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Published byJayson Douglas Modified over 8 years ago
Wave 17 January 2016 Colorado Lottery Tracking Study Presentation
2 Background Leger is conducting a point-in-time tracking study for Colorado Lottery and Scientific Games: o Wave 2: June 3 – June 13 2011 o Wave 3: September 19 – September 29 2011 o Wave 4: February 23 – March 5 2012 o Wave 5: June 4 – June 13 2012 o Wave 6: October 10 – October 23 2012 o Wave 7: December 13 – December 21 2012 o Wave 8: June 4 – June 21 2013 o Wave 9: September 20 – October 7 2013 Leger has been conducting this study with the following focal points: 1. Data Continuity with historical Colorado Lottery tracking studies 2. Ensuring data collected online comports with previous RDD only studies 3. Managing sample to be reflective of overall Colorado population There are two key goals for this Colorado Lottery Point-In-Time Tracking Study: 1. To give the Lottery and Scientific Games accurate and relevant information, to enable both parties to make sound business decisions based upon market trends. 2. To enable the Lottery to use the new Tracking Data in conjunction with the historical information captured over the previous Telephone Tracking Study, and to make both the study and the data a seamless integration into the lottery’s business plan, on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. o Wave 10: January 29 – February 11 2014 o Wave 11: May 16 – June 2 2014 o Wave 12: August 7 – August 19 2014 o Wave 13: December 16 – December 29 2014 o Wave 14: March 6 – March 23 2015 o Wave 15: June 18 – July 3 2015 o Wave 16: September 8 – September 23 2015 o Wave 17: December 7 – December 23 2015
3 Methodology 616 Colorado respondents participated in a 15 minute online survey in Wave 17. The respondents: Must be older than 18 years of age Must not have moral objections to Colorado running a state lottery Must not work for an advertising agency, market research company, marketing consultant, any type of Lottery or a store that sells lottery tickets Margin of Error – Statistical Sample Accuracy at 90% confidence on n=616 completes is +/– 3.3%.
4 “State of the State” – Campaigns in Wave 17 Holiday campaign Nov 9 – Dec 31 (2015) $50 ticket launch Nov 9 – Dec 31 (2015) Source:
5 Sample Frame * Percentages total more than 100% as respondents were allowed to select more than one answer choice o Gender Breaks W17 (n=616) Colorado Population - Female52%51% - Male48%49% o Age Breaks (% of adult population) - 18-34 31% - 35-54 39%40% - 55+ 30%29% o Race* - Caucasian83%84% - Asian4%3% - African American5%4% - Other10% o Ethnicity - Hispanic21% - Not Hispanic79% The sample size for the CO Lottery Tracking Study has typically ranged between 600-620 each wave. As with previous waves, the demographic composition of the sample closely represents the population of Colorado.
7 Key Findings (1) – The Scratch Ticket Launches & Advertising Awareness Ad awareness for the Colorado Lottery has remained relatively steady in W17 at more than one-half of total respondents. After peaking at 65% in W14 (the highest awareness since W8), awareness for Colorado Lottery advertising continues a downward trend for the third consecutive wave. However, Holiday games (various) garnered the highest unaided ad awareness this wave, driven by Reindeer Game and Holiday Sparkle, while the $50 Granted Wishes ticket hit 2%. The Reindeer Game advertisement hit an impressive 31% for aided Ad recall, compared to 21% recall of the consistent #1 game ‘7-11-21’. Aided ad awareness remained steady in W17 for other Colorado games, with Powerball (38%) and Scratch Games (36%) leading the way. More than two-fifths of respondents are aware of the Colorado Lottery tagline “Expect the Unexpected,” a directional increase (+4%) from the previous wave. 1 in 10 Coloradoans are aware of the Colorado Lottery being a sponsor at both September Festivals. Similarly, only 10% of players saw a Colorado Lottery in-store promotions, and among those who did, 17% claimed they saw messages about ‘bundles/packages’ of lottery games.
8 Key Findings (2) – Playership, Overall & Drawing Games Colorado Lottery overall ‘ever played’ playership continued at a three in four clip, with a slight decrease (-1%) from last wave (74%). LOTTO (-5%) reported a significant decrease in ‘ever played’ playership in W17. Powerball past month playership remained stable at nearly one in five (19%), producing a marginal decrease (-1%) from last wave. This continues a steady decline since W14 (31%). Again, nearly three-fifths (57%) of respondents indicate a likelihood to purchase lottery games in the future, similar to last wave. Powerball players (40%) claiming to spend more as the jackpot grows has significantly decreased (-8%) in W17 and additionally, the average hypothetical jackpot amount at which players began spending more on Powerball decreased (+$24m) to $136M.
9 Key Findings (3) – Playership, Overall & Drawing Games (2) Mega Millions, once again, is falling into Powerball’s shadow. The number of players who are spending more on Mega Millions (and lowering Powerball spend) when the jackpot is high and the Powerball jackpot is low, has fallen back again, from 32% to 28%. Furthermore, the level of players spending more on Mega Millions (and keeping Powerball spend the same) has trended directionally down since W15 to a low of 11%. ‘’ (21%) is the top source in W17 for finding out about jackpots, sporting a modest increase (+2%) from the previous wave. Additionally, Facebook (7%) and Twitter (2%) reported significant increases, while digital signs at retail (18%) dropped significantly. One in five of those who played Pick 3 in the past year are ‘very interested’ in the game, similar to last wave. However, more than one-third are ‘somewhat interested’, a directional increase this wave. About two-thirds who play Pick 3 use a $1 bet, an uptick from last wave, continuing an upwards, positive trend since W14.
