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Published byAgatha Marshall Modified over 8 years ago
1 The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) Introduction to the EPIKH/CHAIN/EUMEDGRID projects Riccardo Bruno ( COMETA Consortium Joint CHAIN/EUMEDGRID-Support/EPIKH School for Application Porting to Science Gateways Amman, 28.11.2011
Location, Meeting title, 2 Outline Grids and Infrastructures The EPIKH project The EUMEDGRID-Support project The CHAIN project
Today’ research 3
The Grid A GRID is a distributed computing and storage infrastructure – spanning several administrative domains - allowing sharing of resources in a coordinated manner by a set of homogeneous users organized within Virtual Organizations A GRID provides single sign on to access a large variety of resources and an added value with respect to the bare sum of its components GRIDS are the key enabler of e-Science
e-Science – e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it e-Infrastructure = Networks + Grids.. + Operations, Support, Training… + Data centres, archives, instruments… Networks interconnect resources Grids enable flexible usage of interconnected resources: Distributed computing across different administrative domains
Overview Location, Meeting title, 6 Virtual organisations e-Science 6 Applications Data Instruments e-InfrastructureNetwork Computational and Storage resources
e-Infrastructure Location, Meeting title, 7 National Research and Education Networks National Grid Initiatives International Grid Initiatives
World’ Grids Location, Meeting title, 8 The Global Grid EELA OSG TeraGrid NAREGI EUMedGrid BalticGrid SEE-Grid EUIndiaGrid EUAsiaGrid EUChinaGrid DEISA EGI EU fundend Non EU
Location, Meeting title, 9
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 10 The Triangle of Knowledge Research & Development Innovation Education & Training Building e-Infrastructures is a waste if we don’t “build”, at the same time, their users. Along with e-Infrastructures, t-Infrastructures and training programmes are also needed. e-Infrastructure t-Infrastructure
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 11 The EPIKH Project ( “Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How” (EPIKH) –EU FP7- Marie Curie Actions – People - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Consortium “numbers”: –23 partners; –18 countries; –4 continents (Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe); –115 persons involved; –>650 researcher-months; –>500 secondments; Duration: March, 1, 2009 – February, 28, 2013 (48 months) EC contribution: 1,188,000 €
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 12 The EPIKH Partners Partners in common with EUMEDGRID-Support
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 13 The EPIKH goals Strategic aims: –Reinforce the impact of e-Infrastructures in scientific research defining and delivering stimulating programme of educational events, including Grid Schools and High Performance Computing courses; –Broaden the engagement in e-Science activities and collaborations both geographically and across disciplines. Specific actions: –Spreading the knowledge about the “Grid Paradigm” to all potential users: both system administrators and application developers through an extensive training programme; –Easing the access of the trained people to the e-Infrastructures existing in the areas of action of the project; –Fostering the establishment of scientific collaborations among the countries/continents involved in the project.
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 14 EPIKH secondments’ programme 1 st Phase: Non-EU → EU (selected) Res. Programs 2 nd Phase: EU → Non-EU Grid Schools (with 1 st phase tutors) Workshops
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 15 EPIKH Quality & Certification Programme All seconded people must be officially selected against their CVs; All Non-EU→EU secondments must have a Research Program agreed between “sending” and “accepting” organisations; All secondments must have final reports both from the seconded person and the “accepting” organisation certificate –If both reports will be successfull the seconded person will be provided with an official certificate
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 16 EPIKH on the web
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 17 Grants and applications ( The call for applications is still open !
GEOMAP Views - Partners Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 18
GEOMAP Views - Events Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 19
GEOMAP Views - Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 20
EPIKH Applications Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 21
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 22 GILDA: the “de facto” standard EPIKH t-Infrastructure GILDA: Grid INFN Laboratory for Dissemination Activities GILDA is a complete Grid production quality infrastructure fully devoted to demonstrate/disseminate Grid computing GILDA is an international effort funded by multiple sources GILDA is adopted by several Grid projects worldwide It runs the latest Grid middleware version supporting many middleware such as Condor, Globus, OurGrid, UNICORE, etc. Using GILDA is free of charge
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 23 The GILDA formats and services ( Training on Grid –Tutorial for Users –Tutorial for Site Admin –Grid Schools –Tutorial for Trainers –Customized events –University courses (Degree, Ms.C, Ph.D, etc.) –Training materials: Wiki pages, Printable Documentation, Demos, Videos, etc. Grid Application development –Support to Grid application development –Deployment of the applications into the GENIUS and P-GRADE grid portals –GILDA Ticketing support system Infrastructure –GILDA CA –GILDA VOMS –Creation of pilot test-beds: EELA, EUMED, EUCHINA, EUINDIA, SAGRID, etc. –Testing and development on new available gLite services –Dedicated Software repository/Virtual services (INFN Grid) –Monitoring (GStat, SAM, GridMap, etc. ) Science Gateways Grid School
Algiers, Joint EPiKH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27.06.2010 24 Conclusions EUMEDGRID-Support scientific communities can greatly benefit from EPIKH and use GILDA to “gridify” and run applications of local interest; EPIKH can represents for young brilliant scientists and technologists a unique occasion to learn and adopt the Grid paradigm through stimulating research programmes; Thanks to EPIKH activities, EUMED Organisations can setup “clones” of GILDA locally to implement campus grids or even nation-wide e-infrastructures (good examples are already existing both in South Africa and Cuba); EPIKH/GILDA can offer free technical support for anyone willing to organize local training events on Grid computing: –It can be undergraduate courses, M.Sc. courses, Ph.D. curricula, tutorials, Grid Schools, etc.
