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17 June 2016 European Patients’ Academy: Outline & Status Update The project is receiving support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking.

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Presentation on theme: "17 June 2016 European Patients’ Academy: Outline & Status Update The project is receiving support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 17 June 2016 European Patients’ Academy: Outline & Status Update The project is receiving support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement n° 115334, resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies.

2 Outline of the presentation Why EUPATI? What is EUPATI? EUPATI Progress Update


4 Health research & policy is changing at a fast pace Innovation transforms the lives of patients with serious, lifelong conditions: Molecular targets/pathways Genome sequencing, Translational research Personalized medicine Small trial populations Biomarkers, companion diagnostics Need for post-marketing data Health Technology Assessment, QoL, endpoints, comparators BUT long term pressure on health budgets – here to stay Window of opportunity trial design relationship between researchers, regulators, industry, patients 4

5 Patients as partners: partnership model requires a paradigm shift, and more training for patients and advocates Research subject Info provider Advisor Reviewer Co-researcher Driving force Source: PatientPartner FP7 Project (2010) Patient roles in Medicines R&D (academia + industry) Competent AuthoritiesPolicy Makers/Research Policy HTA Agencies/Committees Research Ethics Committees 5

6 There is public distrust and a lack of knowledge about research in the lay public Only 6-12% of cancer patients participate in clinical studies 75% of Phase II-IV studies delayed due to slow patient recruitment Bad image one reason for delayed generation of meaningful clinical data

7 Public Research Ethics Committees Competent authorities Policy makers /Research Policy HTA agencies & committees Research subject Info provider Advisor Reviewer Co-researcher Driving force Clinical Research Patients have a key role in all aspects of health-related research Trial protocol design, informed consent, ethical review, marketing authorization, value assessment, health policy Are there enough patient advocates to engage in R&D?

8 EUPATI is needed because… Patients… seek up-to-date, credible, understandable information about innovation in treatments are largely unaware about clinical trials, translational research, personalized medicine, pharmaco-economics etc and their key role Patient advocates… have an increasingly complex and professional task of advising on protocol design, informed consent, ethical review, marketing authorization, value assessment, health policy are often self-taught and have gaps in the education and training required to participate as an equal partner in medicines R&D Prior to EUPATI the FP7-funded PatientPartner project demonstrated a clear need & willingness of patient advocates to be an active partner in medicines research and development

9 What is EUPATI?

10 A Public Private Partnership within the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking* A 5-year project, launched in February 2012 A patient-led project coordinated by the European Patients’ Forum, with EGAN, EURORDIS and EATG in key roles A strong multi-stakeholder consortium of patients’ organisations, academia, NGOs and industry – 33 organisations The key pan-European initiative to build competencies & expert capacity among patients and the health-interested public * Resources are composed of financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme and in-kind and financial contributions from EFPIA companies

11 The EUPATI objectives are directly contributing to this paradigm shift Key objectives: 1. Develop and disseminate objective, credible, correct and up-to-date public knowledge about medicines R&D 2. Build competencies & expert capacity among patients & public 3. Facilitate patient involvement in R&D to collaborate in academic research, industry research, authorities and ethics committees …and NOT: develop indication- or therapy-specific information!

12 EUPATI Patient Experts Training Course -- for expert patients EUPATI is developing education targeted at different levels 100 patient experts 12.000 patient advocates 100.000 individuals EUPATI Educational Toolbox -- for patient advocates EUPATI Internet Library -- for the health-interested public English French German Spanish Polish Italian Russian English

13 EUPATI Patient Experts Training Course -- for expert patients EUPATI is developing education targeted at different levels 100 patient experts 12.000 patient advocates 100.000 individuals EUPATI Educational Toolbox -- for patient advocates EUPATI Internet Library -- for the health-interested public First course completed Launch 27 Jan 2016  e-learning  Classroom style face to face teaching  Slide shows, factsheets, videos and webinars, glossary  'print ready' content  Encyclopaedia  Short video documentaries  Patient interviews  micro-lectures (as podcasts)  Images, diagrams

14 EUPATI empowers patients with education in key areas of medicines R&D Educate and train patients and patient advocates with objective, credible, correct and up-to-date information about: 1. Discovery of Medicines & Planning of Medicine Development 2. Non-Clinical Testing and Pharmaceutical Development 3. Exploratory and Confirmatory Clinical Development 4. Clinical Trials 5. Regulatory Affairs, Medicinal Product Safety, Pharmacovigilance and Pharmaco-epidemiology 6. HTA principles and practices 14 + Patients‘ roles and responsibilities