10 Key Findings (4) – Scratch Games, Vending Machines, Monitors The gap continues to open up between those spending more and those spending less on Scratch over the past year, from -9% (W16) to -11% (W17). The proportion of players spending claiming to spend either more or less has increased significantly from last wave. More than two-thirds (70%) of all Scratch players have purchased tickets from Lottery Vending Machines, up significantly (+9%) from last wave. The level to which players are increasing their Lottery spend by using vending machines bounced back slightly this wave (+3%), after decreasing significantly from W15 to W16. As in the previous wave, nearly one-half (45%) of Coloradoans have very/somewhat positive feelings toward the Lottery in W17, down just -1% versus W16. Likelihood to recommend the Colorado Lottery remained at nearly 25% (top 3 box). About one in seven (15%) claim a news story will affect their spend on Lottery in a minor OR major way, a significant decrease from W16 (20%). In-store video monitor awareness reported a slight uptick this wave (+2% to 37%), with approximately half recall seeing the monitors at the checkout or customer service area. The main reason for using video monitors continues to be ‘to check the jackpot sizes’, however, there has been a significant increase from W16 ‘to check the Colorado Lottery news’.
11 Recommendations/Insights 1.Lottery Vending Machine-based purchases increased this wave to an all-time high of 70%, potentially driven by players feeling either more comfortable with the vending machines, and/or stores being busier due to the holiday period. The Colorado Lottery could potentially utilize the machines, and the areas directly surrounding the machines, even more, to inform players of new lottery promotions, marketing and games. 2.The price of the ticket, with the launch of the $50 Scratch range, is even more prominent now in the eyes of the consumer. The CO Lottery could explore the opportunity for a $100 Scratch ticket, or even price points in-between the current range (perhaps a $30 or $40 ticket). 3.Over the past couple of waves, there has not been as strong a positive sentiment towards the Colorado Lottery, so there is still an opportunity for the Lottery to reinforce the benefits of the Lottery and where the proceeds go, across all media types, on a more continuous basis. It is important to at least help Millennials shape a more positive view of the Lottery as a whole, to help shape the future base for CO Lottery sales. However, increased advertising has not moved the needle. 4.Lotto, as a stand-alone game, continues to see a slow but steady decline in play. The Lottery would probably be best leaving the game to continue, without any unnecessary promotions or marketing, as the core Lotto players (generally an aging population) will play no matter what.
12 Recommendations/Insights 5.The $300m mark now appears to be the key entry point for the National Jackpot games for lapsed/casual players. The news media also seems to pay far more attention to the $300m mark, and the Colorado Lottery should start to be find more creative ideas to tempt causal players in at lower jackpot levels such as $150 or $200m. Powerball currently has a distinct competitive advantage than Mega Millions, particularly in legacy Powerball states such as Colorado, which does not bode well for Mega Millions in the short-term. 6.It is important, given the current $800m+ Powerball jackpot, to check to see exactly which other games have seen an halo effect of increased sales, simply through an increase in Lottery traffic.
13 Past Month CO Lottery Ad Awareness Ad awareness for Colorado Lottery remained relatively stable from the previous wave. Q1.In the past month have you seen or heard any advertising for Colorado Lottery games? (n=604)(n=600) (n=601)(n=603)(n=621)(n=596)(n=606)(n=600) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=602)(n=616)(n=604)(n=600)(n=617) (n=616)
14 Games Advertised Past Month – Unaided Ad Awareness (Total Market) Unaided ad awareness remained moderately stable this wave, however scratch games/scratch tickets/scratch off ad awareness shows a significant increase. This is based upon the $50 ticket launch and campaign in October/November and ‘holiday campaigns’. Powerball and Mega Millions continue as the top Colorado lottery games recalled. Q2.Please list which Colorado Lottery games, including any specific Scratch games, you have seen or heard advertised in the past month? Powerball Scratch games/Scratch tickets/Scratch Off Lotto Mega Millions Crossword/Crossword Scratch/Puzzle Colorado Lottery/Lottery CASH 5 Millionaire Raffle/Raffle Bingo PICK 3 Holiday/Seasonal Game (n=604) W14 (n=600) W15 (n=616) W17 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=617) W16
15 Games Advertised Past Month – Aided Ad Awareness (Total Market) Aided ad awareness remains steady in W17, with Powerball and Scratch Games leading the way. Q3.Which of the Colorado Lottery games have you seen or heard advertising for in the past month? Powerball Scratch Games Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 Pick 3 (n=604) W14 (n=600) W15 (n=617) W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616) W17
16 Scratch Games Advertised Past Month – Ad Awareness *Base=Respondents who recall Scratch ads. Top mentioned reported. Q3a. Specific to Scratch games, which Colorado Lottery Scratch games have you seen or heard advertising for in the past month? Q3b. Which of the Colorado Lottery Scratch games have you seen or heard advertising for in the past month? Please check all that apply. (n=220)* W17 Aided Scratch Game Ad Awareness Holiday games (various) garnered the highest unaided ad awareness this wave, with 7-11-21 (5%) reporting the highest awareness for a specific Scratch game. Reindeer Game and Holiday Sparkle followed closely, while Granted Wishes hit 2%. Once prompted, 31% recall seeing a Reindeer Game advertisement and 21% recall seeing a 7- 11-21 ad. Makin’ Bacon and Ca$ino Ca$h recall declined significantly since W16. (n=220)* Holiday games (various) 7-11-21 Bingo Makin' Bacon Reindeer Game Holiday Sparkle Robot game (unspecified) Merry Memories Granted Wishes 4 Score Gift$ Galore Crossword (unspecified) Powerball Robotic Riche$ Lotto Pick 3 Reindeer Game 7-11-21 Holiday Games Robotic Riche$ Makin’ Bacon Holiday SPARKLE Merry Memories Ca$ino Ca$h Gift$ Galore Super 7-11-21 High 5 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level Unaided Scratch Game Ad Awareness
