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1 Introduction to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Ivan Herman Zheijiang University, Hangzhou, China September 2, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Ivan Herman Zheijiang University, Hangzhou, China September 2, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Ivan Herman Zheijiang University, Hangzhou, China September 2, 2009

2 2 A bit of history… The Web was created in 1990 Technically, it was a combination of some concepts: a network protocol (HTTP) universal naming on the Internet (URI) a markup language for documents with hyperlinking (HTML) Around 1993 it caught up like bushfire…

3 3 Why? Technically, it was the right set of choices The technology was free for everyone does anyone knows what gopher is? There were vendor neutral standards for each of the technology pieces developers could rely on independent specifications, without any vendor lock-in

4 4 Standards are important… See what happens because there is no electricity standard around the World: Mainland China Hong Kong

5 5 Free and open standards are important… The standard text itself should be freely available an ISO document may cost many hundred of dollars! The technology in the standard should be royalty free implementers can work without a fear of being sued…

6 6 So: development of the Web needs free and open standards And this is exactly what W3C is all about! Goal: be the place where international, free and open standards for the World Wide Web are developed

7 7 W3C is a membership organization But: “to develop” is not like work in a research institute… W3C is a membership organization it has members (356) from all over the globe companies, universities, public institutions, … standards are developed in cooperation with them W3C itself has only a small staff (cca. 60)

8 8 Membership from all over the World…

9 9

10 10 W3C is international Three “hosts” (in the US, France, and Japan) 17 “offices” (including in China)

11 11 W3C staff plus offices is also international…

12 12 So what are the technologies at W3C? In the old days, it was simple HTTP+HTML+URI = Web But the Web has evolved a lot graphics, XML documents, multimedia, voice, Web2.0, Semantic Web, Mobile Web, security,… W3C technologies cover many of these areas

13 13 W3C Technology stack One Web URI/IRI, HTTP Web Architectural Principles XML Infoset, RDF(S) Graph XML, Namespaces, Schemas, XQuery/XPath, XLink, DOM, XML Base, XPointer, RDF/XML, SPARQL Web Applications HTML CSS Web ServicesSemantic WebUbiquitous Web Social Web SVG XHTML Web Apps XForms XMLHTTPRequest MathML CDF MWI SSMLPLS SMIL Video VoiceXML Geolocation EMMAInkML SOAP MTOM WSDL WS-CDL WS-A OWL SKOS GRDDL RDFa POWDER RIF eGovt MW4D P3P APPEL XML Sig XML Enc Life Sciences XKMS SRGS Web Accessibility / Internationalization / Device Independence / Mobile Access Internet

14 14 W3C internal structure

15 15 Some areas of interest for today… I will say a few words about “Interaction”: HTML, graphics, video.… Internationalization Mobile Web Semantics Web There are of course more, but we have no time…

16 16 Interaction: HTML5 (X)HTML has not be updated for a long time Features are needed to handle new interaction methods: inclusion of video and audio harmonization with graphics (SVG, Canvas) and maths elements for dialogues, navigation,... additional features for forms better specifications of corresponding Javascript API-s

17 17 HTML5 There are still too many differences among browsers when it comes to rendering A very precise and detailed processing description is added to HTML5 to reduce these Caveat: it will still take 1-2 years before this is final…

18 18 A future HTML5 page

19 19 Video on the Web The Web became a global collaborative communications medium through shared video In April 2008: 84.4 million videos! These videos can be on just about anything…

20 20 … politics …

21 21 … music …

22 22 … miscellaneous things …

23 23 … or even full movies

24 24 Video in HTML Video in HTML4 is complex essentially, using, which is complicated Using the new element in HTML5 should be as simple as using ! caveat: the encoding format may not always be royalty free that is, alas!, outside of control of W3C… But there are some additional technical issues to handle media addressing media annotation

25 25 Video and audio addressing Standard ways should be provided to identify temporal fragment spatial fragment

26 26 Linking and annotating media content There are many ways to annotate the content of, say, an image A standard way should be defined…

27 27 Internationalization Web technologies tend to be biased towards “Western” habits But the Web is International! That means: it should work with all kinds of character sets (Arabic, Chinese, Mongolian, Thai, Japanese, Russian, …) one should be able to create document following local customs: bulleted lists emphasis style writing directions …

28 28 Internationalization at W3C W3C has a separate “activity” on internationalization (I18N) checks and influences all other specifications for possible problems provides tutorials, small articles on how to design Web sites properly for this

29 29 Use Unicode!

30 30 Unicode takes care of a lot of things… bahrain مصر kuwait Is automatically generated by:

31 31 But not everything is done by Unicode Need better control for: vertical writing and directions bidirectional situations non-Latin list styling ruby Some of these are already part of HTML4 and CSS2 Some of these are being worked on for HTML5 and CSS3

32 32 Vertical texts

33 33 Vertical texts

34 34 Bullet styles

35 35 Ruby (markup and styling)

36 36 International typography: first letter

37 37 International typography: mathematics

38 38 International typography

39 39 Mobile Web Everybody talks about it But… everybody knows it can be frustrating

40 40 Mobile Web: the ugly

41 41 Mobile Web: the acceptable

42 42 Mobile Web Initiative It requires some “education” to construct proper web sites for mobile devices the content should be the same and the rendering should be well separated MWI develops: education materials, test cases, “MobileOK” trustmarks, guides, …

43 43 MWI Best Practices

44 44 MobileOK Checker

45 45 MobileOK Checker

46 46 The social context: mobile for developing society Track the social impact of mobile web in the developing world Ensure that standards are o.k.

47 47 Mobile Web: there is also specification work Standard ways to describe devices vocabulary, like display sizes, colour, input devices an API to construct device description vocabularies Geolocation API (work not yet started)

48 48 Semantic Web, a.k.a. Web of Data The Web is not only a collection of pages… … it also contains references to lots and lots of data XML, put into various databases, embedded in HTML pages, annotation on images, … Mashup sites already use that data… but it is a tedious, repetitive work for each data source

49 49 A typical mashup site

50 50 There is a need to… Have standard approach to get to the data programatically Find relationships among the data etc.

51 51 Semantic Web The work on Semantic Web aims at providing a technology infrastructure to do all that

52 52 Using the SW to build Web site: BBC

53 53 Using the SW to build Web site: BBC

54 54 Here is what your colleagues do! Integration of a large number of TCM databases around 80 databases, around 200,000 records each Form based query interface for end users Courtesy of Huajun Chen, Zhejiang University, (SWEO Case Study)(SWEO Case Study)

55 55 Summary W3C is the place where open standard technologies are developed for the Web Work on standards involves lots of challenging issues related to the future evolution of the Web Anybody can participate on a certain level, but commenting, implementing… so join the club!

56 56 Thank you for your attention! These slides are also available on the Web:

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