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Georgia DFCS Performance- Based Contracting Partnership through Accountability Goal 2 - Permanency 1.

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1 Georgia DFCS Performance- Based Contracting Partnership through Accountability Goal 2 - Permanency 1

2 Value Statement - Permanency The public and private sector will work together to ensure that children in Georgia have permanency and stability in their living situation and that the continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved. 2

3 Goal 2 – Permanency 1 Contractor will proactively facilitate moves to positive permanency for children in care. 20 % of total score – 20 points 3

4 Outcome Measure 1 Contractor will ensure that children in care will move to positive permanency placements. 4

5 Definition and Calculation  Definition – A positive outcome of adoption, guardianship, reunification, exit to custody of a relative or fictive relative, or exit to custody of their tribal government.  Calculation – Positive Permanency moves/calculated census for the contract year 5

6 Definition and Calculation Successful movements to positive permanency are defined as those movements to permanency in which the child does not re-enter DFCS custody within 6 months. Calculated census is equal to a contractor’s census on July 1 st plus the number of children who are admitted and moved to permanency on or before June 30 th of the contract year. Child permanency placements in which the child returns to DFCS custody within 6 months will result in point deduction.

7 Scoring  50% of goal – 10 possible points with possibility of bonus points PercentageScorePercentageScore 21%-24%1014%3 20%913%2 19%812%1 18%711%<0 17%625%-29%+2 16%530%-34%+4 15%435%>+6 7

8 Outcome Measure 2 The median length of service of children in Contractor’s care who are discharged within the fiscal year. 8

9 Definition and Calculation  Definition – Length of service in the contractor’s care  Calculation - Median number of days or months from admission to Contractor discharge 9

10 Scoring  50% of goal – 10 possible points PercentageScorePercentageScore 300 days>10401-4204 301-3209421-4403 321-3408441-4602 341-3607461-4801 361-3806481<0 381-4005 10

11 Goal 2 – Permanency 2 Contractor will be engaged with the birth parent(s) of children in their care. 15 % of total score – 15 points 11

12 Outcome Measure 1 Contractor will ensure minimally one face-to-face visit a month with child’s birth parent(s). 12

13 Definition and Calculation  Definition – Contractor face-to-face meetings with family monthly  Calculation – Number of birth parents or guardians visited per month/Number of children in contractor’s care with identified birth parents or guardians 13

14 Scoring  66% of goal – 9 possible points PercentageScorePercentageScore 95%>975%-78%4 91%-94%871%-74%3 87%-90%768%-70%2 83%-86%665%-67%1 79%-82%570%< =0 14

15 Outcome Measure 2 Contractor will ensure that assigned agency staff participates in all scheduled Child and Family Team Meetings. 15

16 Definition and Calculation  Definition – Contractor's face-to-face participation in FTM’s  Calculation - Contractor-attended CFTMs/CFTMs Contractor received notification to attend 16

17 Scoring PercentageScore 95%>6 89%-94%5 83%-88%4 77%-82%3 71%-76%2 65%-70%1 65%<0  33% of Goal  6 possible points 17

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