17 “Powerball” Ad Recall * Base=Respondents who recall ‘Powerball’ ad Q3a1. You mentioned having seen or heard advertising for the Powerball game. What do you remember about the advertising? (n=232)* W17 One-third of those who recall the ‘Powerball’ ad mention the jackpot (i.e., prize amount) standing out to them. 14% mentioned a billboard, but everything else was 5% or under. Jackpot (i.e. prize amount) Billboard Powerball Incentive to play Attention-grabbing In store (i.e. gas station, grocery store) Games (various mentions) "You can't win, if you don't play." Draw winners announced Other Don’t know/no answer Nothing
18 “Robotic Riche$” Scratch Ticket Ad Recall * Base=Respondents who recall ‘Robotic Riche$ ’’ ad Q3c. You mentioned having seen or heard advertising for ‘Robotic Riche$’ Scratch Game. What do you remember about the advertising? (n=42)* W17 The most notable aspects of the ‘Robotic Riche$’ ad were various mentions about robots. Robots (various mentions) Robots talking Robot voices Robots (unspecified) Negative mentions (i.e. corny, annoying) Positive mentions (i.e. funny, hilarious) Big cash/payout Robot noises Other
19 CO Lottery Tagline “Expect the Unexpected” More than two-fifths of respondents are aware of the CO Lottery tagline “Expect the Unexpected”, a directional increase (+4%) from the previous wave. People generally take the meaning of the tagline to mean that you ‘expect to win’ (a significant increase from W16) or that ‘a surprise’ might be coming. Q4a1. In any advertising for the Colorado Lottery that you may have seen, read, or heard, are you familiar with the tagline, 'Expect Unexpected‘? Q4a2. What do you think of when you see, read, or hear the phrase, “Expect the Unexpected?” Awareness with Tagline “Expect the Unexpected” What Does the Tagline “Expect the Unexpected” Mean to you? (Mentions 3% and over included) W15 (n=600) W16 (n=617) W17 (n=616) Anything / something could happen12%7%9% A surprise11% 14% You might win11%9%11% Winner / Winning5% 4% Expect to win4%12%15% Dislike phrase (i.e. negative mentions)3%4%6% Cash / Prizes / Vacation3%1% You never know what could happen1%3%2% Be prepared / ready2%1%3% Better chance to win2%4% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level
20 Awareness of Special CO Lottery In-Store Promotions Q6. Have you heard about any special Colorado Lottery in-store promotions? Q7. Which Colorado Lottery in-store promotions have you heard about? (n=616) W17 One in ten of all respondents have heard of any special Colorado Lottery in-store promotions. Of those that heard, buying bundles/packages of lottery tickets/games were recalled the most. Heard about any Special Colorado Lottery in-store promotions (n=62)* W17 Particular in-store promotions * Base=Respondents who heard about any special Colorado Lottery in-store promotions Bundle/Package/Buy a Pack Jackpot Sampler Mega Millions Grocery stores/King Soopers New games Second chance drawing Gas stations Other Don’t know/remember
21 Colorado Lottery Social Media Aware & Visitation Q4BW17. Which of the following Colorado Lottery social media pages are you aware of? Q4B1W17. Which of the following Colorado Lottery social media pages have you visited? Facebook Twitter YouTube Pinterest Instagram Other (Specify) None of the above Don't Know One-third of those who have seen or heard any CO advertising in the past month are aware of the Colorado Lottery Facebook page, with nearly half of them visiting the page. Social Media Awareness Facebook Twitter YouTube Pinterest Instagram Social Media Visitation** (Among those aware of each page) *Base=Respondents who have seen or heard any CO advertising in the past month. **Base=Respondents who are aware of each social media page. (n=336)* W17
23 Lottery Attitudes Half of all respondents believe it’s unlikely they will increase their Lottery spend in the future, however nearly the same proportion feel that the lottery has been an overall benefit to Colorado. Q63. On a 1 to 5 scale, where 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree, please rate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following Lottery statements (TOP 2 BOX reported). It’s unlikely that I will increase Lottery Spend in future The Lottery has been an overall benefit to the state of CO The CO Lottery has been run honestly The lottery is an inexpensive form of entertainment The economy has had a direct effect on my Lottery spend When the price of gas goes up, my CO lottery spend changes When the price of gas goes down, my CO lottery spend changes More likely to play Lottery when heard about a local winner I play the Lottery with friends/family The Lottery is for people like me I talk about the Lottery with friends/family The chances of winning a prize in the Colorado Lottery are good Legalization of marijuana has lowered my spend on CO Lottery I talk about the Lottery on social media (n=600) W15 (n=617) W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616) W17 n/a
24 Feelings Towards and Likelihood to Recommend CO Lottery Less than half of Coloradoans have ‘very/somewhat’ positive feelings toward the Lottery in W17 (-2%). Likelihood to recommend the Colorado Lottery remains similar to W16, with a slight uptick. Q58. How would you say your current feelings are towards the Colorado Lottery? Q58AW6. How likely are you to recommend Colorado Lottery games to friends? Likelihood to Recommend CO Lottery Current Feelings Towards the CO Lottery NPS: -44 -40 -34 -53 -51 Mean: 5.5 5.6 5.8 5.2 5.2 (n=600)(n=616)(n=604)(n=617) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616) (n=600)(n=616)(n=604)(n=617) (n=616) % of Coloradoans who are very likely to recommend the CO Lottery (9 or 10 on a 10 pt. scale.)
