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Adaptability of Organisms. Traits o What is a trait? o A distinguishing quality or characteristic o Types of traits o Acquired o inherited.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptability of Organisms. Traits o What is a trait? o A distinguishing quality or characteristic o Types of traits o Acquired o inherited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptability of Organisms

2 Traits o What is a trait? o A distinguishing quality or characteristic o Types of traits o Acquired o inherited

3 Acquired Traits o Acquired Trait o A trait that the organisms has given to itself due to environmental influences o It cannot be passed on to further generations o Examples: Muscles, athleticism, jumping height, knowledge

4 Inherited Traits o Inherited Trait o A trait that is passed on from the parents to the offspring o Why? o It provides an advantage to the offspring o Examples: hair color, live birth or eggs, how many legs it has, size, whether it has lungs or gills

5 Changes due to environmental factors and competition o Mimicry o Disguise to trick other organisms o Sometimes the organism will mimic toxic or poisonous organisms o Examples: Monarch butterflies, caterpillars



8 Changes due to environmental factors and competition o Coloring (Aposematic coloration) o Bright colors scare off predators o When predators see their prey is brightly colored they believe it is toxic or poisonous o Examples: frogs and snakes



11 Changes due to environmental factors and competition o Camouflage (Crypsis) o Blending into the background o This allows prey to hide from its predators o Examples: rats, insects, fish and geckos



14 Stability o Organisms are often fond of stable environments. o When changes occur many species may either go extinct or have to relocate.

15 Factors effecting Change o Abiotic factors (non- living influences) o Climate Change o Natural disasters o Biotic factors (living influences) o Predation o Competition o Human Influence o CO 2 creation o Burning of fossil fuels o Aerosol cans

16 Effects of Change o Humans rely on the environment for: o Food o medicine o Water purification o Energy o Not only are we effecting climate and changing organisms habitats, we are creating problems for ourselves

17 Stability vs. Change o By having abiotic/biotic factors change an environment you will get disruption and that may decrease the amount of livable space. o Climate change changes the environment o Too much competition for food or living space may create problems

18 Specialization o Overtime there can be a shift in characteristics that will allow organisms to have a higher survival rate when coexisting (character displacement)

19 Specialization o Beak lengths can start to differ over generations for the bird to be able to better survive if there is competition o Different beak lengths allow birds to specialize in utilizing different resources (resource partitioning ) o fruit o seeds o nectar

20 Structures that help with Survival o Beaver’s teeth and tail o Cut through wood o maintain balance o Larger Bird’s claws o Used to help catch fish o Osprey, Eagles o Smaller Bird’s beaks o Allows them to crack open different types of seeds, get nectar from flowers, or eat fruits o Finches, Honey Creepers

21 Beak Specialization


23 Game Time!! o Group 1 o Cheyenne o Lani o Kurtis o Brad o Group 2 o Kalie o Brian o Jennifer o Paul o Group 3 o Claire o Kirk o Deborah o Cali o Group 4 o Ryan o Kayelinda o Rick o Adam

24 Specialist o Specialist o Can only perform a certain task or eat a certain thing o What tools are specialized? o Straw o Fork

25 Generalist o Generalist o Can perform multiple tasks or eat multiple things o What tools are generalized? o Spoon o Slotted spoon

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