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Knowledge for Healthcare Streamlining the Document Supply Service and Process David Law Library Services Manager, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust –

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge for Healthcare Streamlining the Document Supply Service and Process David Law Library Services Manager, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge for Healthcare Streamlining the Document Supply Service and Process David Law Library Services Manager, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust – Tricia Rey Library Services Manager, Queen Victoria Hospital –

2 What is Knowledge for Healthcare? 2

3 A strategic framework for the continuing development of NHS Library and Knowledge Services Written by Library Leads in Health Education England Input from over 17,000 NHS staff and nearly 2,000 students Key issues identified by LKS staff were: Leadership, Funding, Workforce, Partnership, Quality & Impact, Transforming the Service 3

4 Knowledge for Healthcare - Vision 4 Key Work Streams Service Transformation Quality & Improvement Resource Discovery Workforce Development 4

5 Streamlining ILLs & DD Work Group Sue Robertson (Chair)Aylesbury, Bucks Vanessa Ancliff (joined April ‘16)Derby Merinne WhittonLondon David LawWolverhampton Joan Lomas (joined April ‘16)Stevenage, Herts Tricia ReyEast Grinstead, West Sussex David WatsonMatlock, Derbyshire Helen WilliamsWinchester, Hants Helen Bingham Thames Valley, Wessex, South West Service Transformation 5

6 Workgroup – Geographical Distribution 6

7 Workgroup Communications Methods: Webinars – bi monthly Face-to-face meetings - yearly Telephone calls Wiki – to share key documents and statistics Discussions by email 7

8 Workgroup Challenges ILLs and Document Supply – logistics of moving books round the country IT - Wiki blocked by Trust IT – no access to webinar software thus dependent upon Trusts with access Loss of team members – pressures of work Only representation from certain areas. Resolved from April 2016 Most members qualified librarians = only partial responsibility for document supply 8

9 Streamlining Workgroup Report Key Findings Document supply services are well-embedded and established in all libraries with practices that have grown up organically over many years. There are probably as many different ways to deliver document supply services operating currently as there are NHS libraries in England – despite the end to end flow process being essentially the same. 9

10 A Typical Library Process 10

11 Streamlining Workgroup Report Key Findings The largest area of document supply activity is the supply of electronic and print copies from library and knowledge services’ own subscribed or purchased collections to their own users. This type of activity rose by 33.8%; from 107,118 copies supplied in 2008/9 to 143,311 copies in 2013/4. Analysis of the data relating to document supply and interlending activity collected in the NHS Library Services Annual Statistical Return reveals gaps and inconsistencies. Not every library service completes and submits statistics to their LKS lead which makes it difficult to completely understand patterns and trends. 11

12 Streamlining Workgroup Report Key Findings There is some confusion amongst library staff about interpretation of copyright and publishers’ licences which can impede sharing of copies. The difference in practices leads to a lack of consistency in delivery times for our customers and a wide variation in local spend on document supply services. The factors influencing this include staffing processes, resources available and supplier delivery timescales. There is nothing currently that benchmarks best practice. There are regional differences that add a level of complexity. For example, in 2013-4 the proportion of articles supplied from the BL varies from 60% London to 15% North West region. 12

13 Streamlining Workgroup Report Key Findings There is also a wide variety of practice in relation to end-user charging for document supply, with local policy sometimes determined by host Trusts. An estimated 60% of LKS make some form of charge for articles supplies but the level of charge is highly variable. There was a strategic business case published in January 2007called NHS Interlending and Document supply services: Strategic business case version 3.6.5. This business case was not adopted and implemented. This was reviewed and concluded that much of what was written then is still true today. There has been little change in the models and patterns of activity in the last nine years. 13

14 Working Group Recommendations We recommend development of national best practice guidelines and standards for document supply. These would need to be discussed with and endorsed by library managers and staff in all regions. We recommend that a decision about charging/not charging for document supply is made at national level with appropriate funding supplied to support this decision. Charging for document supply is a highly contentious issue and the review into future funding should take this into consideration. 14

15 Working Group Recommendations We recommend that further notes are produced that are incorporated into the statistics guidance issued to ensure consistency of reporting. This will be shared with the metrics task and finish group. Completed April 2016. We recommend that further work be undertaken to explore the effectiveness, speed and efficiency of Health ILL list. We recommend that a proposal is submitted to Edina Suncat to scope out timescales, costs and benefits of using Edina Suncat as an option to create a union list of NHS journal holdings in the country. 15

16 Action Plans 2016/17 NHS, BL and CLA create an immediately accessible searchable digital archive of the CFP articles obtained under the licence. (ongoing) Proposal to work with Edina Suncat to create a union list/catalogue of all journal holdings in NHS England. (ongoing) Representation from EofE, E.Mids and London on our group. (complete) 2 way communication established between us and Collaborative procurement T&F group, Resource Discovery system T&F group, Metrics group. (complete) 16

17 Action Plans 2016/17 Named person in each region for copyright established. (ongoing) Regional workshops held to discuss and engage staff re: document supply. (ongoing) Guidance re: CFP articles developed and submitted to regional leads. Conversations with representatives from the devolved nations of Wales and Scotland and any other countries who have streamlined document supply. (ongoing) National document supply policy created which includes guidelines and standards. (ongoing) 17

18 Action Plans 2016/17 Functionality feedback document analysed to see if existing schemes can be amalgamated, enhanced or expanded and recommendations made. (ongoing) Charging policy discussed and agreement reached at national level. (ongoing) Exploration of document supply failure rates and the reasons for this. (ongoing) Report on CLIO project. (ongoing) Review latest statistics to identify trends and see if guidance suggested has improved the quality of replies. (ongoing) Review of charging practices and failure rates of requests undertaken as part of PG Dissertations Analysis of items requested and supplied using Health-ILL email list Trial of Pay on Demand 18

19 To get to the objective will be a challenge and will require perseverance 19

20 Working with FIL 1.As you have expertise in this field, how could we work together collaboratively to streamline our processes? 2.How could we work together to develop best practice and quality standards? 3.What advice could you provide in developing effective and efficient communication between the Workgroup and the wider document supply community? 20

21 Questions/Suggestions? David Law – Tricia Rey - 21

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