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SF2714 Discrete Mathematics and Algebra 7.5 hp KTH, period 2, Fall 2009 Course coordinator: Jakob Jonsson –

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Presentation on theme: "SF2714 Discrete Mathematics and Algebra 7.5 hp KTH, period 2, Fall 2009 Course coordinator: Jakob Jonsson –"— Presentation transcript:

1 SF2714 Discrete Mathematics and Algebra 7.5 hp KTH, period 2, Fall 2009 Course coordinator: Jakob Jonsson –

2 Course design 7.5 hp = 5 weeks of full-time work 18 lectures with 90 minutes of theory and problem- solving Course book: Biggs – Discrete Mathematics Examination: ● Two sets of home assignments ● Not mandatory, but give bonus points on exam ● Final exam (December 15)

3 Lectures 18 lectures, each 90 minutes ● 16 ordinary lectures ● 2 concluding lectures with time for questions Lectures are not mandatory. We discuss the underlying theory and solve problems. The course webpage will be updated with detailed information about each lecture.

4 Literature Norman L. Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, 2 nd edition, Oxford University Press. Supplementary material ● Will be handed out during lectures or be available for download from the course webpage.

5 Home assignments Two sets of home assignments The assignments may give up to 8 bonus points on the final exam ● 8 points = 80 % correct on the assignments ● 7 points = 70 % correct on the assignments ● etc.

6 Final exam 8 problems worth 36 points ● Part I: 3 problems on par with grade E (12 p) ● Part II: 4 harder problems (24 p) You pass with 20 points (including bonus) Examples (Bonus + part I + part II) : 6 + 9 + 5 = 20 = grade E 7 + 10 + 11 = 28 = grade C 8 + 11 + 17 = 36 = grade A

7 Course content IArithmetic ~ 20 % IICombinatorics~ 15 % IIIGraph Theory~ 15 % IVGroup Theory~ 20 % VFields and Polynomials~ 20 % IVError-Correcting Codes~ 10 %

8 Arithmetic ● Divisibility – An integer a divides another integer b if b/a is an integer ● Prime numbers – Integers p such that only 1 and p itself divide p ● Modular arithmetic – “Identify” two integers if their difference is a multiple of a given integer m – Arithmetic operations on classes of identified integers rather than on individual integers

9 Combinatorics ● Binomial numbers – Count the number of subsets of size k of a set of size n ● Principles of counting – Addition principle, multiplication principle, sieve principle ● Set partitions – Subdivisions of a set into subsets ● Permutations – Bijective functions on a set

10 Graphs ● Basic structures in graphs – Trees and cycles ● Graph colorings – Assign a color to each vertex in a graph such that two adjacent vertices have different colors ● Matchings – Sets of edges in a graph such that no vertex appears in more than one edge

11 Groups ● Basics of groups – Theory unifying properties of sets with a binary operation – Requirements: the binary operation is associative ; there is an identity ; every element has an inverse ● Examples of groups – Cyclic groups, abelian groups, permutation groups ● Structures within groups – Subgroups, cosets ● Orbits of permutation groups – The concept of permutation cycles lifted to a group level

12 ● Basics of fields – Theory unifying properties of sets with two binary operations: addition and multiplication – Addition and multiplication work as in Q. Examples: – ab = ba ; a(b+c) = ab + ac ; 1/x exists when x is nonzero ● Polynomials over fields – Factorization – Theory analogous to that of the integers ● Finite fields – Fields with finitely many elements – Combine theories of modular arithmetic and polynomials Fields and Polynomials

13 ● Basics of codes – A code is a set of words such that all words are “far apart” – Codewords are often binary words – A few errors in a codeword can be repaired, as all other codewords are “far away” ● Bounds on codes – How large can a code be if we want to correct e errors? ● Linear codes – A code forming a vector space under addition. – Nice application of linear algebra Error-Correcting Codes

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