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TAP Math: Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Department of Education funded through.

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Presentation on theme: "TAP Math: Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Department of Education funded through."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAP Math: Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Department of Education funded through NC Department of Public Instruction

2 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 2 Focus of All MSP Projects Increase student achievement Vehicle to increase achievement is via improving content and pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics and science teachers (along with administrators) through professional development

3 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 3 TAP Math Goals Increase mathematics content knowledge of teams of lead teachers and administrators (Mathematics focus: Common Core State Standards) Build capacity for supporting implementation of quality mathematics programs Raise school-level student achievement in mathematics

4 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 4 TAP Math Goals Improve school-wide mathematics instruction Initiate activities to increase student interest and enthusiasm for mathematics Develop sustainable partnerships between and among TAP Math’s higher education faculty, consultants, participating districts, and individual schools

5 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 5 Activities of School Leadership Teams Professional development on formative assessment and Lenses on Learning: Focusing on Mathematical Thinking delivered by pairs of consultants Mathematics content sessions delivered by university faculty Assignments of readings and reflections for most sessions

6 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 6 Activities of School Leadership Teams On-line professional development for mathematics (CCSS) and support for school initiatives (i.e., PLC’s) Participation in NCCTM Leadership Seminar and Fall Conference in October 2011 (grant provides support of up to $500/teacher for each lead teacher) March 2012 symposium at Meredith College with a national speaker

7 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 7 Activities of School Leadership Teams Documentation of current mathematics initiatives within the school and activities that support faculties in using formative assessment Implement one or more new strategies for improving student attitudes and achievement in math Continue activities through the second year and report via the TAP Math website

8 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 8 Activities of School Leadership Teams First in Math on-line program  Focuses on developing computational fluency and flexibility along with problem solving expertise  Every classroom in Grades 1 through 8  Preview the website this spring and summer  Training for lead teachers in summer so that classes may participate for a full year

9 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 9 Common Core State Standards Standards of Mathematical Practice Change from 5 Strands to comprehensive integration of mathematical ideas making their connections explicit (domains) More opportunities for students to make sense of, understand, and apply the relationships between and among mathematical concepts

10 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 10 Alignment: School Executive and Teacher Standards

11 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 11 S tandards of M athematical P ractice Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

12 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 12 Summary of PD Administrators=5.5 days + on-line reflections and special events Lead teachers=same + 5 content days and NCCTM Fall Conference Building activities and on-line reports Year 2 on-line follow- up

13 Teachers and Administrators Partnering for Mathematics Learning 13 Questions Please contact Carol Midgett or Jeane Joyner at

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