15 Reflecting European diversity: 7 languages, 12 countries 7 most frequently spoken languages: English French German Spanish Polish Italian Russian 12 countries: UK, Ireland, Malta, France, Luxemburg, the francophone Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Poland, plus Russian-speaking population in Central and Eastern Europe

16 Truly patient-led: 4 major pan-European patient associations in key roles ◦ EUPATI Project Coordination ◦ >50 umbrella patient organisations. ◦ Linking national and regional patient alliances ◦ >600 rare disease organisations in >45 countries ◦ >100 members in over 30 countries Additional partners in other patient organisations and "members of members" via "EUPATI Network" 16

17 Coordinated by patients (EPF) Leading pan-EU patient umbrella groups involved in all key activities Strong impetus from key academic partners and research organisations Industry expertise in medicines R&D Advisory bodies & codes committed to ensure independence and good governance EMA, Swissmedic, MHRA, BfArM, AIFA Key experts in bioethics, genetics, HTA, economics, evidence based med, patient advocacy Strong consortium & strong governance

18 EUPATI‘s Governance Structure WP2: Network Implementation Lead: EFGCP, Co-lead: Janssen WP3: Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis Lead: Nowgen, Co-lead: GSK, Novo Nordisk WP4: Content Development Lead: DIA Europe, Co-lead: Uni Copenhagen, GSK WP5: IT Infrastructure Lead: Hibernia, Co-lead: Amgen WP6: Deployment & Quality Control Lead: EPF, Co-lead: Amgen WP7: Sustainability Lead: EATG, Co-lead: Bayer Project Secretariat / WP1 EUPATI Director, Coordinator, Assistant, Communication Officer Lead: EPF, Co-Lead: VFA Project Steering Committee (Project coordinator, 1 representative of each Consortium Partner) Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking Project Advisory Board Ethics Panel Regulatory Advisory Panel EMA, BfArM, AIFA, Swissmedic, MHRA 18

19 Unique and unprecedented partnership between patient organisations, other public partners and pharmaceutical industry based on the philosophy of the IMI Unique in IMI that EUPATI is patient- and not industry-led Opportunity to establish an effective, transparent and credible partnership Exceptional learning experience for industry representatives to work with patient organisations in a constructive and reflective manner, which could serve as a role model in other environments as well Making best use of industry expertise in medicines R&D, incl. e.g. the legislative environment and development of ITP as required by law Opportunity to strengthen the voice of the patients in the search for innovation and new medicines Chance to reduce fear, lack of trust and misconception among patients regarding the pharmaceutical industry Uniqueness of the partnership

20 What we bring in and what we produce will be owned by the public EUPATI material will be provided under the "Creative Commons License" Content can be copied, distributed, edited, remixed, and built upon, all within the boundaries of copyright law on non-commercial basis Authorship and licensing needs to stay intact and mentioned on all derivatives Similarly applied by e.g. Wikipedia, Google, and many others See Public license model guarantees ownership and re-use by the public

21 EUPATI Progress Update

22 Preparation Phase M1-18 Confirmation Phase M19-48 Sustain Phase M49-60 WP1 Coordination Project Infrastructure Project Management, Communication, Evaluation, Finances WP2 Network Implem. Establishment of EUPATI Network Public conferences, Regional Workshops, EUPATI Network, EUPATI National Platforms WP3 Needs Assessment & Gap An. Needs analysis, Review of material, focus groups Quantitative survey, Literature review WP4 Content Dev. Syllabus Editorial process, Content Development, translation Refinement, quality control WP5 IT Infrastr. Design, development and support of technical infrastructure for eLearning/IT Platform WP6 Deploy- ment & Quality Assurance First course performed EUPATI IT Platform launch Deployment, dissemination, quality assessm‘t WP7 Sustainability Research on Patient Partnership models Best practice guideline dev., Recommendation of new teaching methods Development of code of conduct for patient involvement Sustainability concept dev. New technologies and future remit strategy Project Plan

23 Three years of EUPATI: Much has been done! … For example events in Frankfurt 2012, Barcelona 2013, Rome 2013, Warsaw 2014…

24 EUPATI assessed patient & public attitudes towards medicines R&D Review of existing information resources; 230 resources reviewed. Review of research literature; 12600 titles and abstracts; 134 studies included Public survey; 6931 responses in GB, Spain, Poland, Italy, France and Germany Qualitative research with patients and the public; n=125 people Qualitative research with stakeholders; n=56 (incl. policy makers, pharmaceutical industry, clinical research professionals) Patient advocate survey; 468 responses across Europe Patient advocate survey focused on course delivery; 41 responses + 3 peer reviewed publications to come First results published in BMJ Open:

