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Meetings What are they for? Roles and responsibilities? Role of the Chairperson?

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Presentation on theme: "Meetings What are they for? Roles and responsibilities? Role of the Chairperson?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meetings What are they for? Roles and responsibilities? Role of the Chairperson?

2 What are meetings for? Record keeping and accountability Share information Make decisions Setting a schedule to deliver decisions Networking Training Maintaining a collective identity

3 Different sorts of meetings Committee Meetings Sub-Committee Meetings Open and Public Meetings AGM Focus Groups and consultation meetings Different Meetings need different styles

4 Formality Any legal requirements (constitution)‏ Any monitoring requirements Any decisions: how will they be made Any elections Appropriate formality: Resources managed skills and commitments of those involved The activities carried out by the organisation

5 Tools for effective meetings Suitable meeting space Agenda and Minutes of previous meetings Other paperwork/presentations Distribution list Ballot papers Code of Conduct

6 Suitable Meeting Space Book space so that people can arrive early Check any equipment works Provide refreshments before meeting Encourage attendees to arrive early Meet and greet guests and newcomers Start on time

7 Agenda and Minutes and other paperwork Chair to draw up agenda Secretary to draft minutes for chairs approval Circulate paperwork in advance to distribution list Raise concerns with chair before meeting The more work is done before meeting, the shorter and more effective the meeting will be

8 Decision Making How formal do you need to be? Do people understand how things are going to be done? Is there a quorum? Consensus decision making Simple majority/larger majority How will decision be implemented

9 Officers of Organisation Chair: Public face of organisation/point of contact Runs meetings Secretary Takes minutes Distributes information Keeps track of membership Treasurer Responsible for finances

10 Role of Chair Draw up agenda Finalise minutes Decide on guests attending Guides meeting from beginning to end Ensure decisions are made properly: Clear Effective With action plan for implementation

11 Agenda Welcome and Introductions  Guest presentation  Minutes of previous meeting  Matters arising  First Issue  Second Issue  Third Issue  Any Other Business  Next Meeting

12 Effective Chairing Ensure people know what meeting aims to achieve (ring around people before meeting)‏ Give everyone a chance to contribute, but stop people waffling Keep meeting focussed and on topic Finish meeting in reasonable time Ensure decisions are clear and properly recorded

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