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Antisemitism Antisemitic political cartoon entitled "Rothschild" by the French caricaturist, C. Leandre, 1898. Medieval woodcut showing Jews being burned.

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Presentation on theme: "Antisemitism Antisemitic political cartoon entitled "Rothschild" by the French caricaturist, C. Leandre, 1898. Medieval woodcut showing Jews being burned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antisemitism Antisemitic political cartoon entitled "Rothschild" by the French caricaturist, C. Leandre, 1898. Medieval woodcut showing Jews being burned alive, suspected of spreading the Plague

2 An anti-Jewish sign posted on a street in Germany reads, "Jews are not wanted here." Cover of the anti-Semitic German children's book, "Der Giftpilz" [The Poisonous Mushroom], published by Der Stuermer-Verlag, 1938

3 Problems in Germany Debt Hyperinflation

4 Problems in Germany: Hyperinflation FoodHousingClothing 1914 (prewar) 105.56 Jan. 192086870 Jan. 1921139970 Jan. 192225711128 July 192270014518 Jan. 192313,09830011,725 July 1923391,4582400260,750 Nov. 1923 9,354,000,000,00038,000,000,0005,016,000,000,000 Weekly cost of living in German marks for a low-income family of four

5 German Response- “Stab in the Back”

6 Nazi Germany: Hitler Hitler appointed Chancellor Reichstag fire Enabling Act Fűhrer Hitler practicing his speeches and viewing his poses to see what is most effective

7 Nazi Germany Nazi propaganda poster with a picture of a Jewish star and a German caption that reads, "Whoever wears this symbol is an enemy of our Volk." Picture postcard showing a member of the SA waving a large Nazi flag while standing on a mountain ridge overlooking a valley. Social Darwinism Eugenics

8 Nazi Germany: Nuremberg Laws The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor The Reich Citizenship Law Caption: Eugenics poster entitled "The Nuremberg Law for the Protection of Blood and German Honor." The illustration is a stylized map of the borders of central Germany on which is imposed a schematic of the forbidden degrees of marriage between Aryans and non- Aryans and the text of the Law for the Protection of German Blood. The German text reads, “Maintaining the purity of blood insures the survival of the German people”

9 Eugenics poster entitled "The racial composition of Jews." The German text reads: "The Jews are a mixture of alien Near Eastern, oriental, Hamite and Negroid races." Eugenics poster entitled "The German Face." The three categories of Aryan facial types are: 1.Nordic racial core; 2. Falian-Nordic racial core; 3. Western influence The propaganda poster on the left was supposed to illustrate the Jewish race as being “made up” of other inferior races – encouraging the “us vs. them” mentality.

10 Kristillnacht Nov.9-10, 1938 Night of Broken Glass Germans pass by the broken shop window of a Jewish-owned business that was destroyed during Kristallnacht.

11 Isolation of the Jews Anschluss Annexation of Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia Invasion of Poland Ghettos

12 Identification card for a Belgium-Jewish teenager with the word Jew stamped in red in two languages. Members of a Jewish ice hockey team wearing stars of David on their shirts pose in the snow. Portrait of a Belgian Jewish family wearing the yellow Star of David.

13 The Ghettos Pedestrians in the Warsaw ghetto walk past corpses lying on the pavement on Rynkowa Street, near the ghetto wall.

14 View of Lodz ghetto residents crossing a pedestrian bridge over Zgierska street. A man stops to help two destitute children on the street in the Warsaw ghetto.

15 Einsatzgruppen

16 The Final Solution Reinhard Heydrich

17 The Final Solution

18 Deportation Selection Work Gas Chamber

19 Jews from Subcarpathian Rus undergo a selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. View of a cremation oven in the Dachau concentration camp.

20 Jewish Resistance Partisans Warsaw Ghetto uprising Sonderkommando

21 US/World Response Visas- Breckenridge Long Memorandum- –We can delay and effectively stop for a temporary period of indefinite length the number of immigrants into the United States. We could do this by simply advising our consuls, to put every obstacle in the way and to require additional evidence and to resort to various administrative devices which would postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of the visas. Delay reports of atrocities War Refugee Board- 1944 –Lake Oswego, NY Bombing War Crimes Trials

22 Death Marches A view of a death march from Dachau.

23 Liberation

24 An American colonel poses next to a wagon loaded with the bodies of former prisoners at the newly liberated Ebensee concentration camp. Polish prisoners in Dachau toast their liberation from the camp. Russian, Polish and Jewish prisoners in Dachau celebrate their liberation by American forces.

25 Liberation Prisoners at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany in April 1945, just after the camp was liberated by the army of General George S. Patton. While on a tour of the newly liberated concentration camp, General Dwight Eisenhower and other high-ranking U.S. Army officers view the bodies of prisoners who were killed during the evacuation of Ohrdruf. Ohrdruf, Germany April 12, 1945.


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