25 The EUPATI Network & (Social) Media is growing TOPRA article, Nature Medicine article ~1.200 „EUPATI Network Members“ >6.500 website visits per month ~1.300 Newsletter subscribers >1.300 Twitter followers; >1.600 tweets >900 Facebook friends >550 LinkedIn members

26 Engage in EUPATI National Platforms EUPATI National Platforms... bring all stakeholders together in countries address educational needs in R&D disseminate EUPATI’s training material to patient organisations

27 ENP updates CountryEstablished Austria3 Oct 2015 Belgiumsummer 2016 France16 June 2015 Germany20 Jan 2016 Ireland16 Sept 2014 Italy10 April 2015 Luxembourg17 Dec 2014 Malta30 April 2014 Polandsummer 2016 Spain4 Nov 2014 Switzerland3 Feb 2016 United Kingdom6 March 2014 CountryEstablished Denmark30 March 2016 Slovakia20 Feb 2016 Serbia06 April 2016 NetherlandsPat & Aca reps PortugalNLT established GreeceNLT established RomaniaNLT established 12 EUPATI countries* 7 new EUPATI countries** *There is progress in Belgium and we hope to soon identify a patient chair. **There is interest in Norway, Hungary and Macedonia.

28 Patient Expert Training Course + Online self-learning 150-175 hours of e-learning and 8 days for two Face-to-Face meetings over a period of 14 months + 2 Face-to-face events Patient involvement forum

29 EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course: Rollout of course modules

30 1 st EUPATI’s Patient Experts Training Course kicked off on 6 Oct 2014 >200 Applications for 2 courses with ~50 trainees each Patient advocates from 30 countries and 28 disease areas enrolled 1 st course graduated in Dec 2015 Internet Library Toolbox Courses

31 EUPATI Course #1 completed, course #2 just running 42 graduates successfully completed the 1 st course 56 trainees from 32 countries currently in training Well-educated, energized, experienced advocates constitute a pan-EU, pan-disease network Involvement of EUPATI Fellows and trainees evidenced in R&D projects, regulatory (e.g. EMA), ethics

32 Course #2 Trainees by Disease Area

33 True impact: EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course is generating patient leaders and advisers to pharmaceutical research, regulatory and HTA authorities Source: EUPATI Survey of EUPATI Fellows of Course #1, June 2016 (ongoing, n=25) 52  72% 44  72% 8  52% 12  40% 4  8%

34 What our EUPATI trainees say about the EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course… 34 Šarūnas Narbutas from Lithuania (Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition, POLA): “10 days of superbly engaging discussions with 50 capable patient advocates is the capacity building experience equal to none”. Begonya Nafría from Spain (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona): “It´s essential that patients and their families are involved in research on rare diseases. They have an immense expertise, and their needs must be taken into account”.

35 What our EUPATI trainees say about the EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course… 35 Birgit Bauer from Germany (MS patient and Blogger about Multiple Sclerosis): “(…) I use my gained knowledge for articles, blogposts and for talks. I now have better arguments in discussion panels and understand the different perspectives of different stakeholders.” Maria Piggin from England (PNH Support): “I have been provided with tools which give me confidence to assert the patients' voice. Each process examined highlights how a patient advocate can add value.”

36 What our EUPATI trainees say about the EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course… 36 Margaret Graham McDonald from Scotland (Healthcare Improvement Scotland): “The EUPATI course has harnessed the skills I needed to play an effective and active part in Research & Development with confidence.” Stefano Mazzariol from Italy (Parent Project Onlus): “I would like to work with stakeholders to bring patients closer to research. I wish that all patients could benefit from the knowledge that I am acquiring in this course.”

37 Multi-stakeholder development and review of the EUPATI materials Content Production by experts Expert Review Editorial Group Review User Testing Project Advisor Review Ethics Committee Review Regulatory Expert Review Health Literacy Expert Review Release Internal production and review process External testing and review process user-tested with target audience reviewed by independent Project Advisory Board members and Ethics Committee members Relevant topics reviewed by independent regulatory experts and HTA experts edited for appropriate language by health literacy experts Created by experts from different stakeholders EUPATI Editorial Group (comprising Patient Organisations, Academia, Industry, NGOs) collectively reviewed each topic to ensure content is consistent, avoids unnecessary duplication and is fit for intended audience/purpose.

