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Directorate of Agriculture Gujarat, India.  Total Geographical Area: 196 lakh hectares  Net Area Sown: 90 lakh hectares  Total Cropped Area: 139 lakh.

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate of Agriculture Gujarat, India.  Total Geographical Area: 196 lakh hectares  Net Area Sown: 90 lakh hectares  Total Cropped Area: 139 lakh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate of Agriculture Gujarat, India

2  Total Geographical Area: 196 lakh hectares  Net Area Sown: 90 lakh hectares  Total Cropped Area: 139 lakh hectares  Gross Irrigated area: 44.71 %  Net Irrigated area: 43.24 %  Total Operational land holder : 48.86 lakh  Average land holding: 2.03 ha LAND UTILIZATION

3 Agro climatic zoneType of soilRain fall (mm) South Gujarat (Heavy Rain Area). Deep black with few patches of coastal alluvial, laterite and medium black 1500 and more South GujaratDeep black clayey1000-1500 Middle GujaratDeep black, medium black to loamy sand800-1000 North GujaratSandy loam to sandy625-875 Bhal & Coastal AreaMedium black, poorly drained and saline625-1000 South SaurashtraShallow medium black calcareous625-750 North SaurashtraShallow medium black400-700 North West ZoneSandy and saline250-500 AGRO CLIMATIC ZONE

4 Month Cumulative Total Rain fall of month(mm) % Against Avg. Rain Avg. Rain (mm) (1986-2015) JUNE (up to 30-06-16) 36.764.61 797 JULY (up to 31-07-16) 261.0632.75 AUGUST (up to 1-08-16) 282.0635.39 Rain fall status of Kharif 2016 in Gujarat Rain fall status of Kharif 2016 in Gujarat

5 Percent Area of Oilseeds in Gujarat State

6 GROUNDNUT SCENARIO IN GUJA RAT Note: “Krushi karman Award” for highest oilseed production and productivity in the year 2013-14

7 Crop Normal Area Last three year average Area of Previous Kharif 2015 Progressive Area of Kharif 2016 % over Normal Area Groundnut 1393.81265.61539.5 110.45 Sesamum 139.174.767.2 48.31 Soybean 82.785.7125.7 152.00 Castor 714.429.023.5 3.29 Other Oilseed Total Oilseeds 2337.31461.51758.675.24 Area covered during Kharif-2016 as on date: 01-08-2016 (Area in '000 ha)

8 Ground varieties in Gujarat

9 Grant detail statement for 2015-16 Gujarat state (Rs. In lakh) Category Revalidated Unspent balance As of 2014-15 Funds Released Total Availability Expenditure Unspent balance on 01.04.2016 SC867.733770 9.704858.02977 ST405.441470 35.89369.55147 General M-I55.85372624.4932680.34692911.956-231.60908 General MM-II73.23922.448995.6879095.6870.0009 Total General129.09272646.94210776.034821007.64300-231.60818 Grand Total1402.26796646.942102049.210061053.23700995.97306

10 State :- Gujarat Financial:- Rs. In Lakh Sr.ComponentUnit Total TargetTotal Achievement % Physical Financial PhysicalFinancial GOISTATETOTAL GenSCSTTotalGenSCSTTotal 1Purchase of Breeder seedQtls. 120075.0050.00125.001191.53001191.5177.4400.00 177.4402141.95 2Prod. of Foundation seedQtls. 7594.553.047.5938500 3.8450.00 3.844550.65 3Production of certified seedQtls. 758345.5030.3375.83915200 91.5150.00 91.5151120.68 4Distri. of Certi. SeedQtls. 22216231.46154.32385.785043.655.9766.115165.787.9611.351.2490.5549423.47 5 seed infrastructure development Total seed Component (1 to 5 ) 31758356.51237.69594.2015772566615894360.761.351.24363.3561.15 6Block DemonstrationHa. 7415223.08148.72371.8057341933876314208.8415.5015.27229.604361.75 7B.D.Polymulch in G'nutHa. 805.523.689.2000000.0000.00 0 8IPM Demonstration(FFS)Nos. 45873.3748.91122.286100 9.4370.00 9.436627.72 9Farmers TrainingNos. 33448.1032.0680.1628215533859.7500.2911.9171.9539489.76 10Officer trainingNos. 173.672.456.121410154.3900.310.004.7040976.86 11 Mission Management Expenses 015.9110.6126.52 000 01.5120.00 1.511715.70 Total of Transfer of Technology (6 o 11) 8304369.65246.43616.0860911954426728283.936.1027.18317.2151.49 Physical & Financial Target and Achievement under NMOOP-Oilseeds Monthly Progress Report of March -2016 (Final)

