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Global Warming & Climate Change. Climate change's now obvious. We can observe impacts of climate change in our lives and in our environment: the destruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming & Climate Change. Climate change's now obvious. We can observe impacts of climate change in our lives and in our environment: the destruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming & Climate Change

2 Climate change's now obvious. We can observe impacts of climate change in our lives and in our environment: the destruction of animal's habitat, the oceans warming, fire that destroy forests or ice melting. We can observe the reorganization of the vegetation, the vegetation’s migration, the disappearance of the weakest species. Some people can testify about seasons change and about natural disasters. If we don’t do anything, in a few years, all things that we know will disappear and most animals will be starving, without shelter, or will die. For them, like for us, it’s time to change!

3 All Himalaya’s glaciers are melting and some Central Asia’s plains are drying up because of climate change. The snow leopard is not directly threatened by climate change but it suffers the inexorable and quick ice melting of the Himalaya’s glaciers. Currently, these glaciers give water to one billion and half Asian people. If these glaciers disappear, all these people will have problems to find water. A baby snow leopard Himalaya

4 In India, tigers live in the mangrove swamp. But these mangroves swamp will progressively be swallowed up by the sea that goes up. In a few years, all tigers will not have their habitat any longer. Humans are concerned too. Indeed, mangroves swamps create a natural barrier between the coast and all natural disasters like tsunamis, hurricanes or tidal wave. All over the world, mangroves swamps are destroyed by human constructions, pollutions and the intensive prawn’s breeding.Climate change accelerates this destruction with the sea that goes up. In some islands, a lot of mangrove swamps are already engulfed and a lot of tigers lost their habitat. A mangrove swamp A tiger

5 The polar fox lives in the North. This little carnivorous animal eats lemming, Nordic rodents. But with climate change, the russet fox, its cousin,which is bigger and stronger, migrates to the North and invades its territory. The russet fox eats all lemmings and kills polar fox's babies to eat them. Because of its smaller size, the polar fox can’t do anything to stop its cousin. In a few years, if climate change continues to increase, the polar fox will disappear and the russet fox will take its place. We have to do something! The russet fox The polar fox

6 An important consequence of global warming is how it affects the water. The water represents 70% of the earth. So our lives depend on the water. The temperatures rising has led to melting glaciers. So animals like bears are in danger. They can die. If the glaciers are melting the water which was in the glacier goes into the sea. The sea level rises so this fact can set some countries under the water. In particular coasts because they are next to the sea,also they are the first affected ( in particular the Netherlands will be affected in Europe).If the countries are drowning under the water, people and animals will die or won't have place to live in.The sea level rising changes sea currents which bring warmth(the gulf stream for example).This changes are very serious and provoke a lot of problems, like temperatures falling. Polar bear haven’t ice floe

7 There will be less fresh water than today.But oceans will be less salty.This fact can provoke.....??? If temperatures rise there is less raining in some regions than other regions of the world. There can be some serious drought and at the same time some serious floods in other places in the world.Food and water can run short in some places.Once again people, animals, trees and plants are in danger or can die. drought Flood in China

8 Forests are essential for life on Earth. They give us shade and shelter, refuge and refreshment clean air and clean water. The co2 rising in the atmosphere is not good for plants and tree. The INRA showed that with the co2 rising level trees will grow more than usually. Because trees need co2 to grow.This growth will be not good for trees.They will become more sensitive to the soil (and to the nutrients that it contains).But if the soil is too dry and without water, forest cannot survive. It's a huge problem! Amazonian forest

9 The temperatures rising will kill some plants which need cool water.Lots of flowers or trees are in danger.Furthermore the seasons disorder provokes a lot of problems for plants.They can die or stay small. Puya raimondii in the Andes.It blooms once every 80 years and with the season disorder it blossoms less.also it can reproduce less and less.

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