38 The EUPATI Advocate Toolbox in 7 languages (launch 27 January 2016) 38 Fact sheets, detailed papers, PPTs, videos, illustrations, glossary. Accessible via web and on mobile devices as well as for offline use. All content available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Russian.

39 EUPATI Toolbox on medicines R&D has launched very successfully 25.000 unique users in 35.000 sessions in just 4 months (by May 2016) Visitors from 149 countries Most popular topics:

40 The Patients’ Academy: Patient Advocate Toolbox – Formats Infographics Articles PowerPoints Fact sheets

41 EUPATI has collected, analysed and published successful PPPs Collected and analysed examples of successful public-private partnerships (PPP) between patient organisations, academia and industry. 348 collaborations studied – assessed on robust criteria 53 were selected as successful models, a further 23 considered as relevant references. Catalogue of PPPs and report were publicly released in January 2014, see 41

42 EUPATI held a Patient organisations & industry workshop in July 2014 The workshop is turning aspirations into reality focusing on: Benefits and impact of involving patients and advocates in the R&D process Common concerns, hurdles and solutions Codes of Practice These will help develop guidance, framework, key indicators. 20 case studies published in public domain!

43 EUPATI-trained advocates are the “baseline resource” for many R&D-related patient involvement initiatives Novel research projects / TPP Pre- clinic Phase I-III Reg. Approval Patient perspective in B/R assessment (IMI2 – start Q1 2016) PATIENT FOCUSED MEDICINES DEVELOPMENT (PFMD ) ADAPT SMART (MAPPS) (IMI2- start 1.7.2015) multistakeholder coordination platform Value chain Subject Page 43 HTA Post MA activities (Real World Data, PV, …) EUPATI  Well-trained / “empowered” patients Big Data for Better Outcomes (IMI2 – start Q2 2016 )

44 EUPATI assets by end of 2016: Now is the time to harvest the fruits By end of 2016, this unique EUPATI public private partnership has pioneered a paradigm shift towards patient involvement in medicines R&D: Established a true, trustful, unpolitical partnership between patient organisations, science and industry Developed Patient Expert Training Course, trained ~100 Patient Experts Deployed “EUPATI Toolbox” and “EUPATI Internet Library” in 7 languages to more than 30.000 individuals Released EUPATI material under “Creative Commons” Established >12 EUPATI National Platforms (launched in AT, FR, DE, IE, IT, MT, ES, CH, UK, additionally emerging in DK, SL, SR, NL, PT, GR, under construction in BE, LUX, PO) Developed guidance and identified best practice Established EUPATI as quality brand for patient education

45 Why do we need to continue with EUPATI beyond 2016? True impact on medicines R&D and patient empowerment will happen when EUPATI’s “core” continues to educate patients (advocates) beyond 2016. We need to train more “Expert Patients” in all disease areas and from all countries and to make maximum use of the EUPATI material 100 trained patient experts from 30 countries are not enough to participate / collaborate in R&D (in academia, industry), competent authorities, ethics committees across countries and diseases. EUPATI needs to continue to increase awareness of R&D amongst patient community / broader public, academia, industry and authorities EUPATI is the only dedicated training course on the process of medicines development. Patient experts are the core resource for any project on “patient involvement / centricity in R&D”

46 EUPATI beyond 2016: Sustainability beyond current IMI1 funding being discussed What EUPATI should continue to do after current funding ends: EUPATI “Central project” Provision of the EUPATI course: –Run the English-language Patient Expert Training Course –Provide the EUPATI Toolbox (IT platform) –Provide the EUPATI Internet Library (IT platform) –Support matchmaking of EUPATI trainees with interested parties (researchers, authorities) Keeping EUPATI’s material up to date, e.g. when regulation changes –Update the course material, the Toolbox, the Internet Library (in all 7 languages) –Continue to implement feedback of users e.g. corrections, terminology Extend content beyond the current syllabus (e.g. patient involvement in research) Overall coordination and support of EUPATI’s National Platforms Coordinate the 12 National Platforms (& potentially additional countries) Support the conduct of local courses / other language courses Make sure EUPATI material derivatives do not deviate from EUPATI content Coordination Training National Plat- forms Content Manage- ment IT Platform

47 Now is the time to “harvest the fruits” and to create a sustainable EUPATI beyond 2016!

48 Jan Geissler can really make a unique difference to patient empowerment and to medicines R&D. You can help us to make it a success.

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