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Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 Introduction & WP1 Kick-Off Meeting Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 Introduction & WP1 Kick-Off Meeting Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 Introduction & WP1 Kick-Off Meeting Rome 13 December 2010 Federico Ruggieri – Project Director

2 A new project

3 CHAIN Objectives  Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external eInfrastructures.  Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities such as Environment & Climate Change.  Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives (e.g., EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, LinkSCEEM2, PRACE, National Knowledge Network, etc.).

4 Status & Partners  Grant Agreement signed with EC for a total contribution of 1.1 M€  Total cost: about 1.9 M€  Start Date: 1st December 2010  Partners:  INFN (Italy - Coordinator)  CESNET (Czech Republic)  CIEMAT (Spain)  GRNET (Greece)  IHEP (China)  UBUNTUNET (Malawi-Africa)  CLARA (Urugay-Latin America)  PSA (India)  ASREN (Mediterranean/Middle East/Gulf) Represented by INFN  Asia-Pacific consortium Represented by INFN


6 Status of Documents Accession FormOK Bank AccountOK OK ? Consortium AgreementOK

7 FP7 Grant Agreement Core part - Containing variable data/ identical for all schemes Annex I - Description of Work (including budget table + estimated Community contribution per beneficiary) Annex II - General conditions NOT APPLICABLE – Annex III (SME, ERA-NET, Transnational Access) Annex IV - Form A – Accession of beneficiaries to grant agreement Annex V - Form B – Request for accession of a new beneficiary Annex VI - Form C – Financial statement documents: Annex VII - Form D - Terms of reference for the Certificate of Financial Statements Annex VII - Form E - Terms of reference for the Certificate on the Methodology Consortium Agreement has been requested by EC

8 GA – Article 7 7.2 Special clause n°39 - OPEN ACCESS  Beneficiaries shall deposit an electronic copy of the published version or the final manuscript accepted for publication of a scientific publication relating to foreground published before or after the final report in an institutional or subject-based repository at the moment of publication.  Beneficiaries are required to make their best efforts to ensure that this electronic copy becomes freely and electronically available to anyone through this repository: - immediately if the scientific publication is published "open access", i.e. if an electronic version is also available free of charge via the publisher, or - within 6 months of publication.

9 Eligible and non-eligible costs  Eligible costs  Actual  Incurred by the beneficiary  Incurred during the duration of the project  Determined according the usual accounting and management principles/practices  Used solely to achieve project objectives  Consistent with principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness  Recorded in the accounts (or the accounts of third parties)  Must be indicated in the estimated overall budget  Non eligible costs  Identifiable indirect taxes including VAT,…)

10 Reporting Intermediate (quarterly) reports to be submitted by coordinator within 30 days after end of period Periodic reports to be submitted by coordinator 60 days after end of period: - progress of the work - use of the resources and Financial Statement (Form C) Final reports to be submitted by coordinator 60 days after end of project: - publishable summary report, conclusions and socio-economic impact - and a plan on the use and dissemination of results After receiving the final EC payment - Report on the distribution of the EC financial contribution between beneficiaries Deliverables to be submitted as foreseen in Annex I Certificates on financial statements/on methodology

11 Payment modalities - Example Project duration 2 years, EU funding 1.100 k€ Pre-financing (average EU funding 550 k€/year, 140%) = 770 k€ (- 55 k€ -> 5% to guarantee fund) -> 715 k€ 1st Interim payment 550 k€ accepted, payment 220k€ (max 90% of the total = 990 k€ !) Final payment 110k€ (remaining + 5% contribution to guarantee fund).

12 Final Reminders  Direct costs are mainly Personnel + Travels  Time Sheets to account the personnel hours:  Staff and temporary personnel can be both accounted  Monthly and a Summary every quarter  Name, WP & Activity Description, Number of Hours worked  Cost / Hour in €  Travels should be spent applying the normal rules of the partners and avoiding to “invent” special rules for EC projects.  Indirect costs, two basic possibilities to expose them:  Calculated (analytical or by EC approved method)  Flat rate 20%  However only 7% reimbursed by EC

13 Budget Part. Part. short name PersonnelTravelSub-Cont.DirectIndirectTotalEC no.Costs CostContrib. 1INFN 195,00042,00025,000262,00047,400309,400252,000 2CIEMAT 81,73234,5000116,232126,693242,925112,000 3GRNET 126,50030,00020,000176,500125,200301,700170,000 4CESNET 42,00022,500064,50012,90077,40062,000 5UBUNTUNET 72,50019,50010,000102,00018,400120,40098,500 6CLARA 48,00019,50011,00078,50013,50092,00074,900 7IHEP 88,00022,5006,000116,50022,100138,60099,700 8PSA 50,00019,5005,00074,50013,90088,40071,900 (9) ASREN (INFN) 44,00019,500063,50012,70076,20062,000 JRU-Asia (INFN) 72,00028,5000100,50020,100120,60097,000 Total819,732258,00077,0001,154,732412,8931,567,6251,100,000

14 Effort Part. short name Person Months WP1WP2WP3WP4WP5TOTAL INFN 39.0 CIEMAT 21.0 GRNET 27.5 CESNET 0.02.0 9.01.0 14.0 UBUNTUNET 6.0 29.0 CLARA 3.0 24.0 IHEP 9.0 44.0 PSA 4.0 25.0 ASREN (INFN) 3.0 22.0 JRU-Asia (INFN) 6.0 36.0 Total13.

15 WP1 - Management

16 Technical Management  Project Director: Federico Ruggieri (INFN)  Technical Manager: Roberto Barbera (INFN)  WP1 Manager: Federico Ruggieri (INFN)  WP2 Manager: Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET)  WP3 Manager: Rafael Mayo (CIEMAT)  WP4 Manager: Ludek Matyska (CESNET)  WP5 Manager: Federico Ruggieri (INFN)  EGI Representative (observer) Technical Board (TB)

17 Project Management Board  INFN – Federico Ruggieri (Chair), Roberto Barbera  CIEMAT – Rafael Mayo, Raquel Munoz  GRNET – Ognjen Prnjat, Kostas Koumantaros  CESNET – Ludek Matyska, Ales Krenek  UBUNTUNET – Maragaret Ngwira, Tiwonge Msulira Banda  CLARA – Luis Nunez, Salma Jalife  IHEP – Gang Chen, ?  PSA – P. S. Dhekne, SINHA Neeraj  EGI representative (observer)

18 Regional Executive Board

19 REB – Proposed membership  Regional Executive Officer, Regional Coordinator Officer.  Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East: Tiwonge Banda- UbuntuNet (REO), Federico Ruggieri – INFN (RCO)  Asia & Pacific region: Marco Paganoni – INFN (REO/RCO)  China: Gang Chen – IHEP (REO), Giuseppe Andronico – INFN (RCO)  Latin America: Luis Nunez - CLARA (REO), Roberto Barbera (RCO)  India: P.S. Dhekne ? - PSA (REO), Alberto Masoni (RCO)  Other regions: Ognjen Prnjat – GRNET (REO), Federico Ruggieri - INFN (RCO)

20 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 Conclusion I wish to all of us a successful project!

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