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Presentation on theme: "2016 CFC KICKOFF AND COORDINATOR TRAINING. 2 THE ORGANIZATION."— Presentation transcript:



3 3 THE LOANED EXECUTIVES  Civilian  Caprina Crouch, IRS  Brigitte Fields, National Hansen’s Disease (Baton Rouge)  Marjorie Wheeler, IRS  Paul A. Trotter, Sr., USDA National Finance Center  Wesley A. Morgan Jr., US Army Corps of Engineers  Military & Civilian  Brenda Vincent, SPAWAR  Postal  Lottie Lands, USPS, Baton Rouge  Sharon Varnado, USPS

4 4 CAMPAIGN ROLES AGENCY COORDINATORS LOANED EXECUTIVES  Detailed to CFC by their agency for the campaign period.  Serve as the focal point for the Greater New Orleans Area and the Greater Baton Rouge Area.  POC for assigned agency coordinators.  Assigned by their agency.  Serve as the focal point for their individual agency campaign.  POC for their agency’s employees and key workers.

5 5 THE CAMPAIGN  CFC is the only authorized solicitation of Federal employees in the workplace.  Covers the entire state of Louisiana.  Runs from October 3rd – December 15 th, 2016.  Agency campaign can run anytime between these dates.  Recommended campaign duration is 2-4 weeks.  The goal for the 2016 Greater New Orleans CFC is $1.5 million and 100% contact.

6 6 RECOGNITION  The FEB Policy Committee has voted to eliminate donation incentives for the campaign in order to:  Increase the amount of dollars going directly to the charitable organizations.  Reduce costs associated with the campaign.  Due to lack of feasibility, there will be no state-wide CFC prize drawing.  However, individual federal agencies may hold drawings for their offices during the campaign.  Each Coordinator will receive a set of giveaways to use as you see fit to benefit the campaign.  All donors will receive a special CFC phone charging kit as a thank you.

7 7 TIPS FOR SUCCESS Reach Out to Everyone Make sure all your assigned co-workers are included…don’t forget shift workers, telecommuters, and new employees. Talk About the CFC in Person Speaking face-to-face is the most effective way to inspire your co-workers to give. Encourage Payroll Deduction Payroll deduction produces higher levels of giving and has a greater impact on the charities people choose to support. Understand eGiving and Pledge Form Options Make sure you are familiar with all the ways to participate so you can offer help as needed. Make Giving Personal Charity facts and personal stories motivate co-workers to donate to causes that matter to them. Maintain Campaign Integrity Keep pledges secure and give the to your Loaned Executive as quickly as possible. Number your tally envelopes and ensure all are returned. Keep the Campaign Visible Use social media, emails, posters, brochures, internal newsletters and events to promote the campaign. Give Thanks Thank everyone for donating. Recognize the donors with a letter from leadership and a certificate from the organization.

8 8 THE ASK For many, the thought of asking their friends and colleagues to donate to the CFC makes hands go clammy and nervous hearts beat faster. It’s actually pretty easy to do. Here are some tips to make talking with your co-workers stress-free and effective. 1.Make you own donation Make your own gift first so you can ask people to join you in supporting our community. 2.Be prepared Remember that there are more than 2,700 non-profit organizations in the 2016 Charity Resource Listing, so it’s easy for every donor to find favorite charities. In addition, the Office of Personnel Management has instituted All-Around Giving (formally Universal Giving). A list of All-Around Giving Agencies can be found in CFC Nexus and OPM’s CFC Website. 3.Be proud It is an honor to represent the CFC. You are giving your co-workers the chance to make a significant difference in their community. How great is that?

