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Slide # 1 Experimental Psychology. Slide # 2 Special Areas in Psychology Experimental Clinical Counseling School Emotional Developmental Personality Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide # 1 Experimental Psychology. Slide # 2 Special Areas in Psychology Experimental Clinical Counseling School Emotional Developmental Personality Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide # 1 Experimental Psychology

2 Slide # 2 Special Areas in Psychology Experimental Clinical Counseling School Emotional Developmental Personality Social Environmental Industrial/ Organizational Health Consumer

3 Slide # 3 Experimental Psychology Research on learning, cognition, sensation, perception Biological basis of both human and animal behavior

4 Slide # 4 Clinical Psychologists They treat people with psychological problems like depression and schizophrenia They administer tests, counsel, and conduct research Psychiatrists

5 Slide # 5 Counseling Psychologists They help people clarify their goals and make life decisions The school setting

6 Slide # 6 Educational Psychologists They study issues relating to the measurement of intelligence and the processes involved in educational and academic achievement They usually work in schools and conduct research

7 Slide # 7 Developmental Psychologists They focus on processes that influence social, cognitive, and physical growth, as well as personality development They study both “nature” and “nurture”

8 Slide # 8 Personality Psychologists They study the psychological characteristics and behavior that distinguishes us as individuals They examine personality traits

9 Slide # 9 Social Psychologists They study how specific groups or society in general can influence individual behavior and outlook Research focuses on attitudes, prejudice, conformity, obedience

10 Slide # 10 Environmental Psychologists They study relationships between psychological factors and physical health

11 Slide # 11 Industrial/ Organizational Psychologists They study people’s behavior at work or school Conduct research in academic/work settings Human factors research

12 Slide # 12 Health Psychologists They focus on the relationship between psychological factors and physical health How to quit smoking, avoiding risky sexual behavior

13 Slide # 13 Consumer Psychologists They study why people purchase particular products and brands They examine consumer attitudes

14 Slide # 14 Early Researchers

15 Slide # 15 Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) He used introspection as a research technique Wundt’s lab

16 Slide # 16 Edward Titchener (1867–1927) Structuralism (an early school of psychology) The mind is structured by breaking down mental experiences into their components G. Stanley Hall, American Psychological Association

17 Slide # 17 William James and Functionalism The school of psychology that focuses on the adaptive functions of behavior The study of why we do what we do The influence of Darwin

18 Slide # 18 John Watson Behaviorism—the study of overt behavior He rejected introspection Psychology should become a science of behavior Environment molds the behavior of us all

19 Slide # 19 B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Behaviorism gets a boost from Skinner Behavior is shaped by rewards and punishment

20 Slide # 20 Gestalt Psychology Max Wertheimer Gestalt studies the ways in which the brain organizes and structures our perceptions The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

21 Slide # 21 Sigmund Freud The unconscious mind We do and say things without understanding our motives

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