Web SUPPLY SIDE Local Admin Phone Website Use ICT for administra tion Offline services Provincial Admin Phone Website Use ICT for administr ation and some services at office Offline services Central Admin Phone Website Some departme nt Online service s by web Apps

12 e-Government services user’s guide NON-TRANSACTIONTRANSACTION

13 Discussions Paradox of e-Government ›Telecommunications services among Thai peoples will be better than before. It is due to:- Government has set conditions for the operators licensed to run 4G LTE must be charge cheaper rates 3G Providing a package price for the disabled, the disadvantaged and those with low incomes, Expand the network to cover 40% of total population within four years and 50% within eight years. ›People in the rural areas of Thailand are prefer to deal with the government by face-to-face over through ICT ›ICT-CLC cannot fulfill the government's policy for establishing the center as a channel for the e-government services. ›Thailand are not necessary to be applied for bridging the digital divide as in the past and master

14 Recommendations ›The technology. To support and promote using e- government services at the household level instead of establishing ICT-CLS. The application development should be applied for both PC and post-PC technologies such as responsive web design. ›The social. To encourage people to lean and accept the benefits of e-government services through social marketing strategies such as fee reductions. To campaign using e- government services through among the new generation in household. ›The service context. Government should transform transactional processes by reducing documents submission and expanding payment gateway in more choices including online banking, debit card, credit card, direct debit, direct credit, third-party service provider, e- payment, and e-wallet

15 Conclusion ›The context of Ban Hua Krok community is rural in the urbanized city. Its physical environment is filled with both orchard and modern buildings such as factories, housing development and modern road structure nearby highways. Although it is rural, it can’t escape from being affected by urbanization and industrialization. ›The e-government services user’s guide that is appropriate for the context and social structure of Ban Hua Krok community have two models. The first model is using the PCs technology access to information or interaction with the government organizations. The second model is using the PCs technology transactions with the government organizations and payment by self-service with bank accounts, ATM cards, credit cards and e-banking.

16 Thank You For Your Attention Any Question?

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