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Ancient Egypt. Nile River Nile River South NorthFlows from South to North Starts in mountains & empties into Mediterranean Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt. Nile River Nile River South NorthFlows from South to North Starts in mountains & empties into Mediterranean Sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt

2 Nile River Nile River South NorthFlows from South to North Starts in mountains & empties into Mediterranean Sea



5 Nile floods yearly leaving rich silt Papyrus grows here=makes paper

6 Ancient Egyptians King Narmer united Upper & Lower Egypt- 1 st dynasty around 3100 BC Theocracy


8 Old Kingdom 2680-2180 BC Pyramids Tombs for kings Start as—mastabas (rectangular burial mounds) Built mastaba on top of another mastaba= step pyramids


10 Bent Pyramid


12 Ancient Egyptians Pyramids of Giza—Great Pyramid built for Khufu 480 ft. tall Side is 755 ft. long 5.5 million tons of limestone, 8,000 tons of granite (imported from Aswan), and 500,000 tons of mortar

13 Mummification Mummification Removed organs Spices & salts dried out body Wrapped in linen Worldly possessions put in tomb



16 Shabtis: The Pharaoh’s Servants in the Afterlife


18 Middle Kingdom 2050 BC-1640 BC2050 BC-1640 BC Hyksos “foreigners”—rule Egypt for 100 yrs. (had bronze weapons & chariots)

19 New Kingdom 1570 BC- 1080 BC Prince Ahmose led revolt Pharaoh “great house”Pharaoh “great house”


21 1503 BC—female pharaoh—Hatshepsut




25 1370 BC—Akhenaten tried to change religion into monotheism Deformed elongated face/limbs


27 1333 BC– King Tut Tutankhamun ruled from age 8 until age 19 Mysterious death Tomb intact & filled with treasure in 1922 "Death comes on wings to he who enters the tomb of a pharaoh."






33 1200 BC—Ramses II ruled for 67 yrs. Built massive monuments Pharaoh from the exodus story



36 Polytheists Gods - part animal, part human, married each other, had children Afterlife - judged by Osiris w/ sacred feather


38 Egyptian writing=hieroglyphics


40 Science, Math, & Medicine Calendar Geometry (used to build pyramids) Medicine—set broken bones

41 1 st to use make-up & wigs

42 Ancient Egyptians The Rosetta Stone allowed historians to decode the hieroglyphics

43 Hebrews=Jews=Israelites


45 Hebrews introduced monotheism—1 God Yahweh (Jewish God)


47 Noah’s son Shem’s great grandson Heber Hebrew means “From across” Hebrew means “From across”

48 Abraham—father of the Hebrews 1800 BC-moved from Sumer to Canaan Covenant with God for “Promised Land”

49 “Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” - Genesis 12: 1-3

50 Abraham’s grandson— Jacob (Israel)—had 12 sons (12 Tribes of Israel)

51 Israel had twelve sons: Reuben Simeon Levi (LEVITES) Judah (JEWS) Dan Naphtali Gad, Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin

52 1200s BC—Moses led the Hebrews out-- EXODUS 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai Joshua—Moses’ successor—led Hebrews to Canaan



55 In Canaan In Canaan The 12 Tribes fought Canaanites & Philistines for land The 12 Tribes fought Canaanites & Philistines for land

56 King Saul (1020- 1012 BC) King Saul (1020- 1012 BC) Unable to defeat Philistines Unable to defeat Philistines Plot against David Plot against David Suicide Suicide

57 King David (1012-973 BC) King David (1012-973 BC) Killed giant Goliath Killed giant Goliath Capital at Jerusalem Capital at Jerusalem

58 King Solomon (973-922 BC) King Solomon (973-922 BC) Temple in Jerusalem Temple in Jerusalem 700 wives (political allies) 700 wives (political allies) After his death, Hebrews split After his death, Hebrews split Israel—N Israel—N Judah—S Judah—S

59 Judah and Israel

60 586 BC—Babylonians destroyed temple 586 BC—Babylonians destroyed temple Hebrews forced out of homeland by Nebuchadnezzar- “Babylonian Exile” Hebrews forced out of homeland by Nebuchadnezzar- “Babylonian Exile” “Diaspora”= scattering of seeds “Diaspora”= scattering of seeds


62 539 BC—Hebrews allowed back into homeland by Persians 539 BC—Hebrews allowed back into homeland by Persians 400s BC—Ezra gathered holy writings Torah 400s BC—Ezra gathered holy writings Torah Genesis Genesis Exodus Exodus Leviticus Leviticus Numbers Numbers Deuteronomy Deuteronomy

63 Judaism, Christianity, & Islam- based on Hebrew idea of monotheism Judaism, Christianity, & Islam- based on Hebrew idea of monotheism

64 Trading Civilizations Phoenicians Canaan Canaan Sea Traders—traded to get food they couldn’t grow Sea Traders—traded to get food they couldn’t grow Ships made of cedar from Lebanon Mtns. Ships made of cedar from Lebanon Mtns.

65 Phoenicians’ major contribution= alphabet Phoenicians’ major contribution= alphabet 1100 BC 1100 BC Used for trade Used for trade 22 characters 22 characters Easy to learn—no need for scribes Easy to learn—no need for scribes


67 Where did the Phoenicians get their name? Originally called Canaanites, they got their name from the Ancient Greeks. Originally called Canaanites, they got their name from the Ancient Greeks.


69 Phoenicia = “land of the purple” Phoenicia = “land of the purple” Purple dye (from shellfish) Purple dye (from shellfish) “Purple People” “Purple People” 60,000 to make 1 lb of dye

70 Where were the Phoenician homelands?


72 Phoenicians expanded by building colonies. Phoenicians expanded by building colonies.



75 Traded cedar oil to Egypt (used it to embalm mummies) Traded cedar oil to Egypt (used it to embalm mummies) Traded papyrus to Greece (one city was named Byblos which is Greek for papyrus) --- Byblos is where we get out words Bible and bibliography Traded papyrus to Greece (one city was named Byblos which is Greek for papyrus) --- Byblos is where we get out words Bible and bibliography

76 ‘Dogs and jackals’ ‘Dogs and jackals’

77 The Royal Game of Ur


79 The Phoenicians founded colonies around 1100 B.C. Lixis Cadiz Utica KitionCarthage Tharros Motya

80 Advantages of a colony Good trade routes & a safe place to rest mid-voyage Good trade routes & a safe place to rest mid-voyage See what customers like See what customers like Resources Resources

81 Why colonize rather than invade? Founded in peace Founded in peace Phoenicians didn’t have big army Phoenicians didn’t have big army Trade & profit Trade & profit

82 Ruins of Carthage (N. African Phoenician colony)

83 Carthage- colony in North Africa

84 Tophet “Roasting place”


86 Metalwork

87 Jewelry

88 Ivory Carvings

89 Glass work

90 Dyeing Cloth

91 Some of the work looks very Egyptian Can you point out the bits that look Egyptian? Can you point out the bits that look Egyptian?

92 Lydians Asia Minor—gold found here Asia Minor—gold found here 600 BC: 1 st to produce coins (gold & silver) 600 BC: 1 st to produce coins (gold & silver)

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