25 Impact of Feelings & Likelihood to Recommend CO Lottery (Perceptions after execution of Proceeds Campaign) Over the last several campaigns, there has been a slight increase in the proportion of those who have either a “very negative,” or “somewhat negative,” feeling toward the lottery during the wave the follows the “Proceeds” campaign. Wave 17 did not follow a “Proceeds” campaign, and current feelings and likelihood to recommend remained mostly stable from W16. Q58. How would you say your current feelings are towards the Colorado Lottery? Q58AW6. How likely are you to recommend Colorado Lottery games to friends? Likelihood to Recommend CO Lottery Current Feelings Towards the CO Lottery NPS -51 -53** -34* -40 -44** -52* -46* -31** -30* NA NPS -51 -53** -34* -40 -44** -52* -46* -31** -30* NA Bot 2 Box (Neg) 8% 8%** 5%* 7% 7%** 6%* 5%* 9%** 6%* 5% Bot 2 Box (Neg) 8% 8%** 5%* 7% 7%** 6%* 5%* 9%** 6%* 5% Note:*Notes the wave in which the “Proceeds” campaign was taking place **Notes the wave following when the “Proceeds” campaign took place. Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level NA
26 Likelihood to Purchase CO Games in the Future Nearly three-fifths of Coloradoans indicate a likelihood to purchase lottery games in the future, comparable to W16. Again, only 1/3 claim they will ‘definitely purchase’ the Lottery moving forward. 5-point scale where ‘5’ means Definitely Purchase and ‘1’ means Definitely Not Purchase Q23.How likely are you to purchase Colorado Lottery games in the future? (n=600) Mean: 3.7 3.8 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 Top 2 Box: 63% 63% 68% 67% 63% 64% 62% 61% 64% 61% 61% 63% 60% 57% 57% (n=603)(n=621)(n=606) (n=600) (n=602)(n=616) (n=604) (n=600)(n=617) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616)
28 Outlets Where CO Lottery Tickets Purchased Regularly Convenience Store 55% Grocery Store 35% Liquor Store 9% Restaurant/Bar 1% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level Q18.From which of the following outlets do you regularly purchase your Colorado Lottery tickets?
29 Outlets Where CO Lottery Tickets Purchased Regularly (Total Market) (Rebased on 100% of purchases) Convenience stores remain the top outlet for a majority of Lottery purchases, with Grocery continuing as a secondary channel. Liquor store purchases are up significantly in W17, from 6% to 9% (+3%). Convenience Stores Grocery Liquor Stores Restaurant/Bar Other Outlets Multiple answers accepted. Q18.From which of the following outlets do you regularly purchase your Colorado Lottery tickets? (n=604) W14 (n=600) W15 (n=617) W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616) W17
30 Video Monitor Messaging Awareness In-store video monitor awareness climbed slightly in W17 (+2%). Colorado players continue to recall seeing the monitors mostly at either the customer service area or near the checkout. ** Base=Respondents who are have seen in-store video monitors Q23AW7. Have you seen video monitors at stores where you buy lottery tickets that feature messages from the Colorado Lottery? Q23BW7. Where in the retail store did you see the in-store Colorado Lottery video monitor? Location of In-store Video Monitors (Among Aware)** Seen In-store Video Monitors? (n=600) (n=616) (n=604)(n=616) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=617)
31 Reasons for Using Video Monitor The main reason for using video monitors continues to be ‘to check the jackpot sizes’, however, there has been a significant increase from W16 ‘to check the Colorado Lottery news’, back to the level seen in the first half of 2015. ** Base=Respondents who are have seen in-store video monitors Q23DW7. For what reasons are you using the Colorado Lottery video monitors in stores? Reasons for Using Video Monitors (Among Aware)** Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level
32 Lottery Media Coverage Affect on Opinion of Lottery News media coverage continues to have a similar impact on player opinion as the impact it has on player spend. *Base=Respondents aware of Lottery news media Q62AW10.In general, how does the news media coverage of the Lottery affect your opinion of the Lottery? Affect of Media Coverage on Lottery Opinion (n=369*)(n=380*)(n=421*)(n=362*) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=356*)
34 CO Lottery Games – Playership (Total Market) Three in four Coloradoans continue to indicate they have ‘ever played’ the CO Lottery, stable since W14. Lotto (-5%) saw a significant decrease in ‘ever played’ this wave. Q13.Have you ever played any of [these] Colorado Lottery games? Q14. Which Colorado Lottery games have you ever played? Ever Played CO Lottery Games Games Ever Played (n=604) Scratch Games Powerball Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 Raffle Pick 3 None W14 (n=600) Scratch Games Powerball Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 Raffle Pick 3 None W15 (n=617) Scratch Games Powerball Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 Raffle Pick 3 None W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=616) Scratch Games Powerball Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 Raffle Pick 3 None W17
