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Career Development Events Common Core/Next Generation Science Standards Addressed! WHST.11 ‐ 12.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative.

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2 Career Development Events

3 Common Core/Next Generation Science Standards Addressed! WHST.11 ‐ 12.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. (HS ‐ LS1 ‐ 3)

4 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Standards Addressed! CRP.01.02 Evaluate and consider the near-term and long-term impacts of personal and professional decisions on employers and community before taking action. Sample Measurement: The following sample measurement strands are provided to guide the development of measurable activities (at different levels of proficiency) to assess students’ attainment of knowledge and skills related to the above performance indicator. The topics represented by each strand are not all-encompassing. CRP.01.02.01.a. Classify the near- and long term impacts of personal decisions on self and others (e.g., decisions involving health, relationships, money, perceptions, education, etc.).

5 Bell Work Are you more interested in a team or individual activity? Why? Are you afraid of public speaking? Why? How can a person overcome their fear of public speaking?

6 Prepared Public Speaking Speeches are based on agriculture or leadership topics Junior high, Greenhand and Chapter divisions

7 Extemporaneous Public Speaking Public Speaking Given a topic and you have 30 minutes to create a 4-6 minute speech

8 Creed Speaking There are two categories in New Mexico. Junior High competition. Greenhand Creed competition.

9 Job Interview Comptition Contestants develop a resume Apply for a position of interest Complete a phone interview Face to face interview

10 Junior High Illustrated Talk Develop a power point in regards to an area of interest. Combines public speaking and presentation skills

11 Team Career Development Events

12 Junior High Opening Ceremonies Team members perform the official FFA opening ceremonies before a panel of judges.

13 Junior High Quiz Bowl Members “buzz” in on a game show type of event. First person to buzz in has the opportunity to answer questions from the Junior High Agriculture Education curriculum.

14 Agriculture Marketing Plan Team members will develop a product and marketing concept. Present the concept to a panel of judges.

15 Agriculture Issues Select an Agriculture topic that is currently in the news and develop a program in regards to the issue Wide open formats may depict a trial, farm scene, TV program etc.

16 Agricultural Mechanics 1. Welding 2. Small Engines 3. Electricity 4. Carpentry 5. Surveying

17 Dairy Cattle Evaluation Dairy Animal Selection Oral reasons Linear Evaluation Paper Work!

18 Agricultural Sales Customer Relations Telephone Skills Marketing Skills Product Display

19 Entomology Identification of common insects in NM Test – USDA application information

20 Land/Homesite Soil Profile Soil Textures Soil Structures Drainage indication Soil Management Slope Determination

21 Landscape Design Interpret directions and draw a homesite to fit the clients specifications. Calculate landscape installation cost.

22 Agronomy Crop Seed Identification Weed Slide Identification Roughage Evaluation - Hay and Silage Grain Evaluation - Corn, Soybeans, Oats, Wheat

23 Horticulture Produce Place classes based on product quality Exam Identification

24 Milk Quality and Products Taste ID 14 cheeses Taste ID 10 milks Taste ID Real vs Artificial products Dairy Foods Exam Examine Dairy Milker

25 Pasture and Range Evaluation Evaluate range sites in regards to livestock and wildlife utilization!

26 Ag Business Management Management Knowledge about…… Insurance Finance / Banking Marketing Cost Analysis

27 Floriculture Plant material ID Flower Evaluation Arranging Experience

28 Forestry Tree Identification Chainsaw parts Calculating logs

29 Horse Evaluation Horse Parts Oral Reasons Riding Classes Halter Classes Questions classes

30 Livestock Evaluation Evaluation of –Cattle –Sheep –Swine Oral Reasons Question classes

31 Meat Evaluation Wholesale cuts Retail cuts Pork - Lamb - Beef Carcass Backfat Loin eyes

32 Parliamentary Procedure Organize a Meeting Uphold the “rule” of the Majority. Uphold the “rights” of the minority Serve as Chairperson Serve as Secretary Serve as a floor member Greenhand & Chapter events

33 Poultry Poultry cuts Egg evaluation Live Bird evaluation Evaluation of meat products

34 Veterinary Science Identification Exam Practicum Hands on Vet. Skill!

35 Wool Evaluation Grade fleeces Place Commercial wool classes Place breed wool classes Oral reasons

36 Wildlife Identification of wildlife species Practicum Test

37 Food Science Identify foods by smell! Develop a food product! Food Comparisons!

38 The End!

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