11 State :- Gujarat Financial:- Rs. In Lakh Sr.ComponentUnit Total TargetTotal Achivement % Physic al Financial PhysicalFinancial GOISTATETOTAL GenSCSTTotalGenSCSTTotal 12 Distribution Gypsum/Pyrite/liming/dolo mite/SSPHa. 45000202.500135.000337.504971512049050325372.8660.893.69377.44 111.8 3 13Rhizobium/PSB cultureHa. 50229.0406.03015.07118426325 1535 3.5520.080.984.6130.56 14 P.P.Chemicals /insecticides/BiopesticidesHa. 670020.10013.40033.50414341486 4670 20.7080.202.4323.3469.67 Micro nutrient 8332.5001.6704.17618727 652 3.0830.030.143.2577.86 15NPVHa. 3751.1300.7501.88000 0 0.0000.00 16P.P.Equipments Manully OperatedNos. 22629.506.3315.83000 0 0.0000.00 Power OperatedNos. 3039.096.0615.1513320 135 3.9900.020.004.0126.44 17 Impr. Farm Implements- total 0.08 0 0.00 ManualNos. 73335.1823.4658.6410230 105 7.0100.250.007.2612.38 Power OperatedNos. 400151.20100.80252.00608974 691 123.6093.3218.95145.8857.89 18Seed storage binsNos. 183311.007.3318.33000 0 0.0000.00 19Sprinkler setsHa. 1075132.9788.64221.61149541 1500 149.5000.400.10150.0067.69 20Pipes for supplying water Unit of 600m 1250112.5075.00187.50212424 240 14.4880.211.0115.718.38 21 Oil EngineNos. 45335.2323.4958.7239790 406 51.6041.110.0052.7189.77 22 Submersible PumpNos. 17325.9517.3043.2524625 253 31.9700.200.5032.6775.55 23Electric MotorNos. 42034.9323.2958.2220940 213 25.6300.400.0026.0344.71 24TarpaulinNos. 960072.0048.00120.005378130289 5797 67.2251.623.6172.4560.37 Total of production inputs (12 to 24 ) 864.90576.551441.3764440361172166522875.2368.7231.40915.3563.51 Grand Total 1164941591.061060.672651.65 86303612222989144 1519.92 16.1735 59.811595.9260.19

12 Sr. No. Item/ Component Financial Allocation (Rs. in Lakh) GOI ShareState ShareTotal 1 Seed Component 1162.68775.121937.80 2 TOT Programmes 930.24620.161550.40 3 Production inputs 387.60258.40646.00 4 Farm Mechanization and Irrigation tools 968.89645.921614.81 5 Provision for flexi-funds-activity wise targets & allocation 387.36258.24645.60 6 Mission Management Expenses 39.2326.1665.39 Total allocation 3876.002584.006460.00 Annual Action Plan NMOOP-MM-I for 2016-2017

13 Constraints in Groundnut Production 1.Ground nut is major growing oilseeds crop of Gujarat. Seed rate of Ground nut crop is very high, whereas seed replacement ratio is very low, Hence seed vigor is reduced in Ground nut. 2.Goundnut is highly susceptible to moisture stress, when more than 60% of groundnut area sown under rain fed condition. 3. In seed distribution & block demonstration component Government of India has given age relaxation from 10 years to 15 years old variety, but availability of certified seed of newer varieties with seed corporation is not enough to cover the targets under scheme. 4. In block demonstration for poly mulch in groundnut component plastic mixed with fodder to make it unusable to cattle where as bio degradable plastic cost is very high so farmers do not adopt it.

14 Thank you

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