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Abcdefghijkl Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics. abcdefghijkl Background (1)  Programme to improve small area statistics  2001 Onwards; 2003 prototype.

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1 abcdefghijkl Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics

2 abcdefghijkl Background (1)  Programme to improve small area statistics  2001 Onwards; 2003 prototype Internet site  Data supports a number of the SE’s commitments  Those with small area emphasis – Closing the Gap  Access to Central Government information will improve policy development at a local level  Different geographies, different dissemination, not there

3 abcdefghijkl Background (2)  New stable small area geography (data zones)  COAs; 750 people; LAs  Information regularly updated  Four updates a year  Information freely available over the Internet  Also produce a cd for heavy users

4 abcdefghijkl Background (3)  SNS is not a one off short term project  On-going funding subject to spending review  Still work to do to plug gaps  Small area population; housing; benefits  Views from users always welcome

5 abcdefghijkl What can users do on Internet?  Quickly view standard set of key indicators  Define their own geographic area of interest  Build reports from the 2000 odd indicators  View their results on maps and in tables

6 abcdefghijkl Area Browser  Key indicators for data zones, parliamentary constituencies and local authorities  Best-fit using data zones  Over coming months will look to integrate further the SE targets in SNS Area Browser  Come to this later

7 abcdefghijkl Define your own geographies  By clicking on map  Selecting multiple areas from lists  Entering lists of data zones  eg Cut and paste all data zones in Baillieston

8 abcdefghijkl Build Reports  Select indicators from a list  eg…  Tariff Score  Hospital Admissions relating to Heart Disease  Numbers on key low income benefits  Scottish Multiple Index of Deprivation

9 abcdefghijkl View Results on Maps and Tables  Maps show distribution geographically  Download tabular data in to spreadsheets

10 abcdefghijkl Next steps (1)  ScotXed information available in Autumn  Analysis of the small area data  New Intermediate Geography containing about 4,000 people being developed with CPPs  Integrate SE targets and commitments with an area emphasis

11 abcdefghijkl Next Steps (2)  Portfolio Plan Target 4(Education and Young People) : By 2006, reduce the gap between the average attendance levels in schools serving areas of high and low deprivation by 10 % and another 10 % by 2008.  This is currently measured using Free Meal Entitlement, it would be feasible to move the assessment of high and low deprived area to those identified by the SIMD 2004

12 abcdefghijkl












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