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QUICK QUIZ  Name the following muscles  You only have 10 seconds to name each muscle… so get sorted!!

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Presentation on theme: "QUICK QUIZ  Name the following muscles  You only have 10 seconds to name each muscle… so get sorted!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 QUICK QUIZ  Name the following muscles  You only have 10 seconds to name each muscle… so get sorted!!

3 1. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

4 2. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

5 3. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

6 2.4. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

7 5. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

8 6. (This whole group of posterior muscles is called what?) OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

9 7. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

10 8. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps

11 9. OPTIONS: Rectus Abdominus Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Gluteus Maximus Pectorals (pectoralis Major) Hamstrings Biceps Soleus Gastrochnemius Quadriceps SIDE VIEW OF LEGS


13 1.Latissimus Dorsi 2.Rectus Abdominus 3.Deltoid 4.Pectorals (pectoralis Major) 5.Biceps 6.Hamstrings 7.Gastrocnemius 8.Quadriceps 9.Gluteus Maximus

14 Fashion Parade  You will be given a movement that you have to demonstrate while walking up the cat walk  Make sure you state what joint we are looking at!

15 Muscles work in pairs  When one muscle is working the other is relaxed. We use the following terms to explain what each muscle is doing:  Agonist = is the working muscle  Antagonist = is the oppostie muscle which is not working (ie relaxed)

16 Agonist = biceps Antagonist = triceps Agonist = triceps Antagonist = biceps biceps triceps

17 MUSCLES MuscleMain Action DeltoidShoulder abduction, flexion and extension PectoralsShoulder adduction and flexion Latissimus DorsiShoulder adduction and extension

18 TricepsElbow extension BicepsElbow Flexion AbdominalsTrunk Flexion and rotation Gluteus MaximusHip abduction and extension HamstringsKnee flexion, hip extension

19 QuadricepsKnee extension, hip flexion Wrist FlexorsWrist Flexion Wrist ExtensorsWrist Extension GastrocnemiusPlantarflexion Tibialis AnteriorDorsiflexion

20 YOUR TURN…..  Try to fill out the next table (pg101) using the information you just collected.


22 MovementAgonistAntagonist Elbow FlexionBicepTricep Shoulder AbductionDeltoidPectorals + Latissimus Dorsi Elbow ExtensionTricepBicep

23 Knee FlexionHamstringQuadricep Shoulder AdductionPectorals +Latissimus Dorsi Deltiod Knee ExtensionQuadricepsHamstrings Shoulder FlexionDeltoid + PectoralsLatissimus Dorsi

24 Hip ExtensionGluteus MaximusHip Flexors Hip FlexionHip FlexorsGluteus Maximus PlantarflexionGastrocnemiusTibialis Anterior Wrist ExtensionWrist ExtensorsWrist Flexors

25 BASKETBALL EXAMPLE  1. extension: LD + Delt, Pec  2. flexion: bicep, tricep  3. flexion: ham, quad  4. flex: Pec + Delt, LD  5. flex: hip flexors, gluteus maximus  6. ext: wrist extensors, flexors  7. flex: bicep, tricep

26 8. flex: LD + Delt, Pec 9. ext: quad, ham 10. flex: Pec + Delt, LD 11. flex: wrist flexors, exstensors 12. ext: tricep, bicep 13. flex: Pec + Delt, LD 14. flex: ham, quad 15. plantarflexion

27 How Muscles Work Together  What Prevents Hyperextension?? The contraction at the end of the movement by our muscles.. i.e.. In knee extension the hamstrings would contract at the end of the movement to slow/control the extension

28 How Muscles Work Together  Flexion is when the angle between the bones decrease and extension is when the angle between the bones increase. The bones involved in the movement at the knee joint are the femur, tibia, fibula, and patella. The hamstrings and quadriceps work together to produce the flexion and extension at the knee. The hamstrings are the prime mover (agonist) for flexion at the knee and contracts to produce the movement. The quadriceps relax to allow flexion to occur then contract towards the end of the movement to slow the extension

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