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Egyptian Religion By: Garrett Moon, Jacob Strickland, Lela Sienkiewicz.

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1 Egyptian Religion By: Garrett Moon, Jacob Strickland, Lela Sienkiewicz

2 Polytheism Polytheism is the belief in and worship of many gods and/or goddesses. The myths about these gods were meant to explain the origins and behavior of the forces they represented. All practices of the religion was to provide for the gods and gain their favor. Formal religious practices are centered on the pharoah, the King of Egypt.

3 Gods And Goddesses Amun-Ra Among all the multitude of Egyptian deities, the god Amun was considered to be the king of the gods, a supreme creator-god(sun god). He was the ancient Egyptian god of fertility and life. Osiris A god of the earth and vegetation, Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization. Isis Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddess in ancient Egypt. She was regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris, a role she probably occupied before the dawn of dynastic Egypt. No other Egyptian deity has stood the test of time as well as Isis. Her cult was not extinguished with the other Egyptian gods, but was embraced by the Greeks and Romans, her worship has even lasted into the present day.Osiris

4 The Test The Egyptians believed that each soul had to pass a test in order to win eternal life. The dead soul would be ferried across a lake of fire to the hall of Osiris. There, Osiris would weigh the dead person’s heart against the feather of truth. Those he judged to be sinners would be fed to the crocodile-shaped Eater of the Dead. Worthy souls would enter the Happy Field of the Dead.

5 Book of The Dead A collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate in the afterlife. Never decoded No 2 copies are the same Made differently for each individual.

6 Pyramids Most people see pyramids as just 3 dimensional triangle, but for egyptians they see it as a monumental tomb for the ancient kings. The pyramid’s smooth, angled sides symbolized the rays of the sun and were designed to help the king’s soul ascend to heaven and join the gods. Ancient Egyptians believed that when the king died their soul stayed with their body. To properly care for his spirit the body was mummified, and everything the king would need in the afterlife was buried with him.

7 Mummification Egyptians believed this helped the dead reach the afterlife. They also believed the dead person would reposses their body. The bodies were buried in the desert. The heat and dryness of the sand dehydrates the body quickly.

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