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Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Agenda Time EstimateActivity 7 15 2 10 60 Warm Up Quiz #1 (Fast Food Study Guide) Mini-Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Agenda Time EstimateActivity 7 15 2 10 60 Warm Up Quiz #1 (Fast Food Study Guide) Mini-Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Thursday April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Agenda Time EstimateActivity 7 15 2 10 60 Warm Up Quiz #1 (Fast Food Study Guide) Mini-Study Guide: Fast Food Nation Notes: GMOs, Monsanto, VL Laws, Obesity Watch: Food, Inc. / SuperSize Me Materials Needed Comp. Notebook + Pen / Pencil 1 sheet of paper (for quiz)

2 Volume-O Meter: 3 (Normal Voices) Time: 5 Minutes ------------------------------------------------------- SAT Word of the Day: Gregarious [adj.]= sociable; found of company [greg = “flock”] 1.Write down the SAT word of the day and its definition. Then, make a sentence that uses context clues which includes the SAT word of the day. 2.Prepare for your Quiz! Make sure you can answer all study guide questions and vocabulary terms. Warm Up April 21, 2016 (4.21.16) Warm Up April 21, 2016 (4.21.16)

3 Directions:  Title your Quiz: Rock and Roll McDonalds Quiz #1

4 Directions:  Use Sheet of Paper  Volume-O: 0 during quiz  Shortest answer possible, but use complete sentences.  4 questions; choose any 3 to answer.  15 minutes to complete the Quiz Quiz #1

5 Choose any 3 questions to answer: 1.How did the fast food industry begin and who began it? 2.They say the most dangerous job in the world is being a worker at a meatpacking facility. Why is it the most dangerous job? 3.Discuss some of the ways animals [chickens or cows] are treated badly before, during, and after slaughter. 4.Discuss the importance of corn in the United States. Quiz #1

6 Transition Study Guide Fast Food Nation Mini-Study Guide Fast Food Nation Mini-Study Guide

7 The BIG Question: How has the fast food industry impacted our culture? Key Text(s): Fast Food Nation (book/movie), Food, Inc., Supersize Me Concept 1: The People 1.How did the fast food industry begin…and who were the people involved? 2.What is life like for a “meatpacker“? Concept 2: Impacts on Culture 3.Where does our food come from…and what’s wrong with it? 4.Just how important is corn? Vocabulary Carl Karcher, carhops, speedee service, Ray Kroc, meatpacking Vocabulary Chicken farming, natural v. artificial flavors, HFCS, E Coli O157H7, Kevin’s Law, GMOs, Obesity, Monsanto, Veggie-Libel Laws

8 Transition Notes

9  Makes it easier for food companies to sue critics who make statements about their products:  Oprah (1996): made comments about “mad cow” disease; was sued by the beef industry; won after spending $1 million  McLibel Case (1997): made pamphlet against McD; were sued; won (McLibel case) Veggie-Libel Laws

10  Body craves three things, not easily found in nature: 1. Fat 2. Salt 3. Sugar  Fast food typically provides all three in a meal (burger, fries, soda)  Leads to many people becoming addicted to food. Obesity

11  Genetically modified organism(s)  Organism whose structure has been genetically altered.  Corn, soybean, milk  Can includes bacteria, insects, plants, animals  Controversies: 1. Not required to be labeled as GMO 2. GMOs, unlike nature, can be copyrighted/trademarked GMOs

12  Leading agricultural biotech company.  Famous for GMO seed and herbicide (Round-Up ready corn)  Can sue if their seeds end up on your field (even accidentally) Monsanto

13 Watch: Food, Inc.

14 Watch: Super Size Me

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