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Comparing Governments Sam FrantzSam Frantz. Type of Government/Constitution ● Germany- Chancellor US;president ● Germany – Angela Merkel Us- Barack Obama.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Governments Sam FrantzSam Frantz. Type of Government/Constitution ● Germany- Chancellor US;president ● Germany – Angela Merkel Us- Barack Obama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Governments Sam FrantzSam Frantz

2 Type of Government/Constitution ● Germany- Chancellor US;president ● Germany – Angela Merkel Us- Barack Obama ● Angela and Barack were both elected to be the leaders of their countries. ● Angela is chancellor for her eighth year in 2013, Barack is starting his fifth year of presidency. ● In both Germany and the United States the presidency term is four years.

3 Type of government/constitution ● In order to be Chancellor of Germany you must be a German. A German is someone who possesses citizenship or has been admitted to the territory as of December 31, 1937. Cannot hold another office for that term. You must be atleast 18 years of age. ● In order to be the president of the united states you must be a natural born citizen of the US. You have been a permanent resident of the united states for 14 years. No candidate can serve one or more precious terms. They can not have been impeached by the senate, or be in a rebellion against the US. Also they must be at least 35 years of age.

4 Type of Government/constitution ● Germany- bundestage US- Congress ● Germany- Bicameral US- Bicameral ● Germany-62-69 US-535 ● Both US and Germany have freedom of speech and religion. And both of them also have the right to bear arms.

5 Political Parties Germany- Multi-Party US- two partied Germany- social democrat, Christian Democrat Union US- Democrat, Republican Political parties

6 Elections and Voting ● To Vote : ● Germany- 16 years of age US-18 years of age ● To run: ● Germany- 18 years of age. US- 35 years of age. military Education healthcare Finances US spends twice as much On healthcare than Germany does. In 2012 Germany spent 4.5% of there GDP on education.

7 Taxes and Government Finance ● Germany- 0%-.45%, progressive tax US-.06% Us; Taxes are imposed in the United States at every one of there different levels. These include taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, imports, estates and gifts, as well as multiple fees the US also makes money from foreign trade Germany: Taxes in Germany as it is a federal republicare vary by the federal government Many direct and indirect taxes exist in Germany income tax and VAT are the most significant. Germany also makes a lot of money by fishing in there various rivers. They also make money of there natural resources.

8 Law ● Crime commited; ● Germany; 6,507,394 US; 9,063,173 ● Prison Population ● Germany- 2,019,234 US- 74,904 ● Death Penalty; ● Germany- Death penalty was abolished in 1987 ● US- uses the death penalty

9 Current Relations Germans and americans now have transatlantic relations with the US and Germany.. Although the countrys have had many disagreements, for various reasons. The relations between the two country remain well, esecially for the reason that Angela Merkel is a pro-american politician. Today, the United States is regarded as one of the Federal Republic of Germany's closest allies and partners outside the european union

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