35 CO Lottery Games – Last Time Played Among Colorado residents who have ever played the Lottery, 45% have played at least one Colorado Lottery game within the past month, a significant increase (+6%) from W16. Q13a.When was the last time you played any Colorado Lottery games? Q14. Which Colorado Lottery games have you ever played? Last Time Played Any CO Lottery Game Past Week Past Month Past 6 Months Past Year More than a year ago W14 (n=446) W13 (n=477) W15 (n=446) W16 (n=462) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level W17 (n=459) 45%
W10 (n=606) W11 (n=600) W2 (n=601) 36 Powerball Playership Wave to Wave Powerball past month playership has directionally declined the past three quarters (-1% in W17). Powerball Playership W3 (n=604) W4 (n=600) W5 (n=600) W6 (n=600) Past Month: 28% 27% 28% 27% 27% 44% 39% 28% 24% 26% 22% 21% 31% 23% 20% 19% Past Week Past Month Past Year Lapsed Never Played W7 (n=600) W8 (n=603) W9 (n=621) Q13. Have you ever played any of these Colorado Lottery games? Q14. Which Colorado Lottery games have you ever played? Q15. IN THE PAST YEAR, which of these Colorado Lottery games have you played? Q16. AND IN THE PAST MONTH, which of these Colorado Lottery games have you played? Q17. AND IN THE PAST WEEK, which of these Colorado Lottery games have you played? W12 (n=602) W13 (n=616) W14 (n=604) W15 (n=600) W16 (n=617) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level W17 (n=616)
37 Jackpot Triggers – Media ‘’ (21%) is now the top source for finding out about jackpots. Facebook (7%) and Twitter (2%) reported significant increases, while digital signs at retail (18%) dropped significantly. TV News (9%), Outdoor ads (7%) and Newspaper (editorial, 4%) saw significant increases from last wave for other preferred sources to find out about jackpots. * Base=Respondents who have played any games in the past year Q64. Where do you find out about Powerball, Mega Millions or Lotto jackpots? Q65. Where else would you like to be able to find out about jackpots? WHERE DO YOU FIND OUT ABOUT JACKPOTS WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO FIND OUT ABOUT JACKPOTS TV News Outdoor Ad TV Ad Newspaper (editorial) E-mails from CO Lottery Radio Ad Internet Ad Newspaper Ad Facebook Text message Mobile Apps Twitter Digital signs at retail Video monitors at stores Mobile Alerts (Push Notification) Other No specific place Don't know (n=383*) W16 (n=314*) W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=380*) W17 (n=295*) W17
W15 (n=38)*** W16 (n=36)*** W17 (n=47)*** Food53%33%36% Gas26%14%11% Nothing16%14%13% Bills (various)11%8%9% Necessities8%33%11% Clothing5%0% Savings5%8%17% 39 Change in Powerball Spend Nearly one-third (30%) who played Powerball last year indicated that they are spending less than a year ago, a negative trend since Wave 14. Of those spending less on Powerball in the past year, 17% are spending more on Mega Millions, stable from last wave. Of the respondents not spending more money on other Lottery games, 1/3 are spending the money on food. Q35a. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on Powerball, as you were a year ago? Q35b. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on Powerball? Change in Powerball Spend (n=254)* Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on Powerball W15 (n=58)** W16 (n=65)** W17 (n=76)** Scratch Games12%20%13% Mega Millions5%17% Lotto10%15%11% Cash 52%3% Pick 30% I am not spending more on other CO Lottery games 66%55%62% Not Sure 7%3% * Base=Respondents who played Powerball in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on Powerball compared to a year ago ***Base=Respondents not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games MoreLessSame Wave 138%21%71% Wave 148%17%73% Wave 1512%22%65% Wave 167%24%67% Other things Purchasing with the Money Not Spent on Powerball/Other Games
40 Change in Mega Millions Spend Mega Millions has a similar pattern to Powerball in positive-to-negative spend with nearly one- third now claiming they are spending less (highest in the past 5 waves). However, those spending more have increased directionally (+2%) from last wave. Of those spending less, more than one in five are spending more on Scratch Games. Q48b. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on Mega Millions, as you were a year ago? Q48c. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on Mega Millions? Change in Mega Millions Spend (n=163)* Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on Mega Millions W15 (n=32)**^ W16 (n=41)** W17 (n=49)** Powerball19%15%12% Scratch Games16%12%22% Lotto0%12% I am not spending more on other CO Lottery games 66%61%53% Cash 50%7%2% Pick 30%5%2% Not sure0% 2% * Base=Respondents who played Mega Millions in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on Mega Millions compared to a year ago ***Base=Respondents not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games MoreLessSame Wave 1311%20%68% Wave 1413%21%63% Wave 159%19%71% Wave 165%24%69% Other things Purchasing with the Money Not Spent on Mega Millions/Other Games W15 (n=21)***^ W16 (n=25)***^ W17 (n=26)***^ Food43%25%31% Necessities14%36%4% Savings14%8%12% Gas10%4%19% ^ Caution small sample size
41 Amount Spent on Powerball & Mega Millions The spending gap between Powerball and Mega Millions has narrowed to $2 this wave. Both Powerball and Mega Millions monthly spend remained fairly stable, each directionally increasing by $1 from last wave. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q34/47.How much did you spend the last time you played Powerball/Mega Millions? Q35/48.Approximately how much do you spend on Powerball/Mega Millions in a typical month? Spend Last Time Played – Mean $Spend In Typical Month – Mean $ W10W11W12W13W14W15W16W17 $8$9 $10$11 $9 $6$8$9$11$8 $6$7 W10W11W12W13W14W15W16W17 $13 $11$15$17$19$11$12 $9$11$10$12$13$17$8$9 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level
