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5S WORKPLACE IMPROVEMENT Central Stores & Freight Room.

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Presentation on theme: "5S WORKPLACE IMPROVEMENT Central Stores & Freight Room."— Presentation transcript:

1 5S WORKPLACE IMPROVEMENT Central Stores & Freight Room

2 Our Team Gerald Schulte Business Manager Rosemary Gustafson TRF Bookstore Manager Dee Olson EGF Bookstore Manager Clinton Castle Physical Plant Supervisor Chad Sperling Webmaster

3 Central Stores & Freight Room TARGET AREAS

4 Central Stores & Freight Room TARGET AREAS

5 Target Areas Central Stores  Standardize procedures for Central Stores on both the EGF & TRF campuses.

6 Target Areas Freight Room  Create secure area for freight delivery.  Establish check-in process for receiving freight.


8 Scan Diagnostic Checklist SORT (organization) Distinguish between what is needed and not needed. Problem Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. Unneeded equipment, tools, furniture, etc. are present 24 Unneeded items are on walls, bulletin boards, etc. 14 Items are presents in aisles ways, stairways, corners, etc. 04 Unneeded inventory, supplies, materials are present. 04 Safety hazards exist. 24

9 Scan Diagnostic Checklist SET IN ORDER (orderliness) A place for everything and everything in its place. Problem Before 2/5/07 After3 mo.6 mo. Unneeded equipment, tools, furniture, etc. are present Unneeded items are on walls, bulletin boards, etc. Items are presents in aisles ways, stairways, corners, etc. Unneeded inventory, supplies, materials are present. Safety hazards exist. Problem Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. Correct places for items are NOT obvious. 14 Items are NOT in their correct places. 24 Aisle ways, workstations, equipment locations are NOT indicated. 24 Items are NOT put away immediately after use. 34 Height and quantity limits are NOT obvious. 34

10 Scan Diagnostic Checklist SHINE (cleanliness) Cleaning and looking for ways to keep it clean and organized. Problem BeforeAfter3 mo.6 mo. Unneeded equipment, tools, furniture, etc. are present Unneeded items are on walls, bulletin boards, etc. Items are presents in aisles ways, stairways, corners, etc. Unneeded inventory, supplies, materials are present. Safety hazards exist. Problem Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. Floors, walls, stairs and surfaces are NOT free of dirt, oil and grease. 24 Equipment is NOT kept clean and free of dirt, oil and grease. NA4 Cleaning materials are NOT easily accessible. NA4 Lines, labels, signs, etc. are NOT clean and unbroken. NA4 Other cleaning problems (of any kind) are present. 34

11 Scan Diagnostic Checklist STANDARDIZE (adherence) Maintain and monitor the first three categories. Problem BeforeAfter3 mo.6 mo. Unneeded equipment, tools, furniture, etc. are present Unneeded items are on walls, bulletin boards, etc. Items are presents in aisles ways, stairways, corners, etc. Unneeded inventory, supplies, materials are present. Safety hazards exist. Problem Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. Necessary information is NOT visible. NA4 All standards are NOT known and visible. 14 Checklists don’t exist for all cleaning and maintenance jobs. NA All quantities and limits are NOT easily recognizable. NA3 How many items CAN’T be located in 30 seconds? 13

12 Scan Diagnostic Checklist SUSTAIN (self-discipline) Stick to the rules! Problem BeforeAfter3 mo.6 mo. Unneeded equipment, tools, furniture, etc. are present Unneeded items are on walls, bulletin boards, etc. Items are presents in aisles ways, stairways, corners, etc. Unneeded inventory, supplies, materials are present. Safety hazards exist. Problem Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. How many workers have NOT had 5S training? 24 How many times last week, was daily 5S NOT performed? NA4 Number of times that personal belongings are NOT neatly stored. NA Number of times job aids are NOT available or up to date. NA3 Number of times, last week, daily 5S inspections were NOT performed. NA3

13 Scan Diagnostic Checklist TOTALS (category totals) Benchmark your 5S journey. Category Before 2/5/07 After 2/28/07 3 mo.6 mo. SORT 520 SET IN ORDER 1120 SHINE 520 STANDARDIZE 214 SUSTAIN 214 TOTALS2588

14 Before Gallery TARGET AREA PHOTOS

15 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Backdoor Entry  Small space  Dirty shelving  Unstable shelving  No signage or delivery instructions. BEFORE GALLERY

16 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Storage Area  Cluttered walking lanes  Large unused items  Lots and lots of empty boxes  Unorganized  No labeling BEFORE GALLERY

17 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Storage/Cabinet Shelving  No labeling  Unorganized  Unused items  Wasted space BEFORE GALLERY

18 Target Area Photos Freight Room  View from the Floor  Crowded walking lanes  Blocked shelving BEFORE GALLERY

19 Target Area Photos Central Stores  Item Storage  Where is everything? BEFORE GALLERY

20 Target Area Photos Central Stores  Cabinets  Hard to reach items.  No labeling BEFORE GALLERY

21 Target Area Photos Central Stores  Shelving  Unorganized  No labels  Objects high on shelves BEFORE GALLERY


23 Creating a 5S Vision Current ConditionCategoriesDesired Condition Bookstore backroom storage extremely cluttered. Exits not easily accessible. Material in aisle ways. Safety Free aisle ways. Exits accessible. Free of clutter. Freight not efficiently being delivered. Lost freight. Central Stores not standardized between both campuses. Product Quality Efficient delivery of freight. Time efficient. Standardize Central Stores for both campuses. No specified area for freight. Equipment Maintenance Establish a secure area with shelving for freight. Flat bed available for heavier freight. Acquire telephone with direct line for freight. Central Stores sufficient, but not standardized between campuses. Inventory Levels Standardize location for both campuses. No procedure in place for freight deliveries. Information Sharing Emails sent out describing new procedures. SUBTITLE Current Conditions vs. Desired Conditions. SUBTITLE Current Conditions vs. Desired Conditions.

24 Measurables  Defects  Lost freight  Insufficient supplies  Waiting  Undelivered packages  For supplies  Utilizing Employees  Motion  Wasted movements  Excess Processing  Managing freight  Supplies in two different places (Central Stores & Bookstore)  Freight delivery person

25 (organization) Distinguish between what is needed and not needed. SORT

26 (organization) Distinguish between what is needed and not needed. SORT

27 Sort  Items Red Tagged:  Paper shelf organizer  Cash register  Old shelving cabinets  Old shelving boards

28 Sort  Where did red tag items go?  Storage/Rummage Sale  Farm Management  Garbage

29 Sort  Defects  Lost freight  Insufficient supplies for Central Stores  Establish check-in process for receiving freight.

30 Sort  After red tagging, did the pictures reveal extra space.  YES, removing old shelving created lot of extra space.

31 Sort  Did you do another process flow to analyze the space after the red tagging event?  NO, because extra space acquired will be used as before.

32 (orderliness) A place for everything and everything in its place. SET IN ORDER

33 (orderliness) A place for everything and everything in its place. SET IN ORDER

34 Set In Order  How did you utilize labels:  Installed telephone, freight shelving, central stores supplies.  Lines  No lines laid out  Signboards  Freight delivery instructions

35 Set In Order  What type of education did you do with your employees in this area?  Communication via email regarding new process for freight and central stores.  Department meetings

36 Set In Order  Did you do process or function or both?  BOTH. Process of freight and Central Stores has changed.  Functions of bookstore employees changed as new responsibilities were acquired.  Procedures for faculty & staff have changed.

37 (cleanliness) Cleaning and looking for ways to keep it clean and organized. SHINE

38 (cleanliness) Cleaning and looking for ways to keep it clean and organized. SHINE

39 Shine  Plans to keep target areas clean:  Facilities maintains bookstore storage.  Keep excess boxes/materials organized and off floors.  Freight organized on new shelving & cart.  Sweeping, waxing counters dusted.

40 Shine  Who will maintain areas:  Maintenance & bookstore staff maintain daily cleaning.  Who will monitor areas:  Supervisors

41 Shine  What types of things did you find during inspection:  Cluttered area, floor covered.  Develop shine cart?  NO, maintenance already had one.

42 Shine  Why is it important to shine:  Projection of image, easier/safer work environment.  Before Diagnostic Checklist Score: 25  Final Diagnostic Checklist Score:

43 Shine  Why is it important to shine:  Projection of image, easier/safer work environment.  Before Diagnostic Checklist Score: 25  Final Diagnostic Checklist Score: 88

44 (adherence) Maintain and monitor the first three categories. STANDARDIZE

45 (adherence) Maintain and monitor the first three categories. STANDARDIZE

46 Standardize  What areas were standardized practices between campuses:  Central Stores, freight  Standardize areas in target areas:  Central Stores now located in both bookstores.  Standards have been communicated via email.

47 (self-discipline) Stick to the rules! SUSTAIN

48 Sustain  How will you make 5S part of daily work?  Already started. Freight delivered/sorted.  More organized storage areas.  Involved all employees?  Communication  Tools help to sustain?  Sort, shine, set in order, standardize, sustain


50 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Freight Shelving  Clean  Secure  Quick access  Now labeled AFTER GALLERY

51 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Storage Shelving  More organized  Less clutter AFTER GALLERY

52 Target Area Photos Freight Room  View from the Floor  Clean walking lanes  Easy access to cabinet shelving  Safer AFTER GALLERY

53 Target Area Photos Freight Room  Cabinet Shelving  More organized  Less clutter AFTER GALLERY

54 Thank You


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