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Let learning ripple through your organisation Speaker: Mary Dees.

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Presentation on theme: "Let learning ripple through your organisation Speaker: Mary Dees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let learning ripple through your organisation Speaker: Mary Dees

2 Let learning ripple through your organisation

3 Nationally Recognised


5 Opening Exercise The workshop starts with a pub quiz.

6 “People put clearly in roles and given good information – great software ” Refushire – Interactive Main Menu

7 Refushire – Zoom into scene “Learned a lot of the underlying principles of waste management”

8 “ Liked the whole group/workshop scenario as you had to engage/ negotiate with other groups ” Looking at the issues

9 “I now understand the need to synchronise planning and practice of waste collection and disposal – this is not an optional extra.” Decisions, decisions, decisions

10 “This is an excellent method of learning and decision making practice. Could apply to virtually any form of training” LATS penalties are avoided – this time!

11 “A fun way of considering the issues surrounding waste management in the community.” Co-mingled collections and eco products

12 New waste industries and a burger van! “Effective way of presenting a incredibly unrelated set of issues and fun too - very, very good”

13 “It helped me to understand more about ‘waste’ through visual learning rather than reports and meetings.” Recyclemoor wins the cup

14 “Partnership working and discussion is valuable for successful waste management” 3 rounds remain to deal with problems

15 Process: Breakout Discussions Teams Feedback Final Thoughts Report Final Exercise 10 Minutes 5 Minutes + W = World View A = Awareness & Engagement S = Sustainability T = Technology and Trade E = Errors

16 What learning message delegates said they would take away: Talking to ALL partners / stakeholders is essential for sustainability Benefit of presenting information to residents More understanding of the need to synchronise planning and practice of waste collection and disposal Need to make choices carefully Feedback “Scenario was fantastic – made thing very clear about how it all works.”

17 What has been achieved: Outputs Over 90% giving a very good or excellent rating for content, presentation, engagement and relevance 35 Workshops in 3 regions (NW, WM and YH) Web Exposure: Over 30 sites have picked up on the project Cited in the Audit Commission Report of MWDA


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