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Volunteer Computing and BOINC Dr. David P. Anderson University of California, Berkeley Dec 3, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Computing and BOINC Dr. David P. Anderson University of California, Berkeley Dec 3, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Computing and BOINC Dr. David P. Anderson University of California, Berkeley Dec 3, 2010

2 Outline Volunteer computing BOINC Applications Research directions

3 High-throughput computing High-performance computing program runs too slow on PC cluster (MPI) supercomputer cluster (batch) Grid Commercial cloud Volunteer computing single job # processors multiple jobs 10K-1M 1000 100 1

4 History of volunteer computing Applications Middleware 1995 2005, GIMPS SETI@home, Folding@home Commercial: Entropia, United Devices,... BOINC Predictor@home IBM World Community Grid Einstein@home Rosetta@home... 2005 2000now Academic: Bayanihan, Javelin,... Applications

5 Terms ● FLOPS = floating point operations per second ● GigaFLOPS = 10 9 FLOPS – slow PC ● TeraFLOPS = 10 12 FLOPS – fast GPU or 100-node cluster ● PetaFLOPS = 10 15 FLOPS – fastest supercomputer ● ExaFLOPS = 10 18 FLOPS – fantasy and science fiction

6 The yearly cost of 10 TeraFLOPS ● Amazon EC2 ● small instance: $.09/hour = $788/year ● 10 TeraFLOPS = 5,000 instances ● $3.94M/year plus network, storage costs ● Build your own cluster ● ~ $1.5M/year ● Volunteer computing ● ~ $0.1M/year

7 BOINC volunteers projects CPDN LHC@home WCG attachments Scientists create projects using BOINC Volunteers install BOINC, attach to project(s) Applications are silently downloaded and executed on volunteer PCs

8 The Utopian vision Better research gets more computing power An enlightened public decides what’s better Scientific research The public resources education/outreach

9 The Consumer Digital Infrastructure ● 1.5 billion PCs ● Graphics Processing Units: TeraFLOPS ● Terabyte-scale storage ● Network speed approaching 1 Gbps ● Ideal for scientific computing!

10 The state of volunteer computing ● 40 projects ● 500K volunteers ● 800K computers ● 10 PetaFLOPS ● would cost $3.94 billion/year on Amazon EC2

11 The potential of volunteer computing The volunteer resource pool Current PetaFLOPS breakdown: Potential: ExaFLOPS today – 4M GPUs * 1 TFLOPS * 0.25 availability

12 Science areas using BOINC ● Biology: protein study, genetic analysis ● Medicine: drug discovery, epidemiology ● Physics: LHC, nanotechnology, quantum computing ● Astronomy: LIGO, radio data analysis; cosmology; galactic modeling ● Environment: climate modeling, botanical ecosystem simulation ● Math

13 ● Oxford University ● Climate change prediction

14 Einstein@home U of Wisconsin, Max Planck Inst. Gravitational waves; gravitational pulsars

15 SETI@home ● UC Berkeley ● SETI

16 Milkyway@home ● RPI ● Structure of the Milky Way galaxy

17 ● Barcelona Biomed Inst. ● Protein structure and dynamics

18 AQUA@home D-Wave Systems Simulation of “adiabatic quantum algorithms” for binary quadratic optimization

19 Quake Catcher Network

20 BOINC software overview client apps screensaver GUI scheduler MySQL data server daemons volunteer host project server HTTP

21 Anonymous platform mechanism Volunteer supplies app versions. – security – optimization – unsupported platforms

22 Account managers

23 Using virtual machines Application is VM wrapper + virtual machine image + executable BOINC client VM wrapper hypervisor (VirtualBox) VM

24 Organizational issues ● Single-scientist projects: a dead end ● Barriers to entry are too high ● Wrong marketing model ● Doesn’t handle sporadic requirements ● Umbrella projects ● IBM World Community Grid ● Campus-level (UCBerkeley@home) ● Science portals (‘Hubs’)

25 How to realize this? A better model:

26 Conclusion ● For most scientific computing, volunteer computing is far cheaper than either clouds or clusters ● Volunteer computing involves the public in science ● What is the future? ● will mobile and semi-mobile devices replace desktops and laptops?

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