9 9 THE ASK For many, the thought of asking their friends and colleagues to donate to the CFC makes hands go clammy and nervous hearts beat faster. It’s actually pretty easy to do. Here are some tips to make talking with your co-workers stress-free and effective. 4.Speak face-to-face Talk to your co-workers in person. Let them know that you support the CFC. Giving is easy and there are thousands of charities to choose from. You can pick the one that means the most to you. You can give a little each pay period through payroll deduction. Small weekly donations quickly add up to a significant impact or make a one-time donation. 5.Follow up with each of your co-workers. Ask if they have any questions or need a pledge form. Ask to help them register online so that it will be easy to make their donation when ready. 6.Say thank you and recognize employees who participated.


11 11 STEP 1: PLAN  Analyze last year’s campaign.  Strategize how to increase your funds for this year.  100% contact.  Your communication plan.  Establish weekly contacts with your Loaned Executive.  Establish weekly contacts with your key workers, if applicable.  Establish how you will communicate with your agency leadership.  Establish how frequently and in what manner you will communicate with employees.  Determine how goals and progress will be publicized.  Assess available resources  The Coordinator tab on the CFC web site has lots of resources that can be used to make your campaign better.  Person’s at your office who are creative, have varied interests or connections to resources  Discretionary budget (non-appropriated)

12 12 STEP 2: EXECUTE  Have a kick-off and invite all staff and your Loaned Executive(to give a presentation on CFC).  Publicize your agency goals.  Break goals down to the division or department level.  Make use of bulletin boards, email, posters, internal newsletters  Update progress towards goals throughout your campaign  Celebrate successes in achieving goals  Keep good records of all donations and forms.  Ensure all tally envelopes are returned,  Number the envelopes as you pass them out to Keyworkers  Stay in close contact with your assigned Loaned Executive throughout your campaign.

13 13 STEP 3: REPORT  Submit weekly reports to your loaned executive as required.  Turn in all cash and checks on a weekly basis. Do NOT hold cash and checks until the end of the campaign.  Account for all pledge forms distributed.  Complete your end of campaign report before December 15th.  Identify the HR/Payroll person who will receive payroll deduction pledges BEFORE the campaign begins.  Ensure your HR/Payroll department receives the white payroll copy of all hard copy pledge forms and print out the electronic copy of all CFC Nexus pledge forms.  All payroll deduction must be turned in to HR/Payroll whether they are electronic or not.

14 14 STEP 4: WRAP UP  Say thanks and recognize employees who participated.  Have a thank you celebration.  Send thank you letter from leadership.  Acknowledge donors with some form of recognition.  Do a post-campaign agency-wide communication with key information.  Total amount raised.  Average employee donation.  Comparison to previous year.  Take notes on what worked well and what didn’t for the next year.


16 16 ONLINE GIVING  CFC’s online pledging for the 2016 campaign can be made through our new webpage  CFC Nexus, MyPay and Employee Express can all be accessed through our website.  Online pledging allows employees to:  Donate one-time or multiple times.  Donate using a credit card or payroll deductions.  Donate in a secured environment just like online banking.  Search the complete list of charities online by Name or Keywords.

17 17 ONLINE GIVING  Online pledging allows agency coordinators to:  Pull reports for HR/Payroll departments by pledge card or via Excel.  Increase accuracy rates on data entry for pledge cards.  Reduces paperwork and the opportunity for pledge cards to get lost.  View real time donation statistics at any time.  Online pledging is the preferred method for CFC donations. Hard copy pledge forms are still available from your Loaned Executive.

18 18 ONLINE GIVING There are three ways you can give online and advantages for each one but the choice is yours.  CFC Nexus  Pledge MUST be printed and submitted to Payroll Office by Coordinator  All federal agencies can use this option.  Credit Cards and Payroll available with this option.  MyPay  All DoD agencies can use this option, not available for Coast Guard.  Payroll deduction only.  No paperwork for Coordinators to submit to payroll.  Employee Express  The following agencies can use this option.  Department of State and Department of Interior  Department of Transportation and Equal Opportunity Commission  Federal Highway Administration and National Aeronautics and Space Administration  National Labor Relations Board and Social Security Administration  Department of the Treasury  Payroll deduction only.  No paperwork for Coordinators to submit to payroll office.





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