42 $2 Powerball Jackpot Spend Trends The number of respondents claiming to spend more as the jackpot grows has significantly decreased (-8%) from W16. Additionally, the average jackpot at which players claim to spend more is $136m (-$24m). *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year ** Base=Respondents who spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows Q38. Do you typically spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows? Q39. At what jackpot amount do you start to spend more on Powerball? (n=308*) W14 20-30 Million 31-50 Million 51-99 Million 100-149 Million 150+ Million Size of Jackpot doesn’t matter Don't know (n=156**) Mean = $173m (n=266*) W15 20-30 Million 31-50 Million 51-99 Million 100-149 Million 150+ Million Size of Jackpot doesn’t matter Don't know (n=141**) Mean = $139m (n=275*) W16 20-30 Million 31-50 Million 51-99 Million 100-149 Million 150+ Million Size of Jackpot doesn’t matter Don't know (n=132**) Mean = $160m Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=254*) W17 20-30 Million 31-50 Million 51-99 Million 100-149 Million 150+ Million Size of Jackpot doesn’t matter Don't know (n=101**) Mean = $136m
43 $2 Powerball Jackpot Spend Trends The average hypothetical jackpot amount at which players stop increasing their spend on Powerball is $174M, down directionally (-$11m) from W16. Furthermore, nearly one in three (32%) mentioned the jackpot size does not matter, directionally up from last wave. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q39h.And at what jackpot amount do you stop increasing your spend on Powerball? Amount at Which Spend Stops Increasing 20-30 Million 31-50 Million 51-99 Million 100-149 Million 150+ Million Size of Jackpot doesn’t matter Don't know Mean = $182m (n=156) W14 Mean = $154m (n=141) W15 Mean = $185m (n=132) W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level Mean = $174m (n=101) W17
44 Powerball and Mega Millions Interaction When the Mega Millions jackpot is high and the Powerball jackpot is low, players ‘spending more on Mega Millions and spending the same on Powerball’ has trended downward in the past 3 waves. In addition, spending more on Mega Millions and lowering Powerball spend has declined slightly this wave, from 32% to 28%. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball and Mega Millions in the past year Q50.When the Powerball jackpot is low, and Mega Millions jackpot is high, do you…? (n=140*)(n=144*)(n=167*) (n=215*)(n=182*)(n=163*) (n=149*) (n=146*) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=141*)
46 Amount Spent on LOTTO, Cash 5 and Pick 3 Spend per play and per month for Cash 5 and LOTTO remained relatively similar to last wave, with a directional increase of $5 for monthly spend for Cash 5. Last time play spend for Pick 3 increased directionally by $14, while monthly spend jumped $18 directionally. *Base=Respondents who have played LOTTO/Cash 5/PICK 3 in the past year Q41/44.How much did you spend the last time you played CASH 5/LOTTO/PICK 3 tickets? Q42/45.Approximately how much do you spend on CASH 5/LOTTO/PICK 3 in a typical month? …Spend Last Time Played…Spend In Typical Month Mean $W12W13W14W15W16W17 $6$8$7$6 $8$6$7$13$5$6 $3$6$10$11$5$19 Mean $W12W13W14W15W16W17 $9$13 $12$10$8 $19 $22$31*$10$15 $7$9$15$26$5$23 *In W15, 1 respondent mentioned spending $300 on Cash 5 in a typical month and 1 respondent mentioned spending $400 on Cash 5 in a typical month Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 15significantly higher/lower than Wave 15 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level W16 n=21^ W17 n=31^ W17 n=43 W17 n=130 ^ Caution small sample size
47 Change in LOTTO Spend More than one in five (22%) of LOTTO players are spending less on LOTTO compared to a year ago, a slight negative trend from last wave. Of those spending less, around one-fifth are spending more on both Powerball and Scratch games, while more than half stating they are not spending more on other lottery games. Q46a. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on LOTTO, as you were a year ago? Q46b. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on LOTTO? Change in LOTTO Spend (n=130)* Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on LOTTO (MULTI-ANSWERS ACCEPTED) W14 (n=33)** W15 (n=23)**^ W16 (n=32)** W17 (n=28)** Powerball24%26%19%18% Scratch Games18%0%19%21% Mega Millions15%22%13%14% CASH 512%0%6%7% Pick 36%9%3%0% I am not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games 48%61%59%54% * Base=Respondents who played LOTTO in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on LOTTO compared to a year ago MoreLessSame Wave 139%15%73% Wave 147%21%70% Wave 1511%15%74% Wave 168%19%70% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level ^ Caution small sample size
