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3 What is Learning? Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, plants and some machines. Some methods can be used by students to learn.

4 Methods that can be used to learn efficiently:  Select a place for learning where you will not be disturbed or distracted.  Relax by doing meditation for few minutes.  Prepare your schedule for learning.  Reading and scanning the content 2-3 times thoroughly(Aloud).  Understand the concept and clear your doubts.  Memorize the keywords and summarize by making your own notes.  Use some clues and keys(Put into any one of above listed keys like acronym etc).  Visualization and Interlinking.  Repeat it to yourself.  Explain it to others(If not possible explain it to yourself).  Write it once and correct your mistakes.


6 Visualization The idea here is that you want to put abstract information into a picture. If you are struggling to understand a concept, visualization is a good technique to start with. Rote Memorization Rote memorization involves pounding information into your brain by repeating it continually. Works best when the information is arbitrary and fact- based, so applications won’t go beyond simple memory

7 Interlinking Take two ideas and ask yourself how they relate. They can be ideas within a specific field or different fields.By doing this you create a roadmap for traveling between information in your brain. Metaphor Take a more complex idea and compare it to a simpler one. When learning computer programming, I found it helpful to look at a function like a pencil sharpener. A parameter was a dull pencil, inside processes sharpened and returned a sharp pencil. Some metaphors have limited applications while others can be used for deep understanding.

8 Diagram Draw it out. Creating a diagram upgrades version of visualization. Link Method This is an advanced memory technique. The basic idea is that you link or compare two ideas together by forming a bizarre picture that involves both of them. Self-Test Give yourself a test. Testing is a good way to see if you know what your doing, so try it out. Anthropomorphize Sounds complicated but isn’t. Anthropomorphizing is the process of taking non-human things and giving them human characteristics. Describing a rock as being lonely would be an example.

9 Give it a Hand Use your fingers and thumbs as a memory tool. Link different words or names to specific fingers and memorize which go where. There are limits to this application, but it can be useful if a good acronym doesn’t come immediately. Teach It Find someone and explain it to them. Nothing forces you to learn better than teaching. Song or Story Another memorizing technique, this one links information together by placing it in a sequence of a song or a story. You could list all the bones in your hand by creating a story in which you meet each of them in sequence.

10 Chunking Learn for fifteen minutes at a time. Take frequent breaks and let your mind absorb what was learned. I never do creative or learning work for more than an hour or two without a change in pace. Create Learning and creating are, in essence, the same activity. Don’t let learning become a passive activity where you try to absorb information. Instead create information. Form your own relationships, descriptions and examples. Give it Form Don’t let an idea sit as an abstraction in your head. Give it a shape, form, color and meaning. Use your hands to describe it as a potter would sculpt a bowl on a potters wheel.


12 Fishbone diagram Fishbone diagrams are causal diagrams that show the causes of a specific event. Common use is to identify the factors causing an overall effect. The Primary causes have their secondary and tertiary causes. Causes can be traced back to root causes by questioning “WHY”. This can be used to simplify causes of a problem and would be easier to study. For example, causes of the Revolt in 1857, Causes of renaissance or crusades can be brought into this diagram.causal diagramscausesevent

13 Structure:

14 Acronyms An acronym is an abbreviation, used as a word, which is formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. Acronyms are a type of word formation process. We can use it to remember a sequence of words or important points so that we would never forget them. Ex: NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Nabisco: National Biscuit Company.abbreviationwordword formationNATO Nabisco

15 Flowchart A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows. It can be used to classify a concept.It is also used in computer sciences.diagramalgorithm

16 Example:

17 Why-Why Diagram A Why-Why Diagram is a Tree Diagram where each statement is determined simply by asking 'Why'. It is thus very similar in use to a Fishbone Diagram. It can find root causes of and solutions to problems of some causes. It can be used similar as the fishbone diagram. It focus on the relationship between information. Instead of just displaying information, show how it links together. Combined with fluid note taking, this is a great way to piece all the information together.

18 Structure:

19 Mind map A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information and is created around a single concept associated representations of ideas related to that. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those. When this diagram is practiced then it will be easy to remember and to visualize them.diagram

20 Structure:

21 Concept map A concept map or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts and is represents ideas and information as boxes or circles, which it connects with labeled arrows in a downward- branching hierarchical structure. This can be used to shorten a big concept and remember easily.diagramconcepts

22 Track fan A Tree diagram or the Track fan is a chart representing relationships in a conventional structure. Family trees are often presented with the Primary factor at the top and the sub-factors following that. This can be used to bring in types and sub types of a topic into a single diagram.

23 Example:


25 Milestone chart Milestone chart is timeline tools used to plan a schedule.Milestones are frequently used to monitor the progress and to check whether the work is done within expected time. Its quiet like a game

26 Simple time table Simple time table can also be made just by writing the events to be done and the time that must be taken to do that. We must have the self control to do what we had planned.



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