Location, Meeting title, 25
EUMEDGRID-Support Support Action co-funded by European Commission under: Capacities specific program - Research Infrastructures - FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2009-1 Project ID 246589 Duration: 24 months Started: 1 st January 2010 Total Cost: in excess of 840,000 € EU contribution: 740,000 €
Project Partners 14 Partners + 2 Third Parties from 13 Countries
Objectives & Strategic Actions Support the consolidation and expansion of the EUMEDGRID Infrastructure with a special emphasis on sustainability. Bottom-Up approach: –Create a Two Levels network of Competence Centres –Involve new user communities –Strongly cooperate with other projects and initiatives relevant for the Mediterranean –Create critical mass to exploit the available resources and build consensus Top-Down approach: –High Level Policy Dissemination –Involve institutions and ministries to include eInfrastructures in the political agenda –Foster the creation of a Regional Organisation able to coordinate and manage the eInfrastructures in the area
EUMEDGRID countries & operating sites 38 Sites 4000 Cores 600TB Storage 38 Sites 4000 Cores 600TB Storage
Africa ROC ( Support of Users and Site Administrators Same tools of EGI Set up in collaboration with SAGrid, EUMEDGRID-Support, CHAIN, EPIKH. …
31 XGUS (
GOCDB ( Location, Meeting title, 32 EGI compliant tool to maintain ROC and related Grid Site information – Get/Register Downtimes – List/Monitor available services – Queried by Top Level BDII instead of bdii.conf file
Africa ROC Nagios ( 33 CHAIN PMB/TB Meeting – Trieste, 16.05.2011
Application portal 34
Application lifecycle 35 EPIKH Application Survey Evaluation
Application Registry Location, Meeting title, 36 20 Applications Registered
Application Registry Location, Meeting title, 37
Science Gateway Location, Meeting title, 38 You can now RUN the application User’ Workspace Applications Executed Jobs User’ Files
Science Gateway Location, Meeting title, 39 You can now RUN the application User’ Workspace Applications Executed Jobs User’ Files
For further information Federico Ruggieri (Project Director) Mario Reale (Technical Manager) Sara Garavelli (Dissemination) Riccardo Bruno (Applications) Roberto Barbera – EPIKH Visit: Contact:
Forthcoming event 12-14 December 2011 E-AGE2011 Event in Amman, Jordan, in cooperation with: EUMEDGRID-Support and EUMEDCONNECT3 Meetings co-located.
Conclusions (EUMED) Building stable e-Infrastructures is a must for advanced R&E communities. ICT infrastructures for R&E are considered now responsible for rapid development and innovation of many countries and this is estimated to have a value of a few percent GDP increase. Research & Education are interconnected and should be both supported by modern ICT infrastructures. World wide spread Virtual Research Communities have started to appreciate the opportunities of working together on large inter- regional e-Infrastructures. Science is Globalised and liberalised. The rising tide of large data volumes produced in the world deserves new efforts and strategies that should be defined for Data Access, Data Curation, Data Management and Analysis of Large Distributed Data Repositories. A Grid Infrastructure, based on high quality Network allows to attack such problems using the paradigm of resource sharing, providing also mitigation to Digital Divide and Open Access to High Quality Scientific resources. EUMEDGRID-Support is actively supporting a Grid Infrastructure for the Mediterranean, Middle-East and Gulf region. Lebanon can join and start an initiative to deploy High Speed Communication Networks and Grids for Research and Education.
Location, Meeting title, 43
CHAIN Objectives Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external eInfrastructures. Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities such as Environment & Climate Change. Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives (e.g., EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, LinkSCEEM2, PRACE, National Knowledge Network, etc.).
Status & Partners Grant Agreement signed with EC for a total contribution of 1.1 M€ Total cost: about 1.9 M€ Start Date: 1st December 2010 and 24 Months duration. Partners: –INFN (Italy - Coordinator) –CESNET (Czech Republic) –CIEMAT (Spain) –GRNET (Greece) –IHEP (+ CNIC + PKU + BUA - China) –UBUNTUNET (Africa) –CLARA (Latin America) –PSA (India) Plus: –ASREN (North Africa/Middle East/Gulf) Represented by INFN –Asia-Pacific consortium Represented by INFN
Work Packages
The Web Portal Conference at ICTP Preliminary call for interest for reference communities Important Events
Conclusions (CHAIN) It’s a long road … to build stable e-Infrastructures, even in Europe. EGI is just starting now as a stable organisation to manage the European Grid infrastructure. During the last 4-5 years several Regional Grid Infrastructures have been created using the European template. These need to become sustainable. Some rapidly developing countries have already developed eInfrastructures and are willing to interoperate with similar ones in other regions of the world. World wide spread scientific communities have started to appreciate the opportunities of working together on large inter-regional e-Infrastructures. It’s time to produce a coherent, multi-region and multi-path road-map for the sustainability and interoperations of those Regional infrastructures towards EGI and among themselves.
Location, Meeting title, 49 Thank you for your kind attention ! Any questions ?
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