48 Change in CASH 5 Spend Spending less for CASH 5 continues to grow with nearly one-third indicating they spend less on CASH 5 compared to a year ago, back to W13 and W14 levels. Scratch Games and LOTTO are the Colorado games they are purchasing instead. Q42a. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on CASH 5, as you were a year ago? Q42b. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on CASH 5? Change in CASH 5 Spend (n=43)* Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on CASH 5 W14 (n=14)*^ W15 (n=11)*^ W16 (n=8)*^ W17 (n=13)*^ Powerball21%36%25%15% Scratch Games21%27%38%39% Mega Millions14%27%13%8% Lotto21%0%25%39% Pick 314%9%0%8% I am not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games 64%27%25%23% * Base=Respondents who played CASH 5 in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on CASH 5 compared to a year ago MoreLessSame Wave 1311%28%59% Wave 147%33%57% Wave 1517% 64% Wave 166%23%63% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level ^ Caution small sample size
49 Change in Pick 3 Spend (low base size) One-third of Pick 3 players claim to be spending less on the game than they were a year ago, consistent with last wave. Three in ten are spending more on Powerball and Scratch Games instead of Pick 3. Q42a. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on Pick 3, as you were a year ago? Q42b. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on Pick 3? Change in Pick 3 Spend (n=31)*^ Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on Pick 3 W14 (n=7)*^ W15 (n=6)*^ W16 (n=7)*^ W17 (n=10)*^ Powerball14%50%14%30% Scratch Games43%33%14%30% Mega Millions0% 10% CASH 514%0% Lotto14%17%0%20% I am not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games 43%17%71%20% * Base=Respondents who played Pick 3 in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on Pick 3 compared to a year ago MoreLessSame Wave 1320%26%50% Wave 1416%19%62% Wave 1525%9%64% Wave 1614%33%52% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level ^ Caution small sample size
50 Pick 3 Bet Levels About two-thirds play Pick 3 with a $1 bet, an uptick from last wave, continuing an upward swing since W14. Those betting at $0.50 and $5 increased directionally in W17. The top reason for increasing their bets for more than $1 is ‘to win more money’. Q40b. What bet levels have you placed for Pick 3? (Respondent base change in W11) Q40c. What is the main reason that you bet more than $1 on PICK 3? (Respondent base change in W11) Pick 3 bet Levels Placed W14 (n=18)**^ W15 (n=38)**^ W16 (n=8)**^ W17 (n=10)**^ To increase odds of winning 11%26%13%20% To win more money/To increase winnings 39%21%38%40% Good game/like game 0%5%0%20% To try my luck 17%5%0%10% Tickets do not cost much 6%3%0% No special reason 11%18%13%0% Other 11%16%38%0% Don’t know 11% 0%10% Reasons for Betting More Thank $1 on Pick 3* *Base=Respondents who have played Pick 3 in the past year ** Base=Respondents bet more than $1 on Pick 3 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level ^ Caution small sample size
51 Pick 3 – Purchase Intent (Question changed from W10) (Base now: Pick 3 Past year players) Purchase intent (definitely/probably would purchase) of Pick 3 among those who played in the past year remains stable from last wave, at about one-third. Q8CW6. How would you rate your likelihood to purchase a ticket for a Pick 3 game from the Colorado Lottery? (Respondents base changed in W11) Likelihood to Purchase Pick 3 Ticket W15 (n=64) W10 (n=606) W11 (n=59)* *Base=Respondents who have played Pick 3 in the past year W12 (n=45)* W13 (n=54)* W14 (n=41)* W16 (n=21)^ Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level W17 (n=31)^ ^ Caution small sample size
53 Change in Scratch Game Spend One in four of Scratch Game players claim to have reduced their Scratch game spend in the past year, a negative significant increase from W16. However, about 1 in 7 indicate they have increased their spend, a significant gain this wave. Powerball is the game players are spending more on instead of Scratch games. Q28. Would you say you are spending more, less, or about the same on Scratch-off games, as you were a year ago? Q29BW7. On which Colorado Games do you increase your spending when you spend less on Scratch? Change in Scratch Game Spend (n=225)* Colorado Games Spending More on When Spending Less on Scratch Games W14 (n=37)**^ W15 (n=40)** W16 (n=37)**^ W17 (n=58)** Powerball14%5%16% Mega Millions8% 0%10% Lotto8%5%8%10% Cash 53%8%0%5% Pick 35% 0%2% I am not spending more on other Colorado Lottery games 73%78%81%62% * Base=Respondents who played Scratch games in the past year ** Base=Respondents who are spending less on Scratch games compared to a year ago MoreLessSame Wave 1316%22%60% Wave 1416%17%64% Wave 1517%21%61% Wave 1610%19%71% Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level ^ Caution small sample size
54 Scratch Game Appeal and Ease of Understanding Current Colorado Lottery Scratch games are rated favorably in terms of both appeal and ease of understanding. Scratch Game Appeal Ease of Understanding 76 % 84 %
55 Factors Influencing Scratch Game Purchase The ‘price of the ticket’ remains the most important influencer, a directional increase from W16. Secondary drivers include ‘the top prize’, ‘being a new game’ and ‘the graphics or general look of the ticket’. All influencers remained stable from last wave. * Base=Respondents who played Scratch games in the past year Q32JW7. When making the decision to purchase a Colorado Lottery Scratch ticket, which 3 of the following factors have the greatest influence on the specific Scratch game that you purchase? (UP TO 3 RESPONSES ALLOWED) The price of the ticket The odds of winning The number of chances to win on the ticket The top prize The way it is played, such as matching 3 symbols Having played the game before Having a bonus feature Having many win-able small prizes The graphics or general look of ticket The number of prizes that you could win Being a new game Ability to enter non-winning tickets The theme featured on the ticket The colors of the ticket Friends and/or family recommended the game (n=194)* W15 (n=200)* W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=225)* W17 n/a
