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NUCLEAR TRANSPARENCY WATCH Prevent and anticipate through transparency and participation Nuclear energy related planning – obstacles and challenges in.

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Presentation on theme: "NUCLEAR TRANSPARENCY WATCH Prevent and anticipate through transparency and participation Nuclear energy related planning – obstacles and challenges in."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUCLEAR TRANSPARENCY WATCH Prevent and anticipate through transparency and participation Nuclear energy related planning – obstacles and challenges in Aarhus implementation

2 LEVELS OF PLANNING GENERAL PLANS (climate, environment, economy, financial, spacial planning, security, social) ENERGY STRATEGIES and NUCLEAR ENERGY STRATEGIES CONSTRUCTION RELATED PROJECTS 2 / 9

3 ENERGY STRATEGIES and NUCLEAR ENERGY STRATEGIES I SEAs procedural problems  no SEA - art. 7 AC  too short times for public to participate - art. 7 and art. 6(3) AC  no hearings or other participative formats 3 / 9

4 ENERGY STRATEGIES and NUCLEAR ENERGY STRATEGIES II SEAs content quality  lack of sufficient and sufficiently realistic and detailed alternatives - art. 6(6)(e) AC no scenarios leading to 100% renewable energy 2050 no assessment full chain environmental impacts  lack of sufficiently detailed overview of consequences of nuclear energy - art. 6(6)(b) AC technologies siting options nuclear risks and emergency situations radioactive waste (and spent fuel) management 4 / 9

5 CONSTRUCTION I EIAs procedural problems  standing - art. 3(9) AC  time frames public participation - art. 6(3) AC  early public participation - art. 6(4) AC  hearings – format - art. 6(5) and 6(7) AC  taking public participation into due account - art. 6(8) AC  frivolous EIA procedures 5 / 9

6 CONSTRUCTION II EIAs content  highly technical non-technical summaries (cut-and- paste) - art. 6(6)(d) AC  no alternatives to the project including zero option - art. 6(6)(e) AC  no assessment of severe accidents with substantial emission of radioactive substances - art. 6(6)(b) AC 6 / 9

7 CONSTRUCTION III EIAs salami tactics  fuel chain emissions – no data on mining, fuel production - art. 6(4) and art. 6(6)(b) AC  waste management, spent fuel management - art. 6(4) and art. 6(6)(b) AC  supporting technology (grids, transformer stations, infrastructure) - art. 6(4) and art. 6(6)(b) AC 7 / 9

8 ACCESS TO JUSTICE  no standing - art. 9(2) AC  no direct applicability Aarhus Convention  no injunctive relief - art. 9(4) AC  long procedures  high costs  no implementation of court rulings 8 / 9

9 NUCLEAR TRANSPARENCY WATCH Prevent and anticipate through transparency and participation

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