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CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH! CHAPTER 12 SECTION 2. WARM-UP (TRUE OR FALSE) Heart attacks and strokes cant be prevented Teens do not need to be concerned about.

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2 WARM-UP (TRUE OR FALSE) Heart attacks and strokes cant be prevented Teens do not need to be concerned about cardiovascular disease Smokers are more likely to have heart attacks than non smokers To be healthy you need to exercise intensely everyday You do not need to be concerned about your diet as long as you exercise everyday

3 CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH –WHY ITS IMPORTANT CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE WORLD AND IN THE UNITED STATES. THESE DISEASES DEVELOP OVER MANY DECADES AND OFTEN BEGIN IN YOUR TEENS FACT: Over 7,000 adolescents under the age of 18 experience out of hospital cardiac arrest. (“Children and Cardiovascular Diseases.”) FACT:11% of children between the ages 10-18 are diagnosed with high blood pressure.

4 HYPERTENSION Hypertension (AKA “The Silent Killer) is also referred to as High Blood Pressure (a consistent blood pressure of 140/90 or more) –Hypertension damages blood vessel walls due to the increased force of blood. –This causes the heart muscle to weaken and it may even eventually fail to pump blood properly. Hypertension can sometimes be controlled with weight loss, exercise, and a low sodium diet. Often times medication is required

5 BLOOD CHOLESTEROL What is Cholesterol? –A component of cells that is produced by the body, you take in extra cholesterol by eating animal products, cholesterol is transported by LIPOPR0TEINS. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) should be below 129 mg/dl –Carries cholesterol to body tissues for use or storage. –“Bad Cholesterol” because it becomes a component of plaque that builds up on artery walls. –Leads to Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arteries leads to heart attack and stroke High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)- should be over 40 mg/dl –Pick up extra cholesterol and brings it to the liver, cleans up excess plaque. –“Good Cholesterol”

6 WHAT EFFECTS CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? Only one factor that cannot be controlled –Heredity: plays a significant role in the amount of LDL and HDL a person produces. Healthy Habits start now!!! –Exercise: teens should spend 60 minutes being active per day (blood pressure decreases, heart strengthens, HDL increases, stress levels decrease. (walk instead of getting a ride, take the stairs, do chores, walk your dog) –Diet: Limit your intake of fried or processed foods, limit salt intake, decrease animal product intake (watch for cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats) Eat high fiber foods, fruits, and vegetables. –Avoid Smoking: smoking damages blood vessels and leads to hypertension and atherosclerosis. Smoker are 2 or 3X more likely to have a heart attack than non smokers.

7 HOMEWORK! Use your notes to set a 2 day diet goal for yourself. After setting your goal you should change 1-2 things about your diet and implement a change during breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You should try to provide proof of your goal and then reflect on the effect your meal change had. Example: I only eat Pizza for lunch so for two days I will not get pizza and will get the healthy option offered instead.

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