Feel In-store Information Materials Provide Enough Info? 56 Scratch Game Information Within Retail Store Once again, nearly three in four of past year Scratch players feel they have enough information available at retail stores. * Base=Respondents who played Scratch games in the past year Q32KW7. Do you feel you get enough information about Colorado Lottery Scratch games at the retail store that you purchase tickets from? (n=225)*(n=217)* (n=194)*(n=200)* Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=225)*
57 Lottery Game Vending Machines More than two-thirds of all Scratch players have purchased tickets from Lottery Vending Machines, up significantly (+9%) from last wave. As in W16, 85% of Scratch game players who purchase from Lottery Vending Machines feel that they received enough information on the display. Q32MW7. Do you purchase Colorado Lottery Tickets from Lottery Game Vending Machines? Q32NW7. Do you feel you get enough information about Colorado Lottery games on the display of the vending machines that you purchase tickets from? * Base=Respondents who are aware of the CO Lottery Game Vending Machines ** Base= Respondents who have purchased from Lottery Game Vending Machines Purchase from Lottery Game Vending Machines? Get Enough Info from Lottery Game Vending Machine Display?
58 Lottery Game Vending Machines (Cont.) The level to which players are increasing their Lottery spend by using vending machines increased directionally from last wave, with an even balance (both 12%) between those ‘increasing’ and those ‘decreasing’ their Lottery spend. The vast majority continue to “remain the same” in their vending machine usage. Q32NW11. Would you say your Lottery spend has increased, decreased or remained the same using Lottery Game Vending Machines, as compared to 6 months ago? * Base= Respondents who have purchased from Lottery Game Vending Machines Lottery Spend Change Using Lottery Game Vending Machine Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level
59 Appeal of Buying Scratch Tickets from STVMs The top mentions regarding the appeal of buying from Lottery Vending Machines relate to: Quicker transactions Can purchase tickets without store clerk interaction Shorter/no lines, and Can quickly select the games I want. * Base= Respondents who have purchased Scratch tickets from STVM Q32MW10. What do you find appealing about purchasing Colorado Lottery Tickets from Scratch Ticket Vending Machines? Quicker transaction I can purchase tickets without having to interact with the store clerk/employee Shorter/no line of customers ahead of me I can quickly select the games I want to play With no/fewer people around I can take my time selecting the games I want to play Easier to see the tickets and/or details Can pay with credit/debit/cash Other (n=120)* W15 (n=100)* W16 Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=128)* W17
60 Amount Spent on Scratch Games Average spend per last time played and per month remained stable from last wave, with a slight uptick (+$2) in monthly spend. Spending between $11 and $20 for last time played showed a significant decrease (-6%) from W16. *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q26.How much did you spend the last time you played Scratch games? Q27.Approximately how much do you spend on Scratch games in a typical month? … Last Time Played… In Typical Month Mean: $9 $11 $12 $11 $13 $12 Mean: $18 $17 $19 $27 $18 20% (n=194*) (n=206*) (n=225*) (n=217*) (n=200*) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level (n=225*)
61 CO Lottery Scratch Game Play 7-11-21 continues as the top most regular Scratch game played, with Crossword and Bingo continuing to trail. However, ‘whatever catches my eye’ hit a 4 wave high at 9%, with ‘holiday/seasonal’ games reaching 5% in W17. Q25BW6. What Colorado Lottery Scratch games do you regularly play? Crossword 7-11-21 Bingo Whatever catches my eye Scratch Games (General) Lucky 7 Whatever is available $1 Games Holiday/Seasonal Games Casino Cash Other Don’t Know W14 (n=217) W15 (n=194) W16 (n=200) Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level W17 (n=225)
62 Mobile Scratch Game App A quarter of Scratch players are aware of the mobile Scratch app, up significantly from last wave. Of those aware of it, 30% have used the app, on par with last wave. Nearly half of all Scratch players have an interest in an App that allows them to scan their ticket to see if they have won and to automatically enter them in second chance drawings, although this interest is down significantly (-10%) from W15. * Base=Respondents who played Scratch games in the past year Q32BW10. Would you be interested in an app that allowed you to scan a barcode on your Scratch ticket to see if you have won and to automatically enter second chance drawings? App Interest Aware of Scratch App (n=225)* Used Scratch App (n=57)** Note:Solid arrows indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 17 significantly higher/lower than Wave 16 at 90% confidence level
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