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Canada III Canada Today. Market Economy  Allows people to own, operate, and profit from their own business  It is a free price system based on supply.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada III Canada Today. Market Economy  Allows people to own, operate, and profit from their own business  It is a free price system based on supply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada III Canada Today

2 Market Economy  Allows people to own, operate, and profit from their own business  It is a free price system based on supply and demand

3 Global Economy  Merging of economies in which countries are interconnected and dependent on one another for goods and services

4 Trade Balance  Canada has a trade surplus: It earns more from exports than it does from imports  Smaller population  Energy less costly  The United States has a trade deficit: It spends more on imports than it earns from exports  Other countries have high tariffs (on what the U.S. exports)  Large consumer population  Energy burning industries

5 Clear cutting  Taking out whole forests when harvesting timber

6 Acid Rain  Precipitation carrying high amounts of acidic material  Most comes from the United States

7 Smog  Haze caused by the interaction of ultraviolet solar radiation with chemical fumes from cars, factories etc…

8 Eutrophication  Body of water becomes rich in dissolved nutrients encouraging overgrowth of small plants…especially algae because of the depleted oxygen…kills fish

9 Global Warming  Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than it has been in the past  Thinning ice/permafrost  Negatively affecting wildlife and people  Diversify energy  Lessen dependence on fossil fuels  Urge utility companies to limit emissions

10 One of the greatest bands out of Canada  Rush

11 Other notable Canadians  Neil Young  Alanis Morissette  John Candy  Jim Carrey  Michael Cera  Mike Myers  Keanu Reeves  Rocky and Bullwinkle

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