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Published byTheresa James Modified over 8 years ago
1 CERN April 19, 2012 NA61 status and other issues Other issues NA61 status and plans
2 - Data taking: 2011 and plans - Hardware upgrades - Software upgrades - New results
3 - Data taking: 2011 and plans 2011: p+p at 13, 158 GeV/c and To be published in Cern Courier soon 2011: p+p at 13, 158 GeV/c and Be+Be at 40, 75 and 150A GeV
4 2011: successful tests of: - Low Momentum Particle Detector (test for p+Pb at 158 GeV/c in 2012) and - extraction of the primary Pb beam at 80A GeV/c (test for runs with primary Ar and Xe beams in 2014/2015) - Data taking: 2011 and plans
6 p+p Be+Be Ar+Ca Xe+La Pb+Pb p+Pb 13 20 30 40 80 160 2012/14 2014 2015 2011-2012 2009/10/11 energy (A GeV) 13 20 30 40 80 160 Pb+Pb p+p C+C Si+Si energy (A GeV) NA61 ion program NA49 (1996-2002) - Data taking: 2011 and plans
7 - in 2013, ECR source & Linac 3 will run for 13 weeks with Ar and 13 weeks with Xe, to prepare the 2014 and 2015 NA61 runs, - the 2014 Ar run will need ~10 weeks of preparation in LEIR, PS and SPS, - same for the Xe run in 2015, but in 2015 we expect an ion run for LHC so the whole ion complex will have to start early in the year, - in order to have primary ion beams in the North Area at the same time as protons for other users (LHC, HiRadMat, CNGS?), a new interlock has to be operational; this is conditioned by the pulling of cables between several buildings of the SPS (BA3, BA2, BA5). Preparations for the 2012, 2014 and 2015 runs with ion beams are going well Report from Django Manglunki (BE, ion coordinator):
8 - Hardware upgrades - the major hardware upgrades are completed and were already used in the 2011 runs (PSD, He-beam pipes, A- and Z-detectors, LMPD), - the pending upgardes (ToF HV system, new TPC calibration pulsers, new BPD preamplifiers) are relevant for the long-time operation stability of NA61,
9 - Software upgrade: Shine
10 ● Detector: Interface to detector parameters. Geometry description, calibration parameters. Hard-coded data, or it can ask also Managers to retrieve data. ● Event: Describes the data content of a physical event. Different abstraction levels are possible (main parts: BOSRecord, RawEvent, ProcEvent, RecEvent, SimEvent). ● Modules: These are the substeps of the calibration and reconstruction process. Can only propagate information via Event. Can get detector related description only from Detector. – Large part of the modules are wrapped NA49 'legacy clients'. These need occasionally extra treatment. ● EventBrowser: RawEvent, RecEvent and SimEvent visualization tool. First order dependencies automatically fetched by Shape package manager => very easy installation. Buildbot system checks code integrity and basic functionality upon each commit. Large-scale structure of Shine software
11 Status of components
12 Client porting status
13 - Software upgrade: virtualization Local reference cloud Reference private Cloud implementation using OpenNebula enabling data (re)processing at CERN and elsewhere Commissioned Software installed on CVMFS CVMFS is a distributed file system software distribution used by LHC experiments NA61 software installed Virtual clusters On-demand creation of custom clusters on top of virtualized infrastructure Scripts created CERNVM batch system Uses Condor batch system NA61 scripts for job submission adapted to Condor Validation Jobs running on CERNVM and LXPLUS must produce identical results Work in progress Data bookkeeping web interface Present all available data, production and job status using Web interface Work in progress
14 - New results -general data status: -analysis of the 2007 data is completed, two papers are already published and up to three publications will follow, -analysis effort moved to the 2009 data: numerous new results have been produced and will be presented in the summer conferences, -calibration of the 2010 and 2011 data is in progress (multi-step calibration process takes significant time)
15 - New results Ion related: - pilot results on the energy dependence of inclusive pion production in p+p (20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c): - transverse momentum/mass spectra, - rapidity spectra, - mean multiplicity - pilot results on the energy dependece of transverse momentum fluctuations in p+p (20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c): - M(p T ) spectra, - PT - pilot results on the energy dependece of azimuthal angle fluctuations in p+p (20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c): - - article on the NA61 ion program published in Jan/Feb issuse of Cern Courier - article on the NA61 secondary ion beams to be published soon in Cern Courier
16 Fits done in m T -m p- range 0.2-0.7 GeV/c 2 Pilot results p - m T spectra at midrapidity (0.0 < y < 0.2)
17 p - rapidity spectra full points are measured open points reflected at mid-rapidity Pilot results statistical errors are smaller than symbol size
18 Energy dependence of p - multiplicity in p+p interactions Blue – NA61/SHINE, gray – compilation of the world data statistical errors are smaller than symbol size Pilot results
19 Energy dependence of transverse momentum fluctuations: NA61 data vs UrQMD Pilot results
20 related to cosmic-ray (CR) experiments: - pilot result on production cross section in - + C at 158 and 350 GeV/c - pilot charged particle spectra in - + C at 158 and 350 GeV/c - New results
21 +
22 related to neutrino oscillation experiment T2K: - published K + spectra in p+C at 31 GeV/c (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.035210) - pilot proton and K 0 S spectra in p+C at 31 GeV/c, - paper draft on the T2K replica target methods, results and applications, - pilot high statistics spectra of identified hadrons ( +/-, K +/-, p +/- ) in p+C at 31 GeV/c (2009) data, - analysis of high statistics 2009 T2K replica target data is advanced - article on the NA61 T2K program published in November issue of the Cern Courier - New results
24 Pilot results
25 Other issues - Possible extension of the NA61 program by measurements (p beam at 9-120 GeV/c) for the Fermilab neutrino program: - seven US groups (Fermilab, Los Alamos as well as Universities Texas, Colorado, Florida, Northwestrn, Pittsburgh, Rochester and William and Mary) intend to join NA61 in order to perform measurements needed for the Fermilab neutrino program (the proposal was presented at the recent NA61 analysis meeting in Wroclaw), - NA61 plans to help the US groups in the proposal preparatory phase by: - granting access to the NA61 resources and meetings, - devoting 1-2 days of the June PSD calibration run for the beam/data taking feasibility test (the corresponding agreement is in preparation)
26 2012 run costs -NA61 data taking requires continuous presence at CERN of about 15 people (6 shifters, 9 experts) -this requires travel funds of about 15x4k CHF = 60k CHF per month, and for the four month-long data taking to 240k CHF -the CERN Directorate support of 50k CHF is required
27 NA61 Doctoral student - request for a joint (CERN and NA61) financial support for a doctoral student for NA61(Oskar Wyszynski, software upgrade/hardware expert) for the period of 3 years: - 50% NA61 CF, - 50% CERN
28 - in view of the long term NA61 ion program and planned measurements for the Fermilab neutrino program we see a need for a long term presence of a senior NA61 physicist at CERN NA61 senior physicist - the three-years long contract (CERN Fellowship) of Andras Laszlo ends in July 2012
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