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Laura Faatz Public Services Librarian Huntsman Library Snow College ombating Plagiarism A Guide to Citation.

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Presentation on theme: "Laura Faatz Public Services Librarian Huntsman Library Snow College ombating Plagiarism A Guide to Citation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laura Faatz Public Services Librarian Huntsman Library Snow College ombating Plagiarism A Guide to Citation

2 What is plagiarism? It’s Stealing! turning in someone else's work as your own copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit failing to put a quotation in quotation marks giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)

3 How do I avoid Plagiarism? Come up with your own, original ideas Take effective notes from all of your sources Plan your paper/Develop an outline Balance between other’s ideas and your own Know how to paraphrase Formulate a thesis statement Make it clear who said what When in doubt, cite the source Make sure you know how to cite sources properly From:

4 Paraphrase, Summary, Quotation Paraphrase: Restatement of a text, passage or work giving the meaning in another form Summary: Covering the main points succinctly Quotation: Something that is spoken or written (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgement A passage that is repeated from especially in substantiation or illustration. Definitions from:

5 Paraphrasing How to Paraphrase and Why You Should Do So Often

6 Citation is... an address, telling your reader where you found your information

7 Citation Identifies and credits the sources you use in your paper or project Enables the reader to locate your sources Areas of Concern In-text Citation References or Works Cited Page From: _site/e_citation.html

8 Citation Formats Different subjects use different types of citation. Make sure you are using the proper citation for whatever class you are taking. MLA APA Chicago Manual of Style Blue Book Others?

9 Citation You must cite any and all: Data Facts Information Opinions Tables Photographs Graphs Other images Anything that you obtained in your research.

10 APA & MLA Citation APA & MLA Citation Style consists of two parts : Use In-Text Citation (short parenthetical notes): In your paper, whenever you quote someone else paraphrase other’s writing use information from an outside source (i.e. not your brain) Use Reference/Works Cited Citation: At the end of your paper List all the sources you used to write the paper Every source that you cite in-text must be on this list

11 MLA In-Text Citation identify which parts of your paper are your own vs. the work of others The Pieces: the name of the author (or authors) of the work you're citing the page number on which the information you're using can be found

12 In-Text Citation Examples Citation when author is mentione d in the sentence Basic in-text citation From: Sample paper, Lake Sumpter State College

13 Works Cited Page Author Date of publication Title Publication information List medium of publication: Print, Web, CD-ROM or DVD If using a source from a database that was originally in print, type the database name in italics

14 Works Cited Page Example

15 APA In-Text Citation The author's last name Year of publication A locator of some sort: page number paragraph number. heading/chapter titles and paragraph numbers, example: (American Kennel Club, n.d., para. 3). Can be in the sentence or at the end of the sentence in parentheses

16 Basic Structure Citation information at the end in parentheses (quote) Men, too, have unrealistic physical ideals, for example, “a G.I. Joe figure blown up to life size would have had biceps twenty-seven inches in diameter” (Anderegg, 2007, p. 55). Citation information within the sentence (paraphrase) According to Mehus-Roe (2005), brittannies are best suited to active dog owners (p. 222). No page number - use paragraph number (quote) The beagle's "compact size, short easy to care for coat and intelligence make the beagle an excellent family dog" (American Kennel Club, n.d., para. 3). No page number - if the work is too long to count paragraphs, use the heading/chapter title and paragraph number (quote) Teen’s “emergence as a distinctive market during the past half-century has been tied up with the exploitation of their emerging sexuality and need to identify with their peer group” (Moynihan, 2005, “adolescence,” para. 10). Indirect quote / secondary source - Use "as cited in" if you'd like to quote someone that's been quoted in another work (quote) Entwistle argues that “clothes reveal something of the relationship between the body a person has and the society in which that body finds itself, and how this body is made acceptable in that society” (as cited in Grimstad Klepp & Storm-Mathisen, 2005, p. 326). From:

17 APA Reference Citation The basic format for a reference citation includes: Author Date of publication Title Publication information

18 Citation Examples

19 Questions? ombating Plagiarism A Guide to Citation

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