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1. Freely movable on trunk at shoulder joint Consists of:  Shoulder,  arm,  elbow,  forearm,  wrist and hand 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Freely movable on trunk at shoulder joint Consists of:  Shoulder,  arm,  elbow,  forearm,  wrist and hand 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Freely movable on trunk at shoulder joint Consists of:  Shoulder,  arm,  elbow,  forearm,  wrist and hand 2

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4 Shoulder girdle consists of  clavicle and  the scapula 4

5 Clavicle Long slender bone across the root of the neck. Sturt holding the arm away from trunk and transmits forces from limb to axial skeleton and provides attachment to the muscles 5

6 Subcutaneous Medial 2/3 rd convex forward Lateral 1/3 rd concave forward Articulations:  Sternum and 1 st costal cartilage medially  Acromian process of scapula laterally 6

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8 Scapula Flat triangular bone Posterior thoracic wall between 2 nd and 7 th ribs Spine of scapula forming acromion articulating with scapula Superolateral angle fossa glenoid fossa articulating with humerus forming shoulder joint Coracoid process projects upward and forward, attaches muscles 8

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10 Subscapular fossa: entire anterior concave surface Supraspinaous fossa : concave surface above the spine Infraspinous fossa: concave surface below the spine 10

11 Humerus Head of humerus: 1/3 rd of sphere and articulates with glenoid cavity of scapula Surgical neck: Just below the sphere is Anatomical Neck: point of fusion of head with the shaft. Medial and later epicondyles for attachment of muscles Rounded capitulum(lateral) for head of radius and pulley shaped trochlear for ulna 11

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14 Axilla Axilla or armpit, is pyramid shaped space formed by the axillary folds, Anterior by lower border of pectoralis major and behind by tendon of latissimus dorsi and teres major muscle 14

15 Contents of axilla Axillary artery (direct continuation of subclavian) & arteries Axillary vein & tributries Brachial plexus:  Radial nerve(C5,6,7,8,T1)  Median nerve(C5,6,7,8,T1)  Ulnar nerve(C8,T1) 15

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17 Shoulder joint Synovial ball and socket joint between rounded head of humeres and glenoid cavity of scapula 17

18 Rotator cuff Stabilize the shoulder joint:  Supraspinatus,  Infraspinatus  Teres minor  Subscapularis  Stabilizes and supports the shoulder joint 18

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20 Arm Sheath of deep fascia divides  Anterior compartment  Biceps brachii (major muscle)  Brachial artery  Musculocutaneous nerve  Flexes the elbow joint  Posterior compartment  Triceps muscle  Branches of brachial artery  Radial nerve  Extends the elbow joint 20

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22 Cubital fossa Triangular depression in front of the elbow Brachioradialis muscle, laterally Pronator teres, medially Skin,fascia, superiorly and Imaginary line between the 2 condyles of humeres Contains:  Median nerve,  Bifurcation of brachial artery into ulnar and radial arteries  Radial nerve 22

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24 Radius lateral bone of forearm Articulations, Proxiamally, with humeres and ulna Distally, with scaphoid, lunate and ulna 24

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26 Ulna Ulna is the medial bone of the forearm Articulations: * trochlea of the humerus, at the right side elbow as a hinge joint with semilunar trochlear notch of the ulna. * the radius, near the elbow as a pivot joint, this allows the radius to cross over the ulna in pronation. * the distal radius, where it fits into the ulna notch. * the radius along its length via the interosseous membrane that forms a syndesmoses joint. 26

27 Wrist Eight carpal bones, made of 2 rows of 4 bones Proximal row(lateral to medial):  Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform Distal row:  Trapezium,trapezoid, capitate and hamate 27

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29 Wrist joint Distal end of radius and articular disc above and scaphoid, lunate and triquetral bones below. Synovial ellipsoidal joint Intercarpal joints Synovial plane joints 29

30 Palm is made of metacarpals, and phalanges 30

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