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GOVERNMENT REGULATION Chapter 28. Why does government need to regulate (i.e. pass laws to control the free market)? Brainstorm Anti- competitive practices.

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2 Why does government need to regulate (i.e. pass laws to control the free market)? Brainstorm Anti- competitive practices and/ or restrictive trade practices E.g.   prices  Restricting consumer choice; e.g. exclusive retailing   barriers to entry; e.g. predatory pricing, advertising  Market sharing; e.g. getting started (read it)

3 How can governments promote competition? Brainstorm  encourage small firms; e.g. provide start up funds, provide information (Business Link UK),  taxesBusiness Link UK   barriers to entry; e.g.  legal barriers, such as bus services in UK  Introduce anti-competitive legislation (set of laws) 1. Fair Trading Act 1973; monopoly = 25% or >, set up Office fair Trading (OFT) 2. Competition Act 1998 outlaws restriction of trade, e.g. cartels, agreements, set up Competition Commission

4 The Office of Fair TradingThe Office of Fair Trading (OFT)  set up to protect consumers & ensure competition Functions; 1. enforcement of Competition laws 2. enforcement of Consumer Protection laws 3. Investigates & recommends * Task; find an example case of anti-competitive practices in UK or elsewhere

5 The Competition Commission The Competition Commission (CC)  main role is to investigate mergers  If CC finds that a merger  competition too much it can stop the merger or set out conditions for it  centre/latest-news/2012/May/cc-to-investigate- metal-packaging-coatings-merger centre/latest-news/2012/May/cc-to-investigate- metal-packaging-coatings-merger

6 Regulatory bodies  to check prices & practices of privatised monopolies Examples  Ofwat (the office of Water Supplies)  Ofgem (the Office of Gas & electricity)  Orr (the Office of Rail Regulator)  Ofcom (the Office of ‘have a guess’)  Do Q2 P126

7 Government influence on firms’ location (Regional policy) Why would governments do this?  because different areas of countries are not equal & some need help with; 1. Unemployment 2. Congestion (overpopulation, traffic) 3. Income inequality  by using the data on P127 assess which UK areas need assistance and what type?

8 Measures to influence firm location  Assisted areas –areas (UK)with certain problems (1- 3 last slide) & eligible for support (grants for investment) Assisted areas  Regional Development agencies (RDAs); promote economic development, business efficiency, employment & sustainable development  EU structural & cohesion funds; funds for promotion of human resources, helping disadvantaged areas, strengthening cohesion in EU * try Exam Practice

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