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Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. What is Digital Storytelling? There are many different definitions of “digital storytelling,” but in general,

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. What is Digital Storytelling? There are many different definitions of “digital storytelling,” but in general,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

2 What is Digital Storytelling? There are many different definitions of “digital storytelling,” but in general, all embody the concept of combining the longstanding art of telling stories with any of a variety of available multimedia tools, including graphics, audio, video, animation, and Web publishing.

3 Slates “Students today can’t prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on their slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will not be able to write.” ~Teachers Conference, 1703

4 Paper “Students today depend upon paper too much. They don't know how to write on slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?” ~ Principal's Association, 1815

5 Fountain Pens “Students today depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of learning how to cope in the real business world which is not so extravagant.” ~ PTA Gazette, 1914

6 Ink “Students today depend upon store bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or ciphers until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education.” ~ The Rural American Teacher, 1929

7 Ballpoint Pens “Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American virtues of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries.” ~ Federal Teacher, 1950

8 Technology “Education is the only business still debating the usefulness of technology. Schools remain unchanged for the most part despite numerous reforms and increased investments in computers and networks. The way we organize schools and provide instruction is essentially the same as it was when our Founding Fathers went to school. Put another way, we still educate our students based on an agricultural timetable, in an industrial setting, yet tell students they live in a digital age.” ~ U. S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, 2002

9 Consider These Quotes “We need to prepare our children for a future that we can’t even describe.” David Warlick Technology Consultant & Author

10 Consider These Quotes “Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.” Herbert Gerjuoy Psychologist

11 “Whatever made you successful in the past, will not in the future.” Lew Platt Former CEO, HP Consider These Quotes

12 “We need to prepare students for their future, not our past.” Consider These Quotes

13 “We need to prepare students for their future, not their present.” Consider These Quotes

14 Digital Students  Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation  Don Tapscott, 1997  This is the first generation to be bathed in bits since birth.  Because of their access to the digital media, today’s students learn, work, think, shop, and create differently than their parents.

15 DSL (Digital as a Second Language) Digital Native LearnersDigital Immigrant Teachers Prefer receiving information quickly from multiple multimedia sources. Prefer slow and controlled release of information from limited sources. Prefer parallel processing and multitasking. Prefer singular processing and single or limited tasking. Prefer processing pictures, sounds, and video before text. Prefer to provide text before pictures, sounds, and video. Prefer random access to hyperlinked multimedia information. Prefer to provide information linearly, logically, and sequentially.

16 DSL (Digital as a Second Language) Digital Native LearnersDigital Immigrant Teachers Prefer to interact/network simultaneously with many others. Prefer students to work independently rather than network and interact. Prefer to learn “just-in-time.” Prefer to teach “just-in-case” (it’s on the exam). Prefer instant gratification and instant rewards. Prefer deferred gratification and deferred rewards. Prefer learning that is relevant, instantly useful, and fun. Prefer to teach to the curriculum guide and standardized tests.

17 Digital Students By providing digital students with opportunities to learn in ways that satisfy their needs, they will be more engaged in the learning process and in realizing their potential.

18 “Same story, same tool” “Same story, different tool” “Different story, different tool” Bernajean Porter Technology Planner & Author Consider These Quotes

19 What is Digital Storytelling? Digital stories are short video projects that bring together multimedia, including still images, voice, video, music, sound, text, animation, artifacts, and other materials.

20 What is Digital Storytelling? Digital Storytelling uses digital media to create media-rich stories to tell, to share, and to preserve. Digital stories derive their power through weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, and insights. Digital Storytelling Association

21 Good Digital Stories:  Are Personal  Begin with a Story/Script  Are Concise  Use Readily-available Source Elements  Include Universal Story Elements  Involve Collaboration

22 Seven Elements of Effective and Interesting Digital Stories  Point (of View)  Dramatic Question  Emotional Content  Gift of Voice  Power of the Soundtrack  Economy  Pacing

23 Basic Steps  Write a short story or script  Plan the project  Collect (gather/create/edit) images/video  Import images/video  Align images/video with script  Add music and/or voice over

24 Digital Storytelling Skills Used in Creating Digital Stories:  Writing  Speaking and Visual  Technical  Personal Development

25 Types of Digital Stories  Personal Narrative  Work of Fiction  Academic Story  Documentary  Public Service Announcement  Interview  Alternative Ending to a Well-known Story

26 Examples of Digital Storytelling  Multimedia Poetry/Stories  Digital Booktalks/Book Trailers  Digital Storytelling  Personal Narratives  Digital Documentaries  Public Service Announcements

27 Examples of Digital Storytelling  Multimedia Poetry/Stories  Interpret a poem by using graphics and music  Create a presentation of student original work that includes some combination of music, student artwork, graphical interpretation, and/or student voice

28 Examples of Digital Storytelling  Digital Book Trailers  Digital Booktalks

29 Digital Storytelling Resources  Personal Narratives  Aunt Angie Proud To Be An American Don't Laugh At Me Annoying Sister

30 Digital Storytelling Resources  Digital Documentaries  Public Service Announcements  Brown vs Board of Education PS76 - PSAs

31 Digital Storytelling Resources  DigiTales  Evaluating Projects Resources

32 Digital Storytelling Resources  Digital Directors Guild  Windows Moviemaker Tutorial

33 Digital Storytelling Resources  Scott Firenza’s Digital Storytelling Resource Page  Windows Movie Maker 2 Windows Photo Story 3

34 Digital Storytelling Resources  UH - Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling Resource Page  Getting Started Evaluation Resources

35 Digital Storytelling Resources  Microsoft Education  Using Digital Media Photo Story 3 Windows Movie Maker

36 Digital Storytelling Resources  Apple iLife  Language Arts Gallery iPhoto iMovie

37 Digital Storytelling Resources  Adobe Digital Kids Club  Classroom Tips Technical Tips Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

38 Why Digital Storytelling?  Authentic learning experience that represents value-added technology use  Develops many different types of intellectual skills in students  Helps students develop a competitive voice  Gives students a creative palette to compose in a language familiar to them David Jakes, 2005 Instructional Technology Coordinator

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