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French Language LEVEL 1 | LESSON 1 Crown’em Go to Next This icon will appear next to most of the French words in this lesson. Wherever you see it, click.

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Presentation on theme: "French Language LEVEL 1 | LESSON 1 Crown’em Go to Next This icon will appear next to most of the French words in this lesson. Wherever you see it, click."— Presentation transcript:


2 French Language LEVEL 1 | LESSON 1 Crown’em Go to Next This icon will appear next to most of the French words in this lesson. Wherever you see it, click on it to play the sound.

3 Lesson 1- Salutations (Greetings)  Listen to the following conversation :  Bonjour Caroline. (Hello Caroline)  Bonjour Pierre. (Hello Peter)  Comment ça va? (How are you?)  Ça va très bien. Et toi? (Am very fine. And you?)  Bien, merci. (Fine, thank you) Were you able to follow the conversation? Try identifying the words when you hear them. This is a basic greeting between friends. Bonjour has an equivalent meaning of “Hello” in English. Crown’em Go to Next Back Click here to listen

4 Salutations – Greetings: Go to Next Crown’em Back  You may also use the following words:  Bonsoir – (Good evening)  Comment allez-vous?  Or Comment vas-tu ? –  These two mean “ How are you ” just like Comment ça va?  However the difference between Comment allez-vous ? and Comment vas-tu ? is in the use of VOUS and TU.  Vous is used when addressing an elder person or a person you respect.  We will come back to this. It’s now time to introduce yourself.

5 Se Presenter – Introduce oneself Go to Next Crown’em Back  Je m’appelle François. (My name is Francis)  J’ai 25 ans. (Am 25 years old)  J’habite à Nairobi. (I ive in Nairobi)  J’ai deux frères et deux sœurs. (I have two brothers and two sisters)  Mon père s’appelle Tom et ma mère, Marie. (My dad is called Tom and my mum, Mary)  Je suis célibataire. (I am single)  Je suis professeur. (I am a teacher)  Je suis Kenyan. (I am Kenyan)  This is just an intro into how you would introduce yourself. You may want to say more but now, how do you construct these sentences yourself? Let us begin with Personal Pronouns. Go to Next… Click to listen

6 Personal Pronouns Singulier (Singular) Pluriel (Plural) Je (I) Nous (We) Tu (You) Vous (You) Il/Elle (He/she) Ils/Elles (They) Crown’em Go to Next Back With these pronouns, you have the subject in a sentence. You now need verbs. In French, we have different categories of verbs, regular and irregular. We will look at them later. For now, let’s take the verb MANGER which means TO EAT. For verbs to be used with a subject or pronouns above, they have to be CONJUGATED. So let us conjugate the verb “Manger”: Je mange – I eat/am eating Tu manges – You eat/you’re eating Il/Elle mange – He/she eats/she/he is eating Nous mangeons – We eat/ we are eating Vous mangez – You eat/ you are eating Ils/Elles mangent – They eat/ They are eating

7 Noms - Nouns Crown’em Go to Next Back NOTE: All nouns in French are either Masculine or Feminine L’article un / une  Masculine nouns take the article “un” and feminine nouns take “une”.  E.g Une chaise (chair), une table (table), une plante (plant), une fille (girl),  Un pantalon (trouser), un livre (textbook), un stylo (pen), un garçon (boy), un homme (man)  Note : Except for humans and animals where the male ones will always be masculine and female ones feminine, the other objects are not easy to tell. So whenever you learn a new noun, ensure you take note of whether it is masculine or feminine. It is very important because other parts of the sentence will often be determined by the “gender” of your noun.  However, by looking at them, there are nouns that will be easier to tell based on the way they are written. Continue…..Go to Next.

8 Noms - Nouns  This is not a rule, but the more you learn French, you will realise that most “masculine” nouns end with eur, er, ent, while most words that end with tion, euse, ere, rice are often feminine.  Examples of masculine nouns:  Un serveur, un présentateur, un boulanger, un compliment  Examples of feminine nouns:  Une formation, une serveuse, une présentatrice, une boulangère.  At this point, do you have an English – French dictionary?  If not, you will need it urgently because the lesson will proceed on the assumption you can check up the French words in your dictionary.  As you get your dictionary…let’s go back to some basics. Crown’em Go to Next Back

9 L’alphabet Crown’em Go to Next Back  French alphabet is similar to the English alphabet except for the pronunciation. So, Click on the audio icon below and listen carefully to the sound.  A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z  Can you now spell your name in French?  Let’s look at Numbers, next…

10 Les nombres Crown’em Go to Next Back 1 – Un 2 – Deux 3 – Trois 4 – Quatre 5 – Cinq 6 – Six 7 – Sept 8 – Huit 9 – Neuf 10 –Dix 11 – Onze 12 – Douze 13 – Treize 14 – Quatorze 15 – Quinze 16 – Seize 17 – Dix-sept 18 – Dix-huit 19 – Dix-neuf 20 – Vingt 21-Vingt et un 22-Vingt-deux 23-Vingt-trois … 30-Trente 40-Quarante 50-Cinquante 60-Soixante 70-Soixante-dix 71-Soixante et onze 80-Quatre-vingts 90-Quatre-vingt-dix 92-Quatre-vingt-douze 100-Cent 1000-mille 1019-mille dix-neuf 1286-mille deux cent quatre-vingt-six

11 How was that for an intro? KINDLY GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK. Crown’em Back to Start Back The remaining lessons will only be available for registered members of If you haven’t registered, kindly click on the Register button and get your membership.

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