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MEDIA HIT HIGHLIGHTS APRIL 2016. BY THE NUMBERS  In April, NAHU received more than 217 press hits.  In March, NAHU received more than 543 press hits.

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2 BY THE NUMBERS  In April, NAHU received more than 217 press hits.  In March, NAHU received more than 543 press hits.  So far in 2016, NAHU has received 1,866 press hits.  In 2015, NAHU received more than 7,300 press hits.

3 PRINT MEDIA IN APRIL “Insurance agents, brokers offer help: These professionals clear up customers' confusion and save them money for a living. Over 70 percent of agents spend most or a lot of their time explaining coverage to clients. And research from the University of Minnesota reveals that premiums are 13 percent lower in counties with the greatest concentration of brokers.” Janet Trautwein, CEO, National Association of Health Underwriters Letters-to-the-Editor, April 21 Rep. Carl Rogers and Sen. Harbin are licensed life insurance agents, as is Freeman, who has been licensed for 37 years; he has focused on helping thousands access life insurance settlements and other living benefits for more than 25 years. Some of those gathered at the signing of HB 193 including David S. Johnson, Board, Georgia Association of Health Underwriters; Don Bolia, Government Affairs Director, Georgia Association of Health Underwriters; Health insurance broker Emily Bremer, of Clayton-based Bremer Conley, said UnitedHealth offered plans with a network that allowed patients to see a broad number of doctors at different area health systems. It’s more common to see very limited networks with individual plans, she said. “Enhance Your Marketability: As a broker, you make yourself more valuable to your prospective clients if you have a range of products and policies to offer, so seek authorization from more than one insurance company to distribute their policies. You gain additional credibility by joining a professional organization, such as the American Insurance Association or the National Association of Health Underwriters.” “”My View: Keep companies in the business of healthcare” “American workers are issuing a warning to their bosses — don't take away our health insurance. According to a new poll from Accenture, three-quarters of workers see health benefits as a "vital reason" for continuing to work for their employers.” - R. Dane Rianhard is a member of the Principals Council at the National Association of Health Underwriters “Kempton CEO Jay Kempton and Keith Smith, one of 40 physician owners of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, shared the success stories with 110 agents and brokers who attended an Oklahoma City Association of Health Underwriters symposium Thursday at Quail Creek Country Club.”

4 SOUND BYTES IN APRIL Part One Former NAHU President Art Jetter, Jr. was featured on a local talk radio show, NewsRadio 1110 KFAB in Wichita Falls, TX speaking about UnitedHealthcare’s decision to exit markets and how rating rules discourages younger people from purchasing coverage.NewsRadio 1110 KFAB Please view his clip here:


6 APRIL UPDATE: SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN  Since its launch in last year, NAHU's social media campaign has tremendously increased our social media presence, numbers and viewership on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We are excited to share April’s analytics indicating the campaign's great progress.April’s analytics  Twitter:  In April, NAHU's profile was visited 2,416 times.  NAHU's tweets were seen on average 2,000 times per day this month.  NAHU's account gained 318 followers this month.  Facebook:  NAHU's Facebook posts reach, on average, 1,016 unique individuals each day.  NAHU's posts received, on average, 13 reactions per day and were shared 10 times per day this month.  Campaigns:  Links to NAHU's infographics have been clicked over 750 times.  Links to NAHU's Brokers Making a Difference page have been clicked over 325 times. *Key Terms: The engagement rate for a tweet is the number of users who clicked, favorited, shared, or replied to a tweet as a percentage of the number of users who saw the tweet. The engagement rate in the report is the average engagement rate for all of NAHU’s tweets in the given month. The reach on Facebook is the number of different people who see any of NAHU’s content -- whether in their newsfeed, on NAHU’s profile, or otherwise.

7 IMPORTANCE OF MEDIA COVERAGE  We often send these clips to policymakers to alert them of the issues we are facing. The more high-profile media coverage we received, the more attention policymakers will pay to our issues.  Media placement means an increased understanding of the issues in the public, both inside and outside the industry.  Media attention increases NAHU name recognition and branding.  We do not pay for our media placements. All coverage received by our members is free business promotion, which promotes NAHU members as subject-matter experts.  Good information and solid sound bytes provided by an NAHU member means other reporters will